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6 Cards in this Set

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What are the seven element seven informed consent?

1. Legally competent to consent.

2. Capacity to consent. Capacity meaning they can communicate their decision, understand and manipulate information provided, appreciate options and consequences of those, require sufficient intelligence.

3. Informed by practitioner of information in clear language.

4. Procedure specific consent.

5. A chance to ask questions and receive answers.

6. Voluntary consent

7. Not obtained by misrepresentation or fraud

What procedure information should be communicated to the client as part of the informed consent?

This includes the nature and purpose of the procedure

The risks and benefits

Alternatives; along with risks and benefits of each

The impact on lifestyle of the client

The consequences of not consenting

A statement that questions can be answered

A statement that they can withdraw consent at any time.

When is informed consent not required? (4 reasons)

1. When there is immediate treatment to save clients life or prevent serious harm and they can’t consent.

2. If deemed incompetent and must get consent from substitute decision maker.

3. If client has completely and voluntarily waived the right to be informed it should be in writing or documented.

4. Therapeutic privilege. Meaning withholding information from the client because it might have a detrimental effect on their health. This is very limited use with caution.

What is not included in treatment according to the healthcare consent act? (4)

1. Assessment of capacity

2. Assessment to determine general nature of a person’s condition.

3. Taking a health history

4. Communicating assessment/diagnosis

5. (Treating posing little or no risk of harm)

6. Anything regulation say is a treatment

If before starting treatment with someone deemed in capable and you learn that they or someone else has appealed to the consent and capacity review board when can you start treatment?

You cannot start treatment until 48 hours has passed and there’s still been no application submitted.

How old do you have to be to substitute decision maker for property vs. Healthcare decisions.

16 - healthcare

18- property