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42 Cards in this Set

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Free soil Party
a sort lived political party active in the 1848 and 1852 presidental elections.a thord party that drew most of its strength from new york state. consited of former wig party members and democratic party; they opposed the exansion of slavery.
fugitive slave law
a law passed in 1850 as apart of the compromise of 1850that allowed slaves found in the north to be tken back t their masters.
Harriet tubman
a fromer slave, abolitionsist, humantarian, and union spy during the civil war. she made 13 successful mission to rescue slaves from the south; rescueing 70 in total
Ostend Manifesto
a document written in 1854 that described the raitonale for the united states to purchase cuba from spin and to delcare war if spani refused.
kansas nebraska act
and act in 1854 that created territores of kansas and nebraska. it repealed the missouri compromise which allowed the settlers t decide whether or not the states would be free or not.
william proviso
a major even leading t the civil war. it would have baned slavery in any ara acquired from mexico. 1st introduced by david wilmot in 1846
william lloyd garrison
american abolitionist, jouranist, and social reformer. best known for being the editor for the abolitionist newspapr "the liberator". also one of the founders of the aniti-slavery society and promting "imediate emancipation" of slaves. also a voice for woman's rights.
fredrick dounglas
american socail reformer, orator, writer, and salesman. he was also the leader f the abolitionist movement.
popular sovereingty
the belief that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or conesnt of its people.
underground railroad
mid 1800s networkd of secret routes and safe houes used by black slaves in ameria to help them escape to canada.
compromise of 1850
five bills passed in 1850 that defused a four year cnofrontation between slave and free states. the comprimse was drafted by henry clay.
dred scott decision
dred scott v sandford delcared that people of african american decent importes into the united states as slaves and their decendants were slaves and could never be citizens or be protected by the constitution
panic of 1857
financial panic caused by declining internation economy and overexpansion of the domestc economy.
uncle toms cabin
novel by harriet beecher stowe that expressed the evils of slavery; and was a factor in the civil war.
bleeding kansas
battles fought in kansas debating whether or not it could be a free state.
crittenden compromise
unsuccessful compromise by kentucky cenator john j crittenden to resolve the us seccesion crisis by adressing the concerns that led the states to contamplate secession.
Fort Sumter
Fort set up in South Carolina, where shots initiating Civil war occuered. Battle of Fort Sumter.
Jfferson Davis
President of the Confederate States of America. fought in mexican-american war.
Anoconda Plan
proposed by general Wndfield scott, it was a plan to bloackade confederacy with naval ships and take half of the mississippi river to destory the confederacy.
Robert e lee
comanding genreal of the confederacy. president lincoln at first asked him to lead the union army. but he declinded when his home state of virgina seceded.
Ulysses S grant
18th president of the united states and general of the union army. he led the union to victory against the confederacy.
Iron Clads
Steam-propelled warships in the early 1800's.
Battle of antietam
18621st major battle to take place on north soil. apart of the maryland compaign.
EMancipation Proclomation
executive order by abraham lincoln during the civil war. announced that all slaved in confederate states were free. however, slave holders int he north allowed to keep slaves.
54th regiment
1st black regime in the civil war.
Battle of Vicksburg
final mjor vicksburg campaing in civil war.
battle of getysbrug
knwon as bloodiest battle in the civil war, most caualties.
democrast in the northern united states who opposed the civil war. they wnated an immedtiate peace settlement with the confederacy.
new york riots 1863
1863, also known as draft week. people were not happy with laws passed by congress that froced men to join the union army.
Morril Tarrif Act 1861
law raised rates to protect and encourgae industry. high wages to industrial workers.
gave 160 acres of undeveloped federal land to everyone including free slaves. you had to live on it for at least 5 years and be 21 years or older.
legal tender act
created to issue paper money to finance the civil war without raising taxes.
Pacific railway act 1863
promoted construction of transocontinental railroad through governemnt bonds and grants.
nationl bank act 1863
establish a national charter for banks and encouraged the developemtn of a nationl currency.
battle of getysbrug
knwon as bloodiest battle in the civil war, most caualties.
democrast in the northern united states who opposed the civil war. they wnated an immedtiate peace settlement with the confederacy.
new york riots 1863
1863, also known as draft week. people were not happy with laws passed by congress that froced men to join the union army.
Morril Tarrif Act 1861
law raised rates to protect and encourgae industry. high wages to industrial workers.
gave 160 acres of undeveloped federal land to everyone including free slaves. you had to live on it for at least 5 years and be 21 years or older.
legal tender act
created to issue paper money to finance the civil war without raising taxes.
Pacific railway act 1863
promoted construction of transocontinental railroad through governemnt bonds and grants.
nationl bank act 1863
establish a national charter for banks and encouraged the developemtn of a nationl currency.