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54 Cards in this Set

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Money is a physical representation of ....


I should not chase money....

But I should chase value.

How much money I make depends on ....

How good I am on managing my attention and energy.

The one who finds wisdom loves....

His soul.

Money is me because....

It is a representation of energy that is in me and value.

They are bringing Malls into township .....

Because they understand that money is people.

The focus should be on ....

Energy not working hard.

Your life changes when your ...

Energy changes.

The hard work should be you ...

Working on yourself.

You don't have to work hard for money ...

Because money is an energy game.

Money is an abstract concept ( idea) that represents ....


Having an organized knowledge about how money is ENERGY...

That is understanding.

You have to focus on making money...

Not earning money.

You have to focus on making money...

Not earning money.

By focusing on earning money you are subjecting yourself...

To a curse and you will not thrive.

Think of making money in terms of a .....


What makes people poor it is not

Lack of money but people's inability to pay attention.

Having an organized knowledge about how money is ENERGY that is understanding......

But application of that knowledge in the right way is wisdom.

Chase ideas ( solutions) ( value) ..

Then money will chase you.

My income is not determined by hourly pay rate that Gold circle pays me....

But it is determined by my value and creativity that I bring to the table.

I should not complain about Gold circle paying me less than I deserve to be paid.....

- That is a victim mentality.

- That is a poverty mentality.

- That is a scarcity mentality.

Understanding what is true work is.....

What will set me apart.

Where do you give your attention...

1. Is it fun.

2. Is it meaningful.

3. Does it give you energy.

Working on your money mindset ....

That is real work.

Wealth is Energy and you ....

Have to possess it first before you can have material things.

You have to catch yourself about ....

How you think and feel about money.

Ability to pay attention to how

You feel and think about money.

When you use it , you have to assign to it ...

The energy of abundance.

Your thinking and feelings determines ....

Your frequency and vibration.

You have to act and think as if you have .....

Abundance of money in your bank balance.

To receive money differently.....

You have to see money differently.

Something that is meaningful to you it energises you .....

Even sex if it is meaningful it can energize you.

Gratitude raises your ....


I had a good conversation with that lady talking about the art of ....

Making money.

Complaining reduces your ....

Vibration and energy.

You should not depend on your salary ....

Because it is not my source of income but creativity is.

Money is.....


Money is ENERGY and it comes in ....


Money is frequency looking for an ....

Matching magnetic attraction.

Everything on the outside is a ....

Reflection of the inside.

I have to invest energy on myself....

Because money is me.

When you seperate yourself from money....

Then you will have to look for it and toil for it.

Attention is valuable.....

- Intangible ASSET.

My personal assets:

- Abundance mindset

- Growth mindset

- Attention

- Clearity of mind

If you don't understand what really is the money.....

- You will toil very hard trying to get it.

What will heal my relationship with money ....

Is to pay attention to the feelings and how I feel about money.

My personal intangible assets:

1. Attention

2. Abundance mindset

3. Growth mindset

4. Creativity

5. ................

If you are desperate and stressed you .....

Repel money because it is energy.

When you are desperate and stressed......

You repel money because money is a high vibrational tool.

True work is you working hard on your gift .....

Then present your gift to the world and get paid for performing your gift.

Don't frequently check your bank balance that a scarcity mentality....

Just keep setting up your bank account.

Making money is ...

A game and art.

I must not download music from YouTube .....

- That empowers a scarcity reality and poverty mentality.

The real real real real work ....

Is me working on myself.

My job is just an extension of me working on myself.