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45 Cards in this Set

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What is

Maternal child nursing
Care of women through pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Also care of the child from birth thru teen yrs.
What is

Medical science related to diagnosis and treatment of childhood illness.
What is

Objective data
Data that can be observed and measured by the senses or mechanical instruments.
What is

Subjective data
Knowledge gained from pts or group's personal experience. (non-quantifiable)
What is

Inclusive of the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the person.
What is

Nurising diagnoses
Names for pt cnditions that nurses are qualified and trained to treat independently.
What is

The pt goal that relates to a specific nursing diagnosis.
What is

Nursing actios to assist the client towad an improvement in health.
What is

care plan
An organized, prioritized plan- addresses the nursing diagnoses and helps the pt reach measurable, identified goals.
What is

medical diagnoses
Statements about a disease process or disorder. (by Dr.)
What is

The number of deaths over a given period of time for a given population.
What is

Prevalence of a specific disease or disorder in the population at a specific period of time.
What is

Community Based Nursing
Care should be provided to individuals, families, and groups wherever they are, including where they live, work, play, pray, or attend school.
What is

Primary Care
Prevention activities such as immunizations, well-child checkups, routine physical exams, and infant car seats. Purpose is to maintain health and prevent illlness or injury from occurring.
What is

Secondary Care
Relatively serious or complicated care. Purpose is to help the pt return to health after an acute disorder or disease. e.g. care after appendectomy.
What is

Tertiary care
Mgmt of chronic, termial, complicated, long-term health care problems. Purpose to help pt return to or maintain the highest possible level of functioning, and to adapt to changes of condition.
What is

Inductive reasoning
Process of making generalized statements from a limited set of facts.
What is

Critical Thinking
Process of analyzing one's own thinking and improving how a person thinks or solves problems.
What is

Transferring to a competent individual the authority or right to perform selected nursing taskes in a selected situation.
What is

Competent individual
Person who has received training including instruction and clinical practice to perform certain tasks safely.
What is

To give direction to workers and to inspect the tasks performed.
What is

System of values and ideas that shape a sense of right and wrong.
What is

Mature minor act
Some states - permits adolescents age 14 or 15 o make decisions about their treatment.
What is

Emancipated minors
Self-supportig adolescents, including minors who marry, responsible for their own health care decisions and expenses.
What is

Means keeping secret any privileged information.
What is

Informed Consent
Written approval for a treatment or procedure, following explanation of pros and cons by Dr.
What is

Reportable Disease
A disease that poses a public health hazard.
What are

The Five Rights
Right Client
Right Drug
Right Dose
Right Route
Right Time
What is

Family-centered care
Treatment to a pt w/recognition that the family system may also need intervention.
What is

Blended family
Dad w/kids divorced
Mom w/kids divorced
Now married. 'Brady Bunch'
What is

Extended Family
Network of relatives - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins w/i 50 mi radius taking active role in family.
What is

Nuclear Family
Dad, Mom,+kids
Dad works 9-5
Mom at home w/kids.
What is

Communial Family
Adults and children who may or may not be related. NOT to be confused with CULT family.
What is

How well the family chages when faced with problems.
What is

Family Development Theory
Describes changes the family undergoes over time.
What is

Culture theory
Factors o culture that should be considered when working with families:
What is

Family role
Expectations or behaviors associated with position in the family. e.g. mother, father, grandparent
What is

Expectation that all members of a group will think and behave the same.
What is

Identity based on common ancestry, race, religion, and culture.
What is

Defined by biologic deviations shown in physical features. e.g. skin color, facial, hair features.
What is

Demands that parents make on the children, expectations fo mature behavior, discipline and supervision.
What is

How much parents foster individuality, self-assertion, and self-regulation, and how responsive they are to special needs and demands.
What is

Family assssment
Ongoing process of examining the relationships and functioning of family members.
What is

Diagram of the relationships among family members.
What is

Second step in family assessment- diagrams family member interactions with immediate environment.