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52 Cards in this Set

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Which route does blood flow thru the heart

Rt Atrium to Rt Ventricle via the tricuspid valve

Which valve prevents backflow of blood back into the Rt ventricle


Which stage is when the heart muscle contracts and blood is ejected from the atria to the ventricles then from the ventricles to the arteries?


What is located in the Rt atrium and generates the electrical impulses that trigger the repeated beating of the heart? (AKA: the pacemaker of the heart)

Sinoatrial Node

In the fetus, Oxygen is supplied by the placenta via what structure?

Umbilical vein

"fainting" spells


Mobitz type I and Mobitz type II represent which type of ECG rhythm strip?

Second Degree AV Block

Jugular distention and peripheral edema are signs of what?

Right sided congestive heart failure

Which diagnostic tool can be used to visulize the flow of blood thru the heart?


Furosemide is what type of drug?


One of the most common acquired cardiovascular disease in dogs affecting older male large and giant breed dogs 4-10 yrs old

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Digoxin is a cardiac drug that ...

Increases cardiac contractility &

Can be toxic

One of the most frequent diagnosed disease reported in cats before 1980 is?


What can occur when an aggregation of platelets & fibrin with entrapped cells migrates & lodges at a distant site in the circulatory system?

Aortic Thromboemolism

This congenital heart disease causes blood to shunt from the systemic circulation to the pulmonary artery


Which disease consists of a thickening of the endocardial tissue just below the aortic valve leading to obstruction to outflow? Occurs mostly in large breed dogs.


Cerebral vasoconstriction can occur with what?

Over ventilation

Basic cardiac life support should be administered in how many intervals?

2 Minute

Which route should not be used for drug administration during CPR?


Lidocaine may be given for which arrhythmia during CPR?

Ventricular Fibrillation

During CPR what should be given to patients who have recieved opioids?


Hypovolemic animals should receive which kind of fluid during CPR?

Isotonic Crystalloids

What is the common electrolyte imbalance after cardiopulmonary arrest?


Which is a recommended method of monitoring during CPR?

End tidal CO2

Ulcerative stomatitis is frequently seen in cats diagnosed with which viral infection?

Feline Calicivirus

Define Blastomycosis

systemic fungal infection caused by dimorphic fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis. Found in sandy, acidic soil near bodies of fresh water. The content of the soil may include: decaying wood byeproducts and/or animal waste in moist conditions which promotes growth.

Signs of Blastomycosis

Anorexia; weight loss; lethargy; fever (>103 F); exercise intolerance; cough; tachypnea; enlargment of lymph nodes; possible ocular lesions;

Highly contagious disease in horses caused by the bacterium Streptoccus equi


One of the most important bacterial diseases in sheep and goats?


What can be used to treat Feline Herpesvirus in cats?




What is the most rostral of the laryngeal cartilages? When the animal swallows, it is pulled back to cover the opening of the larynx.


The Right lung of most domesticated animals has how many lobes?


What is the substance that lines each alveolus and prevents it from collapsing when air moves in and out?


Blood enters the lungs via the ?

Pulmonary Artery

Which drugs should not be given by the intra-tracheal route?

bretylium, diazepam, calcium salts, isoproterenol, norepinephrine, and sodium bicarbonate

Lidocaine should be used with caution in cats because it may cause ...

Vomiting or neurological signs

Administration of IV fluids to a patient who is well-hydrated may cause ...

pulmonary edema

Is Brachycephalic conformation recommended for open-chest CPR?


ECG arrhythmia characterized by a normal or arrhythmia present on the monitor but with no associated mechanical activity of the heart?

Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)

Most common cardiovascular disease in dogs (CKCS and Douchshund have a genetic predisposistion). This shows signs of left sided heart failure

Mitral Valve Disease

Common arrhythmia in horses

Atrial arrhythmia

Nutritional myodegeneration in calves, lambs, and kids is caused by what deficiency?

Selenium of Vitamin E

Most common place to gain vein access in dogs and cats?

Cephalic vein

Which vein carries blood proximally to the iliac vein which travels to the vena cava?

Femoral vein

The Milk Vein in lactating dairy cattle

Superficial caudal epigastric vein

What carries blood to the heart?


What carries blood from the heart?


Enalapril is what class of drug?

ACE inhibitors

Lasix is what type of drug?

Loop Diuretics

The common parasite that causes of anemia in cats

Mycoplasma haemofelis

The most common parasite that causes anemia in dogs

The Brown Dog tick

Most common inherited bleeding disorder in Doberman Pinschers, Shepards, and Labs

Von Willebrand Disease