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19 Cards in this Set

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things the require little or no thought
things that people do that are result of conscious processes
the study, largley associated with psychology of behaviour
traditional action:
Action taken on the basis of the ways things have been done habitually or customarilly.
value-rational end:
action that occurs when an actors choice of best means to an end is chosen on the bases of the actors belief in some larger set of values. This may not be the optimal choice.
means-end rational action:
The pursuit of ends that the actor has chosen for himself, that choice is affected by the actors view of the environment in which she finds herself, including the behaviour of poeple and objects in it
Practical rationality:
on a day to day basis we deal with whatever difficulties exist and find the most expedient way of attaining our goal of getting getting from one point to another.
Theoretical rationality:
An effort to master reality cognitively through the development of increasingly abstract concepts. The goal is to attain a rational understanding of the word rather then to take the rational within it.
substantive rationality:
The choice of the most expedient action is guided by larger values rather then by dialy experiences and practical thinking
Formal rationality:
The choice of the most expedient action is based on rules, regulations, and law that apply to everyone. This form of rationality is distinctive to the modern west.
protestant ethic:
Because of their belief in predestination, the calvinists could now know whether they were going to to heaven or hell or directly affect their fate.
spirit of capitalism:
in the west, unlike any other area of the world, people were motivativated to be evonomically sucessfull, not by greed, but by an ethical system that emphasized on the ceeaseless pursuit of economic success. The spirit of capitalism had a number of compnonents including the seeeking of profits rationally and systematic, frugality, puntuality, fairness and the earning of money as a legitimate end in itself.
Traditional authority:
authority based on the bleief by followers that certain people( based on their family, tribe, or lineage) have excercised soverneignty since time immemorial. The leaders claim, and hte followers beileive in, the sanctity of age old rules and powers.
Ideal Type:
A one-sided, exaggerated concept, usuually an exaggeration of rationality of a given phenomenon, used to analyze the social world in all its historical and contemporary variation. The ideal type is a measureing rod to be used in comparing various specfic examples of a social phenomenon either cross culturally or over time.
Modern type of organization in which the behaviour of iffcers is rule bound. EAch office has a specified sphere of competetence and has obligations to perform specific functions, the authoerity to carry them out, and the means compulsion to get the job done. The offices are organized into hierarchical system. Technical training is needed for each office. Those things needed to do the job belign to the officer and no the officer. The position is a part of organization and cannot be appropriated by and office. Much of what goes into the beareuocracy is in writing.
charismatic authority:
Authority legitimated by a belief by the followers in exceptional sanctity, heroism, or exemplary character of a charismatic leader.
a person has extraordinary qualities. A perosn need not actually have such qualities in order to be so defined.
Routinization of charmisma:
Efforts by disciples to recast the extraordinary and revolutionary charactersitics of the charismatic leader so that they are better able to handle mundane matters. This is also done in order to prepare for the day when the charismatic leader passes from the scen and to allow the disciples to remain in power
Rational-Legal Authority
a type of authority which the legitimacy of leaders is derived from the vfact taht there are a series of codified rules and regulations, and leadrs hold their posititions as a result of those rules.