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44 Cards in this Set

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An entity with states(fields) and behavior(shown via methods)


blueprint for an object. contains fields and methods that describe the behavior of an object

Types a variables

Local - declared inside a method, destroyed when method is completed

Instance - declared inside a class, but outside any method

Class - declared inside of a class, static


gets invoked when an object is created. sets state (fields) of object.


Keyword. static variables can be called upon without an instance of its class being created. all instances of class share the same variable

Access modifier

sets access levels for classes, variables, methods, constructors. public, private, protected, default


An interface is a collection of abstract methods. A class implements an interface, thereby inheriting the abstract methods of the interface.

interfaces do not provide any implementation, they are only meant to be implemented. sets up a contract for a class to conform to


refers to section of code where variable can be accessed



when a class has the same method as its parent class, but the method body is different.


when methods are in the same class with the same name but take in different types and/or different number of argugments


code examining itself.


hiding data

the technique of making the fields in a class private and providing access to the fields via public methods.

Nested Class

static inner class


when you treat a parent class as a child class

Animal animal = new Animal()


keyword used to refer to the immediate parent class

primitive datatypes

int, byte, short, long, boolean, double, float, character.

Abstract class

keyword used to specify that a class should not be instantiated. it is only used to be extended by other classes

has no implementation


data item specified in a method call


A collection of data items, all of the same type.


conversion from one datatype to another

Enumerated type

type whose legal values consist of a fixed set of constants


an event during program execution that prevents the program from continuing normally

exception handling

a mechanism that handles exceptions to keep the program running normally

throw vs throws

throw is a keyword that allows the user to throw an exception.

throws is keyword used in a method declaration that specify which exceptions could be thrown

what is a checked exception

any exception that is caught by the compilerbefore run time.


when a sub class acquires the properties of its parent class

Is a relationship


When you put an object inside another object. Has a relationship

SOLID principles

5 principals of Object Oriented Design

Single responsibility - a class should only have one job

Open closed - a class should be https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=are+exception+runtime+erroreasily extended without modifying the class itself

Liskov substitution - every subclass should be substitutable with there parent class

Interface segregation - a client should not be forced to use a method or interface they dont use

Dependency Inversion - allows for decoupling


used to store and manipulate data

implicit conversion

compiler will automatically convert a type into a higher type

int > long


manually converting one type to another type

(int) long


used when refering to the current object, allows object to pass itself as a parameter


refers to an uncreated object

types of test

System - testing the application as a whole

aggregate - testing component (series of classes / methods)

unit - testing a single unit of functionality (single method / class with single responsibility)

test driven development

Software dev process of writing test before writing code. using test to help guide the design process

test structure

Given - establish the preconditions for the test

When - what is being tested

Then - checking the outcome


the ability of an object to take multiple forms


technique of hiding implementation details from the user and only providing them with functionality

Wrapper class

used to convert a primitive type to a class


converting a primitive to a class


multiple threads running at the same time working with the same resources


enables complete use of cpu. when multiple threads run at the same time.


a sequence of programmed instructions


an instance of a program. has memory and atleast one thread