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23 Cards in this Set

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February 1932, when japan invaded and conquered Manchuria. Took nearly a year too give commission and decide they should leave ( japan walked out anyway). the league couldn't agree on sanctions - Britain and france wouldn't send an army and it needed america to successfully impose sanctions.

in the end they didn't do anything


1935, Italy invaded abyssinia, their leader haile Selassie went to the league himself for help but all the league did was ban arms sales, which harmed abyssinia more than italy. A league commission offered part of Abyssinia to italy but they invaded anyway. Britain and france tried to make a secret pact to give abyssinia to italy.

by may 1936 Italy conquered abyssinia

when was the league of nations formed and why

28 june 1919 because after ww1 no one wanted a repeat of the mass slaughter. they also believed it could solve international problems without causing war

aims of the league of nations

world peace by stopping wars


improve working conditions

tackle diseases

members of the league of nations

42 at the start

58 by 1934

league organisations



small secretariat

A court of international justice

a load of committies


Meeting for all members of the league

it met once a year

Decided members of the league


Britain, France, Japan, Italy plus 4 other countries elected by the assembly

met 4/5 times a year or during a crisis

allowed league to respond quickly to crises


too small to handle to vast work of the league

Arrange meeting

Civil work

international justice court

Could advise on international law and arbitrate in disputes, but had no power to enforce its decisions.


to carry out humanitarian work

strengths of the league of nations

Set up the treaty of versaille which every nation signed

it could offer arbitration through the Court of International Justice or apply trade sanctions against countries that went to war

had 58 members by 1938

weakness of the league of nations

Set up by the treaty of versaille which everyone hated

aims were too ambitious

germany, USA and USSR worlds most powerful nations were not members

Had no army

decisions had to be unanimous because the league was so big

organisation was cumbersome

League of nation successes

Aaland island



Aaland island

1921, Sweden and finland both wanted Aaland island which was between both nations. they were prepared to fight for it. Sweden & Finland accepted the leagues arbitration to give the island to Finland. war was avoided

Upper Silesia

1921, Upper Silesia and industrial region that bordered Germany and Poland. both nations wanted it because of tis rich iron and steel industry. french british troops were sent to keep peace

there was a vote to decide which country should get it, industrial areas were mainly germany and rural areas were mainly poland so they divided it according to those lines. safe guards were also built to prevent future disputes. both nations agreed


1922, the league set up camps and fed Turkish refugees

League of the nations failures




1921, vilna's (capital of lithuania) population was largly polish so poland sent a secret army to take control of it - it was the first test for the league - both nations were in the league and poland was clearly the aggressor - the league ordered Poland to withdraw - they refused - the league didn't do anything else, they could have sent troops but didn't want to risk them


1923, Mussolini was furious greeks killed an italian general tellani and his team and he blamed the greek government for the murder but they didn't know who the murder was

august, mussolini occupied the greek island corfu and greece appealed to the league for help. the league acted quickly, they condemned Mussolini's actions and made greece pay reparation which the league would hold on to. however Greece ended up apologising and pay reparation directly to Italy


pacifying to the aggressor y giving into their demands to cause peace.

how abyssinia and manchuria weakened the league

1. strong nations were willing to ignore the league & the league couldn't do anything about it

2.its delays and slowness made it look weak

3.Britian and france weren't prepared to use forces

4.smaller nations realised the league couldn't protect them

5. Britain and france were useless at stopping war, followed rule of appeasement instead

6. Britain, France, japan and italy betrayed the league

Failures in 1930's

1. manchuria - 1932

2. Abyssinia - 1935

3. disarmament conference failed again - 1936

4. munich agreement - 1938 - following policy of appeasement, gave Hitler Sudetenland