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26 Cards in this Set

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A truth or falsehood that may or may not be expressed in a sentence.

Cognitive Meaning (of a Sentence)

The information conveyed by the sentence.

Emotive Force (of a Sentence)

The emotion the sentence expresses or tends to elicit.

Ambiguous Word

A word that has more than one meaning.

Vague Word

A word which has borderline cases.

Extension (of a Term)

The set of things to which the term applies.

Intension (of a Word)

The properties a thing must have to be included in the term's extension.

Extensional Definition

Specifies the meaning of a term by indicating the set of things to which term applies.

Ostensive Definition

Specifies the meaning of a term by pointing to objects in its extension.

Enumerative Definition

Specifies the meaning of a term by naming the members of its extension individually.

Definition by Subclass

Specifies the meaning of a term by naming the members of its extension in groups.

Intensional Definition

Specifies the meaning of a term by indication the properties a thing must have to be included in the term's extension.

Lexical Definition

Reports the conventional or established intension of a term, e.g., dictionary definitions

Stipulative Definition

Specifies the intension of a term independently of convention or established use.

Precising Definition

Reduces vagueness of a term by imposing limits on the conventional meaning.

Theoretical Definition

Attempts to provide an adequate understanding of things to which a term applies.


The word being defined


The word or words that do the defining.

Proper Subclass

Class X is a proper subclass of class Y given that X is a subclass of Y but Y has members X lacks.

Genus & Species

A genus is a class of objects, of which a species is a proper subclass

Specific Difference

The attribute that distinguishes the members of a given species from the members of other species in the same genus.

Counterexample to a Definition

Something to which the term applies but which doesn't meet the conditions OR which meets the conditions but to which the term doesn't apply.

Circular Definition

A definition in which the definiendum appears in the definiens.


Occurs when a word or phrase with more than one meaning is used in an argument, but the validity of the argument depends on the use of the same meaning

Merely Verbal Dispute

Occurs when disputants appear to disagree, but an ambiguous word or phrase hides the fact that there isn't really a disagreement

Persuasive Definition

A definition that is slanted or biased in favor of a particular conclusion or point of view