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51 Cards in this Set

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What is the innate immune system

The natural immunity your body has that was given to you at birth

What are the defense mechanisms of innate immunity

Skin (sloughs off cells),

lining of GI respiratory tract and urinary tract

epithelial cells that secrete anti microbial peptides (sweat, mucus,salvia)

Normal microbiome

** should know all 4**

How does inflammation begin?

Cellular injury or pathogenic invasion (infection)

Inflammation activates what three different types of pathways?

-mast cell degranulation

-Activation of plasma systems

-release of cellular products

What are the hallmark clinical manifestations of inflammation?

-vasodilation (warmth)

-vascular permeability (edema)

-cellular infiltration (pus)

-thrombosis (clots)

-stimulation of nerve endings (pain)

Second line of defense is the _____________ ____________ and its rxn is _____________.

Inflammatory response; nonspecific rxn

What are the goals of inflammation?

-limit and control inflammatory process

-prevent and limit infection and further damage

-initiate the adaptive response

-initiate healing

What are the 3 protein plasma systems?

Complement system, clotting system, Kinin system

The clotting system activates factor _____ to activate factor ____ to cause thrombin to encourage what?

Factor 12a; Factor 10; fibrinogen into fibrin

The clotting system activates factor _____ to activate factor ____ to cause thrombin to encourage what?

Factor 12a; Factor 10; fibrinogen into fibrin

Fibrinogen cause what to happen?

Fibrin production—-> clotting

Leukocyte migration

Increased permeability (for leukocyte migration)

The classical pathway is

Antibody antigen

Alternative pathway

Bacterial endotoxins

Lectins pathway

Manniose binding lectin (MBL)

What are the final results of complement system?

-increase phagocytosis

-release of mast cells

-increase permeability

-leukocyte migration

-membrane attack complex

C3b uses __________ to ________

Opsonin to coat cell and increase phagocytosis

C3a uses _____________ to _________

Anaphylaxtoxins to induce rapid degranulation of masts cells

C5a uses __________ to _________

Anaphylaxtoxin to increase leukocytes migration

C5 b causes

Damage to bacterium — membrane attack

The complement system is best at attacking

Bacterial infections

Kinin system is where you experience


Prekallikrein leads to ________ which leads to _______ which leads to _________

Prekallikrein——kallikrein ——kininogen ——bradykinin

Bradykinin can cause

Histamine like effects of vascular permeability and nerve stimulating pain

The Kinin system is activated when ___________ through the _________pathway

Hageman factor ——> Factor 12a; intrinsic pathway


Synthesize by cells (marcophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells) in response to pro inflammatory cytokines

Induce chemotaxis to promote phagocytosis

Interleukins ( IL)

Produced by macrophages and lymphocytes in response to stimuli

IL-1 is ….

Pro inflammatory

IL- 10 is

Anti inflammatory

Cytokines activate and cause what inflammatory processes?


-vascular permeability


-systemic effects

-limit inflammation

-immune response

-repair and heal


What are the three types of granulocytes

Basophils, neutrophil, eosinophil

Mast cells are

Cellular bags of granules in loose connective tissue close to blood vessels

-Contains histamine, cytokines, and chemotaxic factors


Found in Blood and probably function like mast cells??? Lolol


Vasoactive amine—-rapid construction of large blood vessels and dilation of venues

The degranulation of mast cells causes

Chemotactic factors—> increase neutrophil and eosphil

Histamine release —-> vascular effects

H1 receptor? And where are they present ?

Pro inflammatory

Smooth muscle cells of bronchu

H2 receptor? Where are they present?

Anti inflammatory

Present in parietal cells of stomach

Synthesis of mast cells cause

Platelet activating factors, vascular permeability, pain

Prostaglandins induce

Vascular effects and pain response

Leukotrines are the product of __________ ________ and also act like ________ to create _________

Arachnoidnic acid; histamines —> vascular effects

Natural Killer cells do what to infected cells? NK inhibit and activate receptors to allow ________ between normal and abnormal

Recognize and eliminate infected cells


NK produce what

Cytokines and toxic molecules

What are the principle cells of adaptive immunity

NK cells and lymphocytes

What is fever caused by

Exogenous and endogenous PYROGENS that act directly on hypothalamus

Serous exudate is ? And indicates?

Watery exudate; indicates EARLY inflammation

Fibrinous exudate is? Indicates what?

Fibrinous is thick clotted exudate; indicates ADVANCE inflammation

Purulent exudate is? Indicates what?

Pus; indicates bacterial infection

Hemorrhagic exudate is? Indicates what?

Contains blood; indicates bleeding

Chronic inflammation is inflammation longer than

2 weeks

What are the causes for chronic inflammation?

-unsuccessful acute inflammatory response (has pus and incomplete wound healing)

-high lipid and wax content

-pathogen able to survive macrophages

-physical irritants cause lack of healing

Chronic inflammation causes…

-persistent acute inflammation

-decrease neutrophil degranulation and death

-lymphocyte activation

-fibroblast (scar tissue)

What are the characteristics of chronic inflammation?

-dense infiltration of lymphocytes and monocytes

-granuloma formation

-epithilod cell formation

-giant cell formation