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10 Cards in this Set

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A chalice is raised from the water with a dove flying to it.


New Beginnings. Opening of the Heart. Time for spiritual and creative pursuits.


New beginnings, More heart centered, giving you satisfaction and happiness. should I take this job..? Yes!


New beginnings in romantic life. Heart filled with joy. Singles: Opening up creatively and spiritually.

A couple stands together each holding a chalice and the others hand.


Spiritual Unions and partnerships that are beneficial to both parties, with equal give and take. All will feel respected and emotionally balanced.


A working partnership, where both parties bring equal effort to the table. If working alone, a partnership is coming, that will be rewarding and feel balanced.


Deep connections in friendships and relationships. One of the best love cars. Equal give and take, everyone is respected. Possible marriage. In a relationship, things will become more of a partnership. Singles: Possibility of meeting life partner.

3 people celebrate, lifting their chalices.


Interpretations depend on surrounding cards.

Reason to Celebrate, good news. Perhaps multiple options, but not stressfully. reaping the seeds you have sewn with celebration.


Projects will be successful, could have more than one job to choose from.


A happy time in love, could be a child if Empress or other fertility cards are present. Positive sign for relationships, unless accompanied by the 7 or 3 of swords which represent interference. Singles: Reason to celebrate, a joyful reunion, or social occasions.

Man sits under tree with cups before him, but he cannot see them as he is busy focus on the floating cup.


Restlessness, boredom, things are not moving along as quickly as you might like. Being drained by others. you need to look at the cups that are in front of you, and have gratitude.


Feeling like your goals aren't moving along fast enough. Dissatisfied with job, feeling restless and unhappy with current situation. this energy will shift when you you focus on light and gratitude.


Feeling dissatisfied with relationship, or lack there of. If you are bored, it could be that you are relying too much on someone else. focus on gratitude.

Man stands before spilled chalices, obviously grieving; oblivious to the full chalices behind him.


Grief, emotional loss. Mourning something that you have been emotionally attached to allow yourself to grieve for growth.


A time of loss in business. Allow yourself to let go of what was. New insights to come if you let go. Could be financial betrayal. If asking should I take this job, or invest...? No.


Letting go of someone we love. Allow this loss, grieve it, sit in your heart and cry. Singles: There is someone in your past that you need to let go of.

2 People work together to build a garden in a stable village.


Multiple Interpretations.

Emotional Memories. Reunions, visiting people or places from your past. Generally positive, as long as we don't stay stuck in the past.


A Nurturing career (nursing, healing, Teaching), or a career you have done in the past. suggests emotional joy and stability, but maybe not passion and excitement.


Suggests a relationship that is stable and nurturing, but might not offer huge growth or challenge you, good for now, maybe not forever. Singles: Suggests return of ex, but you may have out grown them, or indulging in fond memories of the past.

Man Stands Before a Cloud filled with chalices, each containing a different Item.


Several choices are presented, leading to some conclusion. which chose to take? Should I? Make decisions from your heart, do not let others pressure you.


There could be multiple decisions, stay connected and go deep. Ask your soul, "What do I want?" Avoid decisions made from pressure. Do your research and planning, and avoid impulsive decisions


Some scattered energy in your relationships. it would be wise to withdraw and ask yourself what you really want. Singles: Perhaps there are too many distractions to focus on commitment, or multiple partners, go with your heart.

Man walks away from chalices, going into the mountains.


Time to withdraw and go to the mountains, pull back from current course. Only in solitude will answers come. Walking away from something that no longer serves you.


Time to leave current circumstances. A need for change and growth, you may be scared, but a time out is required.


Time to pull back and withdraw. Doesn't necessarily spell the end of a relationship, but a time of withdrawal is badly needed. New insight is needed. You need to understand what lessons need to be learned before you can move forward. Singles: Pull away from relationships etc that don't serve you.

Man sits surrounded by cups looking happy, and victorious.


Good fortune, fulfillment of wishes and dreams. you will get what you want, your fondest dreams. Keep the faith and release the past.


Earning your rewards, very lucky card for business ventures and career. Someone who values themselves enough to attract the hearts fondest desires. Should I take this job..? Yes.


Lots of value being offered and received. your wishes are coming true. Singles: Getting what you want, because you now value yourself.

A rainbow of cups floats above a celebrating family.


A strong sense of joy and belonging. Joyous occasions where families celebrate. The emotion potential is reached.


A Joyous work environment where people act from the heart. A sense of community and belonging. Following your path to heart.


Suggests emotions are honored, feelings of safety and joy. A relationship that could lead to marriage and family. Singles: A time of belonging to a group or family that brings great rejoicing and celebration. Should I Date this person..? Yes.