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54 Cards in this Set

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Silicate cements

- GR not used any more

-the only adv

-due to poor bio Prop (pulp irritation w presence of Arsenic which is toxic)

-F release (Anticariogenic)


Unfilled acrylic restorative resin

-the Disadv

-Dimensional instability (⬆️ polymerization shrinkage w cte), irritation, poor mech prop

-loss of esthetics

Ideal Req

-MCQ Soluble or insoluble

-MCQ Must be Radiolucent or Radiopaque

- should match the tooth in color, translucency w RI, without staining or Discoloration by time

-not Toxic or irritant


-have good mech prop

-have cte similar to tooth

- minimal Dimensional Changes on Setting

- Take Smooth Surface finish

- Radiopaque

-should adhere to enamel w dentin (Chemical bonding)

من الاخر



GR :

- restoration should have cte similar to tooth

-restoration should be Radiopaque

-To prevent leakage

-To enable ID of overhanging edges w detection of 2ry caries


Combination of two or more Chemically Different Materials

Composite structures

Term resin composite refers to


Dental Composities made by

-Filler particles (dispersed phase) الحاجة الكويسة

-Polymeric resin Matrix (dispersion medium or Continuous phase) الحاجة الوحشة


-Organic matrix

-Inorganic fillers

-Coupling agent

-Initiator- activator System



Organic Matrix

-other name

-MCQ composed of.. As

-MCQ Role

-Dispersion medium or Continuous phase

-DiMA oligo-polymers (oligomer)....:





بيس يا جي جي بيس


-Polymerization reaction

-Dispersion medium



-MCQ F45 also called

-MCQ Viscosity high or low

-water sorption high or low

-Compressive strength high or low

-Sometimes Substituted with

-allow more Crosslinking by which Addition or Condensation

-Bisphenol glycidyl MA

-Bowen's resin








-MCQ Viscosity high or low

-Mech Prop high or low

-Ethoxylated Bisphenol A MA


عشان كدا بنعتبره بديل للأول


مهم فشخ



-MW high or low Compared to Bis-GMA

-Viscosity high or low

-toughness high or low

-Has Gt susceptibility to

-Urethane DiMA


الضوء خفيف بقي


عشان كدا مهم فشخ


اوعي الخازوق

-visible Light Curing

ما هو كان من أمثلة الlight cured افتكر بقي



-MW high or low

-MCQ Viscosity high or low

-MCQ F4555 used as

-GRمهم فشخ Added to Bis-GMA w UDMA

بصمجها : GDMA ال UDMA و حرف الU بقي G اللي هي GMA

-triethylene glycol diMA


-Very low

-thinner or diluent

-to dec viscosity w allow more filler w better dispersion

Inorganic fillers الحاجة الكويسة

-other name

-consist of

-MCQ Heavy elements like w MCQ Contribute to composite

-MCQ Recently also used as filler

-MCQ F45 Blue Box Role

- العيب الوحيد

-Dispersed phase

-Quartz w borosilicate glass w LiAl silicate

اي silicate ارشقه

-Barium w Strontium Glass ... Radiopacity

هم زجاج بقي فا Radiopacity و دي افتكرها من GIC

Strontium gaya mn Strong

-CAF Ca Fluoride

-⬆️mech prop

-Provide Radiopacity

-Provide good esthetics

-⬇️polymerization shrinkage


-⬇️water sorption

-Responsible for Viscosity of material

-can used for Anti-cariogenic (F)

-Responsible for Viscosity

Class acc to filler size w Loading

Macrofill w Fine Particle (Midfill or minifill) w Microfilled w Hybrid (mix) w Nanofilled or Nanomers or Nanoclusters



Good Mech > Roughness

Fine > Finishing

Nano > translucency ⬆️

Micro > shrinkage ⬆️

Alteration of filler Type

-Prepolymerized اتفاعلت قبل كدا filler particles (Organic fillers)


-Fiber reinforced composite

1)Prepolymerized filler particles

-other name

-allows ⬆️ or ⬇️ filler loading (⬆️ or ⬇️ fillers)


- Term stands for

-⬆️ or ⬇️ Mech Prop

-Used as

3)Fiber reinforced composite

- Most common Type w GR


-Organic fillers

يعني filler بس بقت Organic

-⬆️ (⬆️)


-Ceramic (Ceramic fillers) optimized Polymers (Composite)


-Direct : Light cured restoration in all cavity classes

-Indirect : Both Light w heat Curing

السيراميك لو النور فا بيبان الصبح فشخ انما بليل هنحتاج نطفي التكييف


-Glass fibers... Due to their good esthetics (translucency) w good bonding with resin matrix

Coupling Agent

-MCQ Most common Ex

-Characterized by having :

A) MCQ name of groups

B) Name of parts of this groups w Bond with

-GR Strong Bonding important


دا سيلان يا بيه لازم نجوزهم

A) bifunctional groups


-Inorganic part that can bond with inorganic fillers

-Organic part that can bond with matrix

-Allow Stress tranfer so Improves Composite Strength


Initiator w Activator

Comp between Self (Chemical) cureينشف لوحده w Light cure ينشف بالضوء



-Supplied forms



Bulk Filling كمية واحدة ➡️ self

هاكل الكمية دي كلها لوحدي من غير توتر

Controlled Wt براحتي ➡️Light

طالما النور منور يبقي هعرف الساعة كام

Aliphatic ➡️Light

-GR Light cured requires incremental Packing

To overcome Limited light penetration

علي الله حاجة تعدي بقي

MCQ f45

Depth of cure is dependent on variables as

- Characteristics of Light Source (Light intensity w wavelength range)

-Distance between Source w composite

-Curing time

Relation between Light intensity w Distance


Dual cure resin composite :

-mean Chemical or Light

-GR Combination of Types

-MCQ GR preferred in core Build up

-Form of Supply


-to ensure proper polymerization especially in deep areas//// which may not be subjected to Light cured

-Bec it combines between Chemical w Light cured to ensure proper polymerization

بتاعة الchemical

-Two paste System

-Auto mixing syringe

مجرد ما خد Light هيبتدي ينشف


-GR Added

-MCQ F45555 Commonly used Ex

-MCQ NB what Ex also

-to prevent polymerization w control wt by dec Sensitivity to Light

-hydroquinone but now mono ethyl ether of hydroquinone( MEE of hydroquinone)

-O2 or eugenol


-mono ethyl ether of hydroquinone used than hydroquinone

- Bec hydroquinone has poor color stability w causes Discoloration

1)Pigments :GR inorganic oxides are added in small amounts

2)MCQ UV Stabilizers : GR added

3)Fluorescing agent : GR added

1)to provide shades

2)to absorb electromagentic radiation w ⬆️ color stability as they Prevent discoloration with age

3)to give Fluorescene Natural like appearance

Prop of resin composite

1)Working w ST : Light or Chemical

2)Mech Prop : rely on filler or matrix

3)Polymerization Shrinkage w stresses :

A) السبب

B)read keda can lead to

1)Light بمزاج



A) matrix

B)High Stresses may result in : composite /tooth bond failure resulting in :


-post operative HSN

- Recurrent Caries

-enamel cracking

MCQ f45 Blue Box

To Reduce polymerization shrinkage or stresses we should

-use incremental tech

-Use Indirect composites (Inlay or onlay)

-Use low shrinkage composites

-Use Low E cavity liner (sandwich tech)

-Slow Curing rate


1)Using incremental tech :

A) apply composite in kam

B) GR increments will Chemically adhere together

2)Indirect composites (Inlay or onlay) :Only shrinkage occ in

3)Use Low E :

A) name of tech

B) lining cavity with

4)Slow Curing rate Ex



B) due to presence of O2-inhibited layer

2)resin cement طبقة اللزق اللي انا حطتها بس


A) sandwich tech

B) Flowable composite or GIC


- Chemical or dual cure composites

-Soft Start Curing or ramp(delay) curing in Light Curing

Thermal Prop

-Relation between Filler loading w Cte w thermal conductivity

⬆️ W ⬇️ w ⬆️

Water sorption

Excessive water sorption may lead to W GR

Degradation at filler/matrix interface... due to Hydrolysis of bond between fillers w matrix


Related to leaching out of

Residual monomers

Esthetic Prop

-Related to filler loading or filler size or matrix w which is more effective

-GR color stability of Light cured better than self

-Filler size w Loading... Size

-Due to color Changes resulting from breakdown of tertiary amine activator in self Curing

Bio Prop

-all major comp of matrix are Toxic or not w in vitro or vivo

-MCQ What reduce ability of comp to reach pulp Tissue

-MCQ Relation between Degree of conversion w Toxicity

-Cytotoxic... Vitro

-Dentin barrier (base)



1)MCQ EXAM Material Selection :

A) for anterior restoration what Type of filler considered

B) for posterior what Type of filler considered

2)Etching enamel w dentin :Acid etch is applied how long for enamel w dentin

3)Chemically cured :

A) how many pastes used on Mixing

B) Mix using

4)Light cured :

A) Depth cure

B) GR celluloid matrix شفاف (transparent) can be applied aw GR Celluloid has adv and diaadv

C) In accessible areas so use

D) In inacessible areas so use


A)Micro-filled w Micro-Hybrid w nano

B) nano-filled w Hybrid

2)Enamel : 30 sec w Dentin : 15 sec



B) plastic spatula عشان لو معدن اللون هيتغير

هاكل لوحدي بقي فا المعلقة لازم




Adv :

- provide Smooth Surface finish w Prevent O2 inhibited layer formation

Disadv :

-o2 inhibited layer will be removed through finishing w polishing

C) celluloid matrix

D)overfill then Remove excess

-General App


-Anterior w Posterior Restoration

- Anterior venners

-core build up

-Flowable composite

-pits and fissure sealant

-High polymerization shrinkage

-Low mech Durability Compared to amalgam

-more susceptibility to Recurrent caries

-Tech Sensitivity and several steps

-Surface Discoloration


Alteration of matrix type




2)low shrinkage matrix Systems

⬇️ Shrinkage .


-MCQ Stands for

-composed of

- adv

-Organic modified ceramics

-Ceramic polysiloxane

-⬆️mech prop w ⬇️Shrinkage

Low Shrinkage matrix

-Ring opening silorane monomer

-High MW resins

-SDR Stress decreasing modulators

Ring opening

-MCQ Called

-Chemical subunits

-MCQ Limitations


-siloxanes w oxiranes


- not compatible with other resins

-req special bonding agents

High MW resins

-MCQ the Most common



-DX 511

-Long Rigid core w flexible arms

-⬇️ total polymerization shrinkage w shrinkage stress.



⬇️ polymerization shrinkage w stresses

F releasing




-other name

-mix between

-Hydrophobic or Hydrophilic

-polyacid (part of Glass ionomer) modified composite

-composite w part of glass ionomer


اكتر واحد يطلع F بالترتيب

Glass ionomer



الترتيب العادي يعني


-mix between

-EXAM Name of particles added to resin w act as

-Glass ionomer w composite

-Pre reacted filler particles... F Reservoir

Antibacterial (under research)



مدب اللي في الدنتشن

-Quaternary ammonium

-Ag nanoparticles


- Stimulate



-Ca w F w PO4

Flowable composites

-relied on low or High Filler loading



-low filler loading w ⬆️amount of diluents

-Good Flow

-Low E

-High Shrinkage

-Low wear resistance w Strength

-cavity (base) lining under composite مهمة

-Paediatric restoration الأطفال

-Class V restorations مهمة

- PRR بداية التسوس

EXAM Bulk fill composite

- MCQ Filling cavity with increments Thicker or thinner w kam


- MCQ Technology behind it

-App : Anterior or Post restoration

-Thicker...4-5 mm

-Flowable bulk fill

-Viscous or packable bulk fill

-Enhanced polymerization by Luricin (active photoinitiator يقدر يقعد المدة دي)

-⬇️polymerization shrinkage

-posterior restoration especially in large deep cavities

Self adhesive Flowable

-MCQ no need for

- MCQ As

-MCQ EXAM Incorporating

-MCQ is its bonding efficacy is more than using separate bonding Steps

-bond or etch


اعكس MDB و حط G

-Acid monomer


1)Types of Light Curing

2)Which fan is necessity

3)Which lamps Must be caliberated تتأكد كل شوية انها شغالة

4)which Generate heat

5)which Spreading Rapidly


-QTH Quartz tungsten halogen lamps ابو سلك و مروحة

-LED Light emitting diodes (wireless)lamps