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96 Cards in this Set

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Computer model

a set of mathematical relationships and logical assumptions implemented in a computer

what are spreadsheet models the most convenient and useful for

business people to make decision alternatives before having to choose a specific plan for implementation

what do we consider to make good decisions

multiple criteria of varying importance and chose the best course of action

what do business analytics use to solve business problems

data, computers, stats, and mathematics

what is business analytics also referred to as

operations research, management science, decision science

business analytics

the scientific discipline devoted to the analysis and solution of complex management decisions

decision technology

collected of computer based methods and tools for building manipulating and solving models

business analytics tools

1. excel

2. treeplan

3. solver

4. analytic solver platform

mental model

visualize the outcome

visual model

blueprints, maps

physical or scale models

prototypes of final design

mathematical model

mathematical relationships are used to describe a decision problem

-often spreadsheets are the tool for building mathematical models

benefits of modeling

1. simplification

2. represents relevent characteristics

3. less expensive

4. deliver need info on a timelier basis

5. examine things that would be impossible to do in reality

6. insight and understanding

spreadsheet functions are used because

1. faster

2. more accurate

3. scalable

4. flexible

quantitative modeling

much of the art of management is taking the vast quantities of data and other inputs and making sense of it, and using it to improve the business

deterministic mathematical model

known and well defined: stats, linear and integer programming

probabilistic mathematical models

predictive: forcasting

descriptive: inputs are unknown

problem solving process

1. define the problem

2. model the problem

3. solve the model

4. communicate the results

benefits of using a model

1. cost

2. speed

3. flexibility


converting model results into business insights and using those insights to improve the business

technical success

the model works

organizational success

the model is accepted and used

end user development

building models yourself

user interface

particularly important when others are using the model


written records of the model

user documentation

how to run/use the model

model documentation

purpose, assumptions, output format

programming documentation

coding, cell definitions, comments

hierarchy of modelling skills

1. numeracy and logic skills

2. basic modelling skills

3. advanced modelling skills

4. management science/business analytics tools and applications

two errors in human judgement that can impact decisions

1. anchoring

2. framing


depends on your starting point

framing effects

the decision is based on how the question is asked, the decision makers perception of risk and/or how it would impact the decision maker personally

absolute references

used in excel formulas to facilitate copying

if there is a $ it is absolute and will not change when copying or else it is relative


(condition, result if true, result if false)


purpose: to look up data automatically

benefits:time savings, accuracy

function to use for highest score


function to use to find second highest score


to find lowest score


to find second lowest



useful to count the number of items that fall in a certain category

pivot table

the ability to rearrange data along different dimensions very quickly

best practices for spreadsheet modelling

1. a clear, logical layout to the model

2. seperation of different parts of the model

3. clear headings

4. use of range names

5. liberal use of bolduse, italics or larger font size

6. use of cell comments

7. use of text boxes

mathematical programming

A technique for allocating limited resources most effectively when there are competing demands for these resources. referred to as optimization

simplest form of mathematical programming

linear programming

linear programming

a deterministic technique because all of the input data and parameters are known with certainty

some applications of mathematical optimization

1. product mix and manufacturing

2. routing and logistics

3. financial planning

characteristics of optimization

1. one or more decisions must be made

2. there is come goal or objective that the decision maker is trying to achieve, most commonly

3. there are restrictions or constraints that are placed on the alternatives available to the decision maker

basic assumptions of an LP model

1. certainty: all parameters are known and are constant

2. proportionality: the objective function and constraints are linear (proportional)

3. additivity: the total of all activities is the sum of the individual activities

4. divisibility: solutions need not be whole numbers

steps in formulating LP models

1. understand the problem

2. identify decision variables

3. state the objective function

4. state the constraints

common types of constraints

1. availability of resources

2. availability of markets

3. composition

4. proportional relationships

feasible soltion

a solution that satisfies all the constraints

infeasible solution

a solution that does not satisfy one or more of the constraints

optimal solution

the feasible solution that results in the maximum/minimum objective is called the

alternate optimal solutions

- sometimes there may be more than one "best solution" thus we have alternate optimal solutions

-solver doesn't indicate whether there are alternate optimal solutions

-this is a rare case

redundant constraints

- sometimes a constraint may not impact the feasible region because the existence of all the other constraints mean that is it always satisfied. therefore the constraint is not strictly necessary


(no limit) solver has recognized that the solution is an infinite value

- likely forgot to indicate a constraint


solver has determined that there is no set of values for the changing cells that satisfies the constraints; you need to examine the constraints to identify the conflict - often a sign reversal


you have selected the simplex lp option but solver determines that your model is not linear

- check constraints or the target cell for formulas that are non linear


Computer implementation of some spophisticated mathematical algorithms that search cleverly for viable cell values that yield good target cell values

binding constraints

where all of a resource that is available is used (total=available)

have zero slack in the optimal solution

shadow price

indicates the amount by which the objective function value changes given a unit increase in the RHS call of the constant

- it is the value of one additional unit of a scarce resource.

a binding constraint with a non zero shadow price shows what

indicates a scarce resource

change in target cell =

change in resource X shadow price

reduced cost

is the amount that profit would have to change by to make it worthwhile to make product at the optimal solution

is forecasting always right?

no basically always wrong

which type of forecasts are the most accurate

short range over long range

time series

a set of observations on a quantitive variable collected over time

quantitative methods of forecasting

1. time series forecasting

- relies on past data to predict the future

2. causal methods

- regression, leading indicators, econometric models

- includes use of external factors

qualitative forecasting

when no historical data is available or in an environment of extreme change

qualitative approaches to forecasting

1. delphi and nominal group techniques

2. expert judgement

3. intuitive approaches

4. product life cycle curve

selection criteria for which forecasting method to use

1. forecast horizon

2. required accuracy

3. data availability

4. resources available to make forecasts

accuracy of forecasts

1. forecasting involves error

2. forecasts should include a measure of error

3. family forecasts are more accurate than individual item forecasts

4. short range forecast are more accurate than long range

Characteristics of a good forecast

1. quality - 2 measure

a) accuracy: size of forecast errors

b) bias: were predictions consistently high or low?

2. cost

3. responsiveness: should reflect changes in market conditions quickly

4. timeliness: should be available at the time decisions have to be made

5. simplicity: should be easy to understand

stationary time series

there are no significant upward or downward trend in data over time

how would you forecast if you had little or no historical data

1. intuition

2. look at similar products

3. if enough time do a market survey

underlying assumption for using time series analysis

what happened in the past is a good indication of the future

what are smoothing methods for data that is relatively stable

1. simple moving average

2. weighted moving average

3. exponential smoothing


the forecast of an unknown value for some period t in the future


the actual observed known value for some period t in the past


the error between the actual and the forecast value

formula for et

et= Yt- Ft

simple moving average

the average in the last "n" previous observations in the series. when you get new data you update the forecast with the last "n" time periods

weighted moving average

assigning different weights to the data

- sum of the weights must equal 1 with generally higher weights for more recent data

when does WMA work better then SMA

when there is a demand trend however it still lags behind in the trend significantly

simple exponential smoothing

average technique for stationary data that allows weights to be assigned to past data. carries along all historic demand data but weights recent demand more heavily

what does a do?

it is a smoothing parameter that weights the relative influence of recent data and older data

what does higher smoothing parameter mean

faster response to actual demand but more fluctuation in forecast

performance measures

1. bias (average error)

2. MAD ( mean absolute deviation)

3. RMSE (root mean square error)

4. MAPE ( mean absolute percent error: this is good for comparing different data sets)

steps to comparing and selecting forecasting methods

1. identify alternative forecast methods and parameters

2. apply to historical data and determine the errors of each alternative

3. select the best forecasting method (lowest error values) to use in the future


upward or downward movement in a time series

- employ a base + trend tool


cyclical or repeating pattern

-employ a base*cyclical index tool

trend projection

fits a trend line to a series of historical data points and then projects the line into the future for medium to long-range forecasts

holts linear approach method

forecast = base + k (trend)

where k is the number of periods into the future that we are forecasting

Cyclical index

forecast= base * cyclical index

steps to forecasting with cyclical pattern

1. using historical data, determine average demand for a period

2. using historical data, calculate cyclical index for each period

3. apply each period's cyclical index to expected future demand

what might cause outliers

1. data collection/recording error

2. situations causing extreme demand