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71 Cards in this Set

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an emotional and legal commitment between two people to share emotional and physical intimacy, various tasks, and economic resources
two or more people who are committed to each other and who share intimacy, resources, decision-making responsibilities and values; people who love and care for each other
the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it
social environment
all the factors, both positive and negative, in society that impact individuals and their relationships, such as mass media, the Internet, changing gender roles, and growing urban crowding
Ethnic Group:
a set of people who are embedded within a larger cultural group or society and who share beliefs, behaviors, values, and norms that are transmitted from generation to generation
a group of people with similar and distinctive physical characteristics
the relatedness of certain individuals within a group. Cultures have norms and expectations that structure and govern kin behavior
Nuclear family
a kinship group in which a husband, a wife, and their children live together in one household; also called a conjugal family system
a marriage in which a man or a woman has more than one mate; a plural marriage
a plural marriage in which a man has more than one wife
a plural marriage in which a woman has more than one husband
a relationship in which a man or a woman has only one mate
family cohesion
the togetherness or closeness of a family; one of the three dimensions of the couple and family map
family flexibility
a family's ability to change and adapt in the face of stress or crisis; one of the threes dimensions of the couple and family map
Social System
one of the four components of the sociocultural context in which families live; encompasses the influence of the community, laws, economic resource, educational opportunities, and other external factors on the family
Conjugal family system
a family consisting of a husband, a wife, and children; also called a nuclear family
Consanguineal family system
a family system that emphasizes blood ties more than marital ties
Extended family
a nuclear family and those related to its members by blood, such as aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents
Plural marriage
a marriage in which a man has more than one wife and a woman has more than one husband
adopting the cultural traits and values of the dominant culture
the intermeshing of cultural traits and values with those of the dominant culture
Isolation of an ethnic group within the dominant culture
a standardized, oversimplified, often foolish and mean-spirited view of someone or something
negative judgment or opinion having no or limited basis in fact; hostility to a person or a group based on physical characteristics
discrimination or prejudice based on the belief that people's physical characteristics determine their human capacities and behaviors and that groups of people with certain characteristics are inferior to others
Multiracial marriage
marriage between people from two different cultural or ethnic groups
No Fault Divorce
divorce laws that do not place blame (fault) for the divorce on either spouse. One party's assertion that irreconcilable differences exist is sufficient grounds for dissolving the marriage
Legal divorce
one of bohannan's six different but overlapping experiences of divorce; involves the dissolution of the marriage by the legal systems and the courts
economic divorce
one of Bohannan's six different but overlapping experiences of divorce; involves the division of money and property and the establishment of two separate economic units
Coparental divorce
Bohannan; involves decisions about custody of the children. single parenting, and visitation rights for the noncustodial parent
Community divorce
Bohannan: involves changes in friendships and community relationships
Psychological Divorce
Bohannan: involves the regaining of individual autonomy
Emotional Divorce
Bohannan: involves the deterioration of the marriage and the breakdown of bonding and communication, which are replaced by feelings of alienation
Binuclear Family
A post-divorce family in which both parents participate in the raising of their children despite living in separate households; the children generally reside with one of the parents
Sole Custody
A child custody arrangement following a divorce in which only one parent has legal physical custody of the child or children; the other parent generally has visitation rights
Joint Custody
a legal child custody arrangement following a divorce in which children divide their time between the homes of both parents with both homes having equal importance: "one child, two homes"
Split custody
a legal child custody arrangement following a divorce in which each parent has sole custody of one or more of the children
the family created when one or both partners in a marriage have a child or children from a previous marriage
Trends throughout the years...
-women in the workplace
-smaller families
-parents don't have much authority
-getting married later
-limited family time
-Cohabitation increasing
-Divorce rates going up
-single parent homes
5 reasons to study Marriage and the Family:
1. God designed, ordained, and implemented this institution of marriage and family
2. Great importance of relationships and the role thy play in our lives
3. Current trends/changes within the marriage and family arena
4. The Choices and decisions which you will face/make in the future
5. History and research tells all: as the family goes, so goes society
Additional Definition of Marriage:
A legal institution/contract (contract with the state) in which a man and woman freely and mutually (it is illegal to force someone to marry) decide to live together as husband and wife (if you marry, legally, you are required to have a sexual relationship, live together, and live in harmony), which starts as a public commitment (has to be observed and witnessed), sealed with a socially legitimate sexual union and undertaken with understanding and pledge of permanence.
Why do people marry?
emotional (love) component, companionship, sexual reasons, financial stability, health, children
How does one decide who to marry?
-Ideal Mate Image: list of what you want in a mate
What is the right time to get married?
-finances, age, maturity
5 principles of a Meaningful Marital Relationship:
1. Realize your spouse is special
2. Recognize that God knows what's best
3. Receive your spouse as a gift from God
4. Remember your obligations
5. Resolve to live as God teaches
5 R's of Genesis chapter 2
-Realize (v. 7, 22)
-Recognize (v. 18)
-Receive (v. 22)
-Remember (v. 23)
-Resolve (v. 24)
Eph. 5 teaches:
-Special Regard (Respect)
Strong Families:
-Express appreciation and affection
-Spend enjoyable time together
-Have positive communication patterns
-Express a high degree of spiritual well-being
-Have ability to manage stress and crisis
-Are committed

Family Strengths Project: Purpose
to study families who exhibit traits of strength, health, and happiness
Family Strengths Project: History
Started in OK moved to NE then CA now in AL. Nationally-Internationally over 24,000 families have been studied
Family Strengths project: Results
-now able to isolate 6 traits of strong families
-study could be replicated
-gained international attention
Mt. 19- the three commitments
-God (v. 6)
-Spouse (v.9)
-Self (v.11)
Trends in divorce and remarriage:
half of all recent marriages in the US end in divorce, but many of these will remarry.
Trends in family structure:
-becoming more complex
-step-families, same-sex parents, child-free couples, grandparents as guardians
-families are having fewer children, single parents (mothers), not many stay at home moms
Advantages of marriage
longer life, better health, healthier lifestyle, more money and wealth, better sexual relationship, less domestic abuse for women, and more successful children.
Family system characteristics:
Sociocultural characteristics:
-extended-family system
-social system
-belief system
Historical trends in divorce:
before the mid 1800s people married for survival, no one divorced, by the late 1800s and early 1900s people started marrying for love. Today about 50% of marriages end in divorce. Could be because of no-fault divorce and because of women in the workforce, etc.
Divorce culture
divorce is now so common it has come to be an expected part of marriage.
why couples divorce:
top 5 reasons:
- communication
- power struggle
- unrealistic expectations
- sex
- decision making
Impact of divorce on parents
6 styles of adjusting to divorce:
-enhanced (helped focus on strengths)
-competent loners (never remarried, but had happy lives)
-good enoughs (speed bump)
-seekers (remarriage brought security and meaning)
-libertines (living life in the fast lane and not thinking about the past)
-defeateds (poverty, depression, drugs, bitterness)
Impact of Divorce on Children:
-crisis in lives
-sadness, regret, and anger
-negative impact on most impacts of a child's well being (higher rates of cohabitation and bad marriages)
4 types of divorced, single-parent families:
-split-custody (father and mother have custody of different children)
-joint custody (mother and father share time and decisions of childcare)
-mothers with sole custody
-fathers with sole custody
Challenges that Divorced Single Parents Face:
loneliness, isolation,money problems, and work overload
Joys of single parenting:
freedom to make decisions, watching children grow and develop, and increase in closeness with the children
Step families:
-try to hard to establish a successful relationship with stepchildren, provoke resentment or jealousy, trying tto replace the absent biological parents, and favoring their own children over stepchildren
focused on the importance of positive experiences, positive personality traits, and positive feelings, and optimism
building a stronger family
-look for something positive in difficult situations
-pull together
-create open channels of communication
-keep things in perspective
-adopt new roles in a flexible manner
-focus to minimize fragmentation
-create a life full of meaning and purpose
-meet challenges head on
Future of the family is...
how you choose to create it
top 10 problems in couple relationships
-sharing leadership
-having children reduce marital satisfaction
-too negative or critical
-wish partner had more time or energy for recreation
-more willing to share feelings
-always feel responsible for problems
-go out of way to avoid conflict
-difficulty completing tasks/projects
-differences never seem to get resolved
Dr. John Gottman: Why marriages succeed or fail:
-Positives vs. Negatives (5 positives for every 1 negative)
-How emotions are process
-conflict resolutions
Control the four horseman
--criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling