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135 Cards in this Set

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What does "this" represent in getters and setters
Denotes a reference to an implicit Parameter and to call another constructor of the same class
A class typically contains what 3 things
fields for data
constructors to create objects
methods getters and setters
in that order
What does the get method do
it only looks up the state of an object and reports on it
What does the set and add method do
modify the state of an object
What are methods that change instance fields called
mutator methods
What are methods that only access instance fields called
accessor methods
What is a class
A template or blueprint from which objects are made
What are you doing when you construct an object from a class
You have created an Instance of the class
What is encapsulation
Information hiding the implementation details from the user of an object

What is Inheritance

When you extend an existing class that has all the properties of an existing class and adds more to it

What is the data in an object called

Instance Fields

Or instance variables

What are the procedures that operate on data called

What is the header of a class called MyProgram

public class MyProgram{ }

What does public mean

It means its available to any other code in the program

What does the reserved word void mean

Indicates the method will not return a value

When do you use the reserved word static

When you want to keep track of some information shared by all the members of a class OR When it doesn't make sense to have more than one instance of a property or method

What is an expression
A piece of code that evaluates to a single value like 2 + 2

What is a statement

a full sentence that end with a semi-colon(;) For example:

a = 3;



How is encapsulation attained

In the spirit of encapsulation it is common to make fields private. When instance data is private, that data can only be directly accessed from the that class. We still need access to these values however and that is done indirectly by adding public methods that obtain the field values for us.

What do methods do

They operate on objects and access their Instance Fields

A method has two parameters and in dave.raisesalary(5) what are they called and which is which
dave is the Implicit Parameter and the number inside the parentheses is the Explicit Parameter

In every method what does the key word this imply

That the word that follows is an implicit Parameter

Does Math.pow(x , a) have an implicit parameter

No because it does not use a math object to carry out its task. (It is a static method)

What is Implicit in X.F(param)

X is implicit and pram is explicit

What are the 3 types of errors in programming

Syntax errors

Logical errors

Runtime errors

application program interface is a set of routines protocols and tools for building software applications. A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks. A programmer then puts the blocks together.

Why is the header of a main method

public static void main(String [] args){ }

Java Virtual Machine
What is Java sensitive about
Case Sensitive

What are public and private called

Access modifiers they control the level of access other parts of the program have to the code

In terms of Java, what should the key word CLASS remind you of with this language?
everything in Java lives in a class
How should you think of a Class
as a container for the program logic that defines the behavior of the application
What follows the Class keyword
The name of the class
What must Class names start with and what can they be named
The must begin with an uppercase letter after that they can be letters of numbers and the length is almost unlimited
What are the standard naming conventions in a class
Class names are nouns that start with upper case letters if its multiple words use camelback

What names must match when it comes to classes

The class name and the .java file (source code) must be the same

What happens when you compile a file

The compiler converts the source code into bytecode that the JVM can understand. During compilation syntax is checked and a .class file (byte-code) is created.

What code does the compiler always start with
the code in the main Method
What is another term for Method
function a methods performs some sort of function
What method must you have in your source file for your class to run
main method
Do you declare the main method public, private, protected?
What do braces generally denote
parts usually blocks of code
What ends each Java statement
a semi colon and statements can span multiple lines
How should you think of Java statements
Sentences that end with a semi colon

When calling methods what is the typical syntax


What else are Parameters called
What is the minimum and maximum number of parameters
zero to infinity
If there are no parameters in a methods when must the method still have
empty parenthesis

Three ways of marking comments

// single line comment

/*multiline comment*/

/**Javadoc comment*/

What are the comment notation for automatic documentation
/** this will be automatically documents */
What is it called when every variable must declare type
Strongly Typed Language

What does the name Double type come from

Refers to the fact that it has twice the precision of an int

An int is 32 bits a double is 64 bits

How do you do quotes included in the sentence
\" Like System.out.println("\"We will test this page test new line\"");

What does every variable have and what order

a type first then the name For example

double salary;

int vacationDays;

What can you name a variable
The first letter is a Letter and then letter and or numbers
Can you have multiple variable declarations of the same page
Yes but it is not recommended because of readability

Are variable names case sensitive

Yes you can have Variable and variable and the compiler thinks they are different variables

What must you do after declaring a variable
You must initialize it by means of an assignment statement
When declaring variable what is considered good practice
declare them as closely as possible to the point where they are going to first be used
With variable what is the key word Final denote
a constant which means you assign the variable once and then it is set once and for all

What is the convention for naming variable constants


What is the shortcut to X = X + 4
X +=4

What gives Java its portability

A computation should yield the same results no matter which virtual machine executes it

How do you increment or decrement a variable
n++ or n-- by one number

What operator do we use to test for equality


What operator do we use to test for inequality


How do you short circuit an expression being evaluated if the firsrt one doesn't evaluate
expression1 && expression2 If the exp1 is shown to be false then exp2 is also false thus exp2 isn't evaluated Like x !=0 && 1/X. This will not allow a division be zero
expression1 || expression2
Condition first and if its true then exp1 is true if its not true then then exp2 is true Like x < y || X : Y
Which class contains mathematical function and constants
Math Class Like math.sqrt(x)
There is a subtle difference between println and the math class what is it
Println operates on an object the Math class does not and that is called static method

What does HTTP stand for and what is it used for

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol how to transfer data across the internet

User to specify additional information about a Class or Interface LIKE they can be used to specify if the session is stateless or stateful they always start with @ sign
A graphical user interface (GUI) is a human-computer interface (i.e. a way for humans to interact with computers) that uses windows icons and menus and which can be manipulated by a mouse (and often to a limited extent by a keyboard as well).

What does void represent

The method does not return a value

What else is a method called when you are not being lazy
Method Declaration

What is the first part of a method called (before the curly braces)

Method Header

What is the part of a method called that is inside the curly braces

Method body

What is the main method, and what other method can call it?

They are recipes and the first method called into action when the program begins running. The main is never called by another method

What is a STATEMENT?

It is a sentence that tell the computer to do something like


The API is just a bunch of what?
Code and the code perform actions for us that we can piece together to create a program
What is the purpose of the Request object?
It represent the data submitted by the browser
What is the purpose of the Response object?
It represents the response that we are sending back to the client
What is the purpose of the Out object?
Represents output stream for the page, the content that will be sent back to the browser as the body of its response
What is the thing called that is stored in a variable?
a Value

AmountInAccount = 50.22;

What is this statement called?

Assignment Statement

What is MVC
Model - View - Controller
The instance fields hold values of an object the set of those values is what?
Their current state of that object and when you invoke a method on that object the state me be changed also
What is the key to making encapsulation work?
Have methods that never have direct access to the objects instance fields
What is the "cosmic superclass from which all others derive?
Object Class
When you are looking for what should be a class what is a simple rule of thumb?
Look for Nouns in the problem analysis, like Item, Order, Shipping Address, Payment, etc
When looking for what should be a method what is a good rule of thumb?
They are Verbs Like Add item to order, Cancel payment, Change shipping address
What , it called when a developer realizes that a method should never have been created in the first place?
Deprecated, and it is a good idea to stay away from deprecated methods, since there are better ones to replace them with
What is the deployment descriptor for the appilcation
the Web.xml file
What is the difference = or ==
= is an assignment to a variable and == is an equality check
Two type of data types?
Primitives and References

What are the primitive?

byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean

What are the References?
Arrays Classes and Interfaces
What is the difference between these two
age = 16
newAge = ++age
newAge = age++
the first one is still 17 because the pre-Increment increase the number before assigning. The second one assigns age to newAge first and then increments it
What is the & sign
What is the | sign
What is the ^ sign
Exclusive or
What is the ~ sign
What is the ! symbol

What is the && symbol

The and symbol

If age<21 && hasId --java will not check the second condition if the first is not met

What is the || symbol

The or symbol

if the first condition is true it will not check the second condition

What are the two conversions and what does it mean
Implicit and Explicit
Implicit means the compiler will convert them automatically, explicit means you have to use the cast method
How do you cast
with parenthesis like
like (double) 5. now the number is double or 5.0

What is the "\n" symbol?

The new line escape character

What is the "\t" symbol?

The tab escape character

How do you say 20 % 3 or i % 3
20 mod 3 or i mod 3
What are Strings
They are reference types not primitives. String is a class therefore it is capitalized

What are reference varibles

Reference variables point to a location in memory. Java hides the pointers while some programs allow you to get the memory address

When comparing two strings like

"java" and "java" what should you not use

Do not use the == because it java checks the memory location not the actual string. Sometimes the compiler will store the same string in different memory locations. Remember strings point to memory locations. Use the stringbuilder method equals()

When comparing two strings what method should you use

"string".equals("string") instead of the == symbol. Remember strings are references to memory only. and the same string may be in different memory locations depending on the compiler

Would this be true or false
false, they are not equal because java strings are case sensitive and each of there references will be stored in different memories

With strings like "Java".equals("java") what method can you use that makes this equal regardless of case

equalsingnorecase, like


would make these equal

What are items within an array called
In Arrays can there be mixed types or do all the types need to be the same?
All the types are the same
How are arrays referenced or referred to?
via an index and it starts at zero

What are the three ways to declare an array?

int[] intArray;

String stringArray[];

object[] objectArray;

When adding class constructors what is a good practice

Start with a default constructor. public dog(){



What are objects made from
The Class. the blueprint.
What defines an objects characteristics
The Class. The bueprint
What is an Entity?
It is an object -- the house, and the house was built from the Class--the blueprint
Can you have two methods with the same name
Yes but the parameter requirements must be different
Can we have two constructors in a Class
Yes like a default constructor which contains the fields defaulted
What is it called when you can have more than one method with the same name BUT different parameters
Method Overloading
Can you call the same method with different parameters (method overload) from the other method with the same name?
Yes e.g. you can can call eat() from eat(String food) method

What does static mean?

General to the class and not specific to an object or instance.

What does the final modifier mean

It's a constant

What is an overloading constructor?
It's a Class that has more than one constructor, of course of the same name because all constructors have the name of the class

When is this() used?

When you are in a overloaded constructor and you want to call the default constructor


Cat c2 = new Cat();

What is the c2 called?

Instance Variable Name

What is any part of Java that has a value
An Expression

Any variable that is not a primitive type is what type?

A reference variable