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127 Cards in this Set

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what genre is riptide and how is it reflected in the video?

- indie pop

- reflected in vintage mise en scene (colour pallette and costume)


- stuart hall

- people are attracted to those viewed as other


different medias target different groups

A - high management

B- middle management

C- office supervisors

C2- manual work

D- semi skilled

E- unemployed / student

symbolic code

roland barthes narrative codes

- deeper connotations within the media

symbolic code

roland barthes narrative codes

- synbolising some deeper meaning

Van zoonen

" women belong to the family domestic life and men to the social wold of politics and work"

fandom theory

henry jenkins

- fans are now active participants

- can appropriate texts

- fans construct identities through media consumed

riptide production context

- vance joys first single

- platinum selling

- directed by dimitri basil and laura gorun

- released in 2013

how does riptide subvert mainstream media

- no emphasis on star factor

- no clear plot through ( disputes torodov's theory)

- ukulele indie pop genre

- montage editing

- doesnt glamorise fame

how is riptide mainstream?

- hegemonic cast

- natural settings

- high key lighting

- bright colour pallette


levi strauss

- taking inspiration from media / society to create media from the debris

bell hooks

-"feminism is the struggle to end patrairchal opression"

- patriarchy can also affect class /race

theories of identity

David gauntlett

- media provides us with "tools" to construct our identities

- viewers enjoy it when characters are self reflexive

cultivation theory

george gerbner

- the exposure to repeated patterns of representation can shape and influence the way we percieve the world

cultural code

roland barthes narrative code

- audience automatically infers due to pre established meaning in society

richard dyer

black people are represented in 3 ways in western media

- comic relief

- villain

- heavily reliant on western culture

pro airetic code

roland barthes narrative codes

- any situation where the audience feels like something is going to happen

genre theory

steve neale

- "the economy of gebre cannot survive without repetition and originality"

- genres borrow and overlap with eachother

who distrubuted straight outta compton

universal studios

power and media industries

curran and seaton

- media is controlled by a small numebr of companies driven by profit and power

- this limits creativity

- large companies are called conglomerated and create a monopoly

curran and seaton

what political alignment is the daily mirror


riptide context

- themes of fame being damaging

- kesha lawsuit with doctor luke in 2014

- threatened to shut her career down

visual pleasure in narrative cinema

laura mulvey

women are sexualised in 3 ways

- actor

- camera

- spectator

viewer is put in the male gaze and are force to view women from a masculine subject position

who directed dream

dougal wilson

hermeneutic code

roland barthes narrative code

where the narrative has no clear meaning

snares - deliberatley avoiding the truth

equivocations - incomplete answers

jammings - the audience accepts there is no answer

what is the definition of riptide

" an area of sea where two currents meet. riptides make the water very rough and dangerous" - collins dictionary

reception theory

stuart hall

dominant reading - how the producer wants the audience to view the text

oppositional reading - when the audience rejects the dominant reading and find their own meaning in the text

negotiated reading - a comprimise between the two

what political alignment is the guardian

centre left

how is riptide postmodern

simulacra -woman bleeding and performing is unrelaistic but used for impact

bricolage- used as debris for pretty hurts music vid

how much does the times cost


how much did straight outta compton make in dvd and blu ray sales

$204 million

what are the 3 waves of feminism and when did the happen

votes for women - 1900s

equal pay - 1970s

postermodern - 2000

how much is the daily mirror




- all narratives share a basic structure





new equilibrium

who was i daniel blakes target audience

- working class

- ken loach stans

- left wing

- biopic fans

what is the times readership

1 million


roland barthes

the study of signs

audiences connote and denote meaning

apply steve neale's genre theory to riptide


-hegemonic women

- pop structure

- block colour palette


- montage editing

- no star factor

- bad view on fame


livingstone & lunt

media is regulated through content , access & distrubution, and ownership

moralists argue that media should be regualted by authorative figures (ie. watershed ) pluralists say it should be up to the indiviual

what song does dream sample lines from

happy talk

- by captain sensible

- released in 1982

what was i daniel blakes budget

£12.45 million

how much did i daniel blake make ?

£8 million


levi strauss

- binary oppisited

- believes human culture encourages acceptable behaviour

levi strauss

what percentage did straight outta compton exceed in ticket sales


what year was dream released


stuart hall representation

throughout our lives we formulate opinions through what is presented to us in the media

jean baudrillard

simulacra - new version of reality due to encoding and mediation

hyperreality - the audience cannot distinguish between fiction and real life

what year was i daniel blake released


who owns the times

news corp

give context for dream

post war britain encouraged immigration from india and africa . resulting in a more diverse britain but also more tension and opportunity for racism. many race relations acts were introduced all the way to 2000

what tv show does dream reference

- muffin the mule

- aired on the bbc in 1946

what political alignment is the times

centre right

end of audience

clay shirky

- due to social media consumers can now also be distributers

- the divide between proffessional producers and amateur consumers is lessening

end of audience

clay shirky

- due to social media consumers can now also be distributers

- the divide between proffessional producers and amateur consumers is lessening

- content can reveal injustices and provide evidence of events as they happen

what editing style is used in riptide and why

sergei einstenteins montage editing

makes it easier to include anti narratives

how much had racust incidents risen from 2000 - 2004


when was water aid established


when was the water aid advert released


apply theory of identity to water aid

claudia acts as a role model pf a lifestyle that the viewer could help give to others

when was tide released


how much did the american economy grow in the economic boom


who owns the guardian

Guardian media group

what is the guardians demographic

89% ABC1

how much of the guardians readership is male


what is the guardians readership

800 000

whats the guardians political alignment

centre left

what is the times demographic


how mich does the guardian cost


who owns the daily mirror

trinity mirror

horror film demographic

60% 15-30

who directed i daniel blake

ken loach

what genre is i daniel blake

social realist

how many people were in poverty in 2014

3.9 million

when was straight outta compton released


who is striaght outta comptons target audience

- fans of nwa

- fans of rap

- fans of biopics

- fans of universal

how did straight outta conpton market the film

trailer at fast 7

star factor (ice cube and dr dre)

straight outta somewhere meme

pitbull (dalé)

what was straight outta comptons rating in uk and us

rated r / 15

5 factors to straight outta compton's success

timing (summer movie season with lots of blockbusters)

Savvy marketing (memes)

Crossover appeal (fans of rap and biopics)

Message (deals with social issues)

Studio (universal released fast 7 and jurrassic world that year)

how many people downloaded the straight outta somewhere app

6 million

when was assassins creed 3 relelased

2012 for PS Vista

what was assassins creeds age rating


what was assassins creeds demographic

band d and e (18-24)

how many copies of liberation were sold

12 million

when was the assassins creed film released

2016 ($204 million)

how did assassins creed market their game

film-style trailers in cinema

social media marketing

who owns assassins creed



title of newspaper

pull quote

a quote from body text emohasised to gain interest


a line above the story giving the authors name


a group of connected stories across one page


a picture that can exist on its own or an a front page leading to a story inside

who does news corp own

the times (neutral)

the sun (right wing)

andrew goodwin

music video

- thought through beat

- relationship between song and visual

- narrative performance of the song

- technical aspects

- star image

eleptical headers

straight forward headers (no 'and' or 'the')

vernacular language


why did lauren laverne recieve backlash

called bbc a "boys club"

when was womans hour made


how often was LNWM broadcast

once a month, monday nights , 11pm

name a guest on womens hour

Dr rachel hurdley

david hesmondalgh lifestyles

are Comemrcialsed through books and radio

give a quote from LN womans hour

"at the moment time is very limited for doing anything fun"

" a reaction to digital culture"

post colonialism

paul gilroy

colonial discourse shapes our attitudes today

racial hierachies are built on historic events

who produced Kiss of a vampire

hammer film productions

when was kiss of a vampire


kiss of a vampire context

vampire symbolism for fear of "different" people, post war resulted in lots of immigrants

60s was sexual liberation for women

uses and gratifications

bulmer and katz

different things to get out of media

surveillance - how we look at the world

Identity- relate to characters

relationships- feel as though characters are friends

horizontal integration


a media company owns several business of the same value (tv radio books)

helps create more money and makes company more popular

Vertical intergration


companies produce and distribute all their products internally

owns different businesses in the same chain


the promotion and sale of a product throughout various subsidaries of a media conglomerates

what does pegi stand for

pan european game information

creates game descriptions and age ratings for Europe

when did UK gov tighten game regulations


regulation only applies to physical copies

apply clay shirky to assassins creed

lots of fan forums

have impact on game devlopment (backwards compatibility, re released in 2014)

how old is the average gamer


how did IDB target mainstream audiences

this morning interviews

twitter #wearealldanielblake

made a trailer

started 'katies charity'

how did IDB target niche audiences

offered free screenings for those in poverty

t shirt giveaway on Twitter

held premier in newcastle

featured in daily mirror masthead "i daily mirror"

how did SOC target mainstream audience

pushed that it was universal

premier at fast 7

celebrity promotion

available on netflix

how did SOC target niche audience

straight outta somewhere meme

2 different trailers online

dr dre showed trailer at concert

marketed as biopic

synergy , album sold alongside film

how did assassins creed market itself

social media marketing

film style trailers

buy game with ps vista (synergy)

online forums

digital convergence (steam)

what does MIGRAINE stand for

Media language








when was daily mirror founded


Americas brexit

jack blanchard

" honestly id vote of anyone over her"

Race was an issue, this was a whitelash

van jones

"reinvention of politics and polls"

creating fear is no way to solve a crisis

Jeremy corbyn

"trumps election is our latest global wakeup call"

how much is the times for subscribers


media democracy

developments in technology have empowered citizens

what marketing strategy did IDB use

grassroots campaign

how did IDB use newspapers to market their film

i, daily mirror

disruptive display marketing

59% of readers wanted to see the film