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21 Cards in this Set

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Adaptive immunity purpose is the

Destruction of infectious microorganisms that are RESISTANT TO INFLAMMATION

What are the secondary lymphoid organ

Spleen and lymph nodes

Th cell does what

Regulate the immune response by helping with clonal selection (making memory T and B cells)

Cytotoxic T cell

Identify and kill target antigen

T regulatory cell

Suppress inappropriate immune responses

Humoral immunity

Antibodies that circulate in the plasma ready to attach and identify to antigens

Immunoglobulin are called


What is the most abundant immunoglobulin ? How was it given?

IgG (80-85%)

-transported via placenta

igA is predominately found in

The blood

IgM is considered the _________ class & is produced ________

When is it synthesized?


-during the primary response to the antigen

-synthesized early in neonate life

IgD has a ______ concentration in the blood. & functions as a _________ ___________

Low ; functions as a B cell antigen receptor

IgE is the _______concentrated of all the immunglobins. It is used to see if you have ________ or ________

Least concentrated of all the immunglobins

-allergies and parasites

The direct antibody functions are




What are the indirect functions of antibodies?



-complement system

Primary lymphoid organs are

Thymus and bone marrow

APC causes differentiation of B cells into

Active antibody producing cells ( plasma )

APC causes differentiation of T cells into

Different types of effector cells: T memory, cytotoxic T cells, and regulatory cells

T Helper cells do what

Facilitate interaction between the APC and immunocopotent lymphocytes

B cells that are plasma cells are highly productive in

Antibody production

Fetus have sufficient _____ but deficient ______ and _______

Sufficient: IgM

Insufficient: IgG and IgA

Older people have a decrease ______ and _______ hormone response

T cell; thymic hormone