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33 Cards in this Set

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Cerebrospinal fluid flows within the _____ space

Subarachnoid space

State the correct sequence of structures in a reflex arc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sensory receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector organ

The cell bodies of motor neurons to skeletal muscles are located in the _____ gray horns


The outermost connective tissue covering of nerves is the ______


If the dorsal root of a spinal nerve is severed, ________ input would be blocked (sensory/motor)


The outward projections from the central gray matter of the spinal cord toward the outer surface of the cord are called ______.


Bill contracts a viral disease that destroys cells in the posterior gray horns in his spinal cord. As a result he would probably suffer from a loss of _________. (Sensation/movement)


Spinal cord consist of five regions and _______ nerve roots


The dorsal root ganglia mainly contains cell bodies of _____ neurons


Action potentials and dorsal nerve Roots propagate ________ the cord


What is the correct order of meninges from superficial to Deep

Dura mater, arachnoid Mater, Pia Mater

Anterior horns of the spinal cord mainly contain _______ nuclei

Somatic motor

An action potentials of ventral nerve Roots propagate ______ the cord

Away from

The gray horns of the spinal cord contain mainly neuronal cell ______


The specialized membranes that surround the spinal cord are termed the ______


The Reflex that causes relaxation and prevents a muscle from exerting too much tension is the _________ reflex

Golgi tendon

The posterior horns of the spinal cord contain mainly ______ nuclei


The layer of connective tissue that surrounds individual axons within a peripheral nerve is termed the ____________


Define somatic

Transmits information from the skin and skeletal muscles to the CNS

Define Visceral neurons

Transmits information from internal organs to the central NS

This horn is only in the thoracic and Lumbar segments of the spine

The lateral horn which contains visceral/automatic motor nuclei

List the connective tissue layers of a spinal nerve from superficial to Deep

Epineurium, perineurium (divides compartments into fasicles), endoneurium (connect the tissue)

Spinal nerve forms just _____ to the intervertebral foramen where the dorsal and ventral Roots Unite


Interneurons in the CNS are organized into

Neuronal pools which are functional groups of interconnected neurons

Simple circuits and the penis and spinal cord control


What is Divergence and how is it related to neural circuits

Divergences when one year on spreads information. An example is sensory information coming to CNS

What is Convergence and how does it relate to neural circuits

Convergence is when several neurons synapse on a single postsynaptic neuron. Ex: breathing movements of diaphragm and ribs can be controlled subconsciously or consciously

This is the best known monosynaptic reflex and an example of this type of reflex is the patellar reflex

Stretch reflex

What are postural reflexes and what are the three things they do (3 including description of it)

They are many stretch reflexes that help maintain upright posture.

-They coordinate activities of opposing muscles to keep body's weight off of feet.

- postural muscles generally have per muscle tone and extremely sensitive stretch receptors which allow for fine subconscious adjustments

What kind of receptor are Golgi tendon organs and where are they found

They're proprioceptors and they're found in the muscle tendon. In the reflex arc interneurons are inhibitory and the product of the reflex is muscle relaxation

What are ipsilateral reflexes vs. Contralateral reflexes and give examples

Ipsilateral reflexes happen on the same side such a stretch reflex and withdrawal reflex, contralateral reflexes happen on opposing sides such as the crossed extensor reflex

What is the defining feature of withdrawal reflexes and what are some examples

May contain many pools of interneurons and our intense and cause a localization of stimulus effect. An example is the flexor reflex and the crossed extensor reflex

What is reciprocal inhibition

When interneurons activate two different neurons for reflux such as::: activated motor neurons in anterior horns to the contract flexor muscles and activated inhibitory interneurons that keep extensions relaxed