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19 Cards in this Set

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Is a multidisciplinary study of how people change and how they remained the same over time.

Human development

Whether a particular developmental phenomenon represents a smooth progression throughout the lifespan or a series of abrupt shifts.

Continuity- discontinuity issue

Weather there is just one path of development or several paths.

Universal vs. specific development issue

What are the recurring issues in human development

-nature and nurture

-continuity -discontinuity issue

- universal vs. content specific development issue

All genetic and health-related factors that affect development

Biological forces

All internal perceptual, cognitive, emotional and personality factors that affect development

Psychological forces

Interpersonal , societal , cultural and ethnic forces in development

Socio-cultural forces

Verses that reflects differences in how the same event affects people of different ages

Lifecycle forces

Give at least three common theories on human development

1. Psychodynamic theory

2. Erikson's theory

3. Learning theories

This is the emergence of the experience , expression , understanding and regulation of emotions from birth and the growth and change in this capacities throughout childhood adolescence and adulthood.

Emotional development

Refers to relatively stable and long-lasting individual differences in mood and emotional behavior , which emerged earlier and childhood because these differences are largely influenced by genetic factors.


Broadly refers to consistent individual differences in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning , system of values and attitudes.


Based on the studies , researchers divided infants into four categories?What are these categories

Easy babies , slow to warm up babies , difficult babies , and no single category babies.

Is defined as a complex reaction pattern , involving experiential , behavioural and psychological elements.


Are how individuals deal with matters or situation define personally significant


Arise from an emotional experience because a person is conscious of the experience. This is classified in the same category as hunger or pain it is the result of an emotion and may be influenced by memories beliefs and other factors.


A lasting psychological connectedness between human beings it is an afectional bond or emotional bond.


This psychologist believed that attachment behavior evolve through a process of natural selection

John Bowlby

What are the four parenting styles?

Authoritarian , authoritative , permissive , and uninvolved.