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23 Cards in this Set

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When and what was the commonwealth immigrants act?

1968 - 'Rivers of blood' speech, restricting 200'000 Kenyans from arriving - further tightening of regulations

What breakthroughs happened on 2004 and 2008?

EU assencion - free movement directive allowing EU citizens to migrate and work in any EU country, Poland migrants, 2008 points based system

Why do we need migrants?

Seasonal agricultural workers, if not we would have to import, increasing food miles

How many less people are migrating into the UK since Brexit?


What is the largest source of mirgrants into the UK and how many?

India, 690'000

How has migration affected UK demography?

Total population change in 2014 was double the natural increase of +125'000

How much do we import from the EU?

$75 billion more than the rest of the world

What % of Laos population is under 15?


What is Laos plan of action against human trafficking?

Laos PDR government - protection, prevention, prosecution, training of borer officials

What environmental project are Laos and Thailand paet of?

Don Sahong hydropower project and Mekong River commission to prevent flooding

What is commit?

Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative Against Trafficking

What is Laos GDP?


Why do people migrate from Laos to Thailand?

No independence doing subsistence farming, land grabbing, drought, low levels of education meaning workers are unskilled

How many immigrats are there in Laos and what does this show?

200'000, mainly Vietnamese whereas 1.29 million Laos born emigrants abroad

How many Laos emigrants are in Thailand?

900'000 out of 1.29 million

What % of jobs were filled by non-UK born workers 1997-2011?


How much less likely are migrants to recieve state benefits?

45% less likely

How much have European immigrants contributed to the UK economy since 2000?

more than £20 billion

How has conflict increased between different ethniticites?

Sharp rise in hate crime towards Asian commuimties after Westminster attacks: 234 just in 2 days

Why are government policies ineffective in laos and they have limited control over the migration system?

Young migrants often don't have the right passports and get fined on return. They rely on help from NGOs

What % of families are below the poverty line in laos?

22% - remittance helps

How has migration provided economic cooperation with Vietnam?

400 investment projects

When was the ten pound pom scheme?