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66 Cards in this Set

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Integumentary System
skin and it's derivatives (hair, nails, sweat glands)
a) protects body: prevents water loss; thermoregulation
Skeletal System
bones and cartilage
a) provides support & protection for body; mineral storage; blood cell production
Muscular System
voluntary (skeletal) muscles of the body
a) movement of body; heat production
Nervouse System
brain, spinal cord, nerves, ganglia
a) receives & integrate sensory information; store memorie; formulate and output responses
Endocrine System
endocrine glands (secrete hormones into blood)
a) regulate metabolism, body growth, sexual development; maintain homeostasis
Cardiovascular System
heart and blood vessels
a) transport O2 and CO2, nutrients, metabolic waste, hormones
Lymphatic Immune System
lymph vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, thymus
a) filter blood/lymph; WBC for disease production
Respiratory System
lung and air passageways (nasal cavity, pharynx & larynx, trachea, bronchi)
a) supplies & exchanges O2/CO2 with blood; acid/base regulation
Digestive System
oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines
a) breaks down food into nutrient molecules; absorbs nutrients
Urinary System
kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
a) filter blood to remove waste products; acid/base balance
Reproductive System
Male = teste, penis, glands; Female = ovaries, uterus, vagina
a) hormone and germ cell production;fetal development
Saggital Plane
divides body into right and left parts.
a) may also be mid-saggital or para-saggital
Coronal (Frontal) Plane
divides body into anterior and posterior parts
Horizontal (Transverse) Plane
divides body into superior and inferior parts
Anterior (Ventral)
towards fron (bellyside) of body
Posterior (Dorsal)
towards back of the body
epithelium layer
connective tissue attaching epidermis to body
a) contains blood vessel, sweat glands, hair follicles
b) epidermis and dermis together form the skin
Fascia Layers
connective tissue layer found deep to the skin. Has two layers
1) Superficial Fascia
2) Deep (Investing) Fascia
Superficial Fascia (Hypodermis)
loose, fatty subcutaneous connective tissue deep to dermis
Deep (Investing) Fascia
dense connective tissue that surrounds all body regions
1) seperates skin and sperficial fascia from underlying structures (bones, muscles)
2) anhored at various sites to underlying bone
3) often used as attachment point (origin) for underlying muscles
4) in limbs, has intermuscular septa that dive deep and anchor to bone
a) intermuscular septa also divide limb ito compartments
5) retinculum - thickening of deep fascia at wrists & ankles; hold down tendons that cross joint - prevent "bowstring" of tendons
Axial Skeleton
bones of head & body trunk (skull, vertebral column, sacrum, rib cage, sternum)
Appendicular Skeleton
bones of the limbs and the bones that attach the limbs to the body
a) Pectoral Girdle - clavicle and scapula
b) pelvic girdle - hipbone
Gluteal Region
located posterior to hip joint
a) other terms: buttock, clunis (latin), gluteus (greek)
from hip to knee; other terms: ham (Old English), femur (Latin)
popples (Latin)
a) popliteal fossa - diamond-shaped region on back of knee
from ankle to knee; crus (Latin)
a) fibula bone (fibula = pin, Latin; peroneous = pin, Greek)
malleolus (little hammer, Latin)
Foot (pedis, Latin)
a) big toe (hallux); little toe (digitus minimus)
b) dorsum - top of foot; plantar surface - sole (bottom) of foot. "to plant your foot"
consists of 2 hipbones plus sacrum
a) hipbone (os coxae) - formed by fusion of 3 bones:
1 pubis
2 ischium
3 ilium
longest bone of teh body; 25% of adult height
sesamoid bone in tendon of quadriceps femoris muscle; overlies knee joint
a) articulates with distal end of femur only
major (weight bearing) bone of teh leg; on medial side of leg; tibia connected to fibula by interosseous memberane (layer of dense connective tissue)
for muscle attachments; not weight bearing bone; on lateral side of leg
a) tarsal bone - 7 short bones that form posterior half of the foot
b) metatarsal bones - 5 - (smal) long bones that form the anterior half of teh foot
c) phalanges (phalanx bones) - form toes; great toe = digit 1; little toe = 5th digit
rounded articular surface
roughed area next to condyle
opening through a bone
depresion on surface of a bone
indentation along margin of a bone
branch or bony extension away from body of a bone
short, spine like bony process
bony process of the femur
small bony bump
larger bony elevation
Hip Joint
head of femur articulates with acetabulum of pelvis
a) ball and socket joint - triaxial joint (allows 3 planes of movement: flexion-extension, abduction-adduction,circumduction, medial-lateral rotation)
Knee joint
medial and lateral condyles of femur articulate with medial and lateral condyles of tibia
a) hinge joint - uniaxial motion (essentially flexion-extension only; slight amount of medial-lateral rotation availeable when flexed; slight rotation mportant during "locking" & "unlocking" of knee)
Ankle Joint
talus articulates with distal ends of tibia and fibula
a) talus held by medial malleolus (tibia) & lateral malleolus (fibula)
b) weight transfer between talus and tibia
c) movement at ankle joint - dosiflexion & plantar flexion of foot
Intertarsal Joints of Foot
between calcaneous, talus, navicular, and cuboid bones
a) allow for eversion - inversion of foot
Deep Fascia Divisions x 4
1) gluteal fascia -covers posterior and lateral hip regions
2) fascia lata - surrounds thigh regions
3) crural fascia - surronds leg region
4) plantar fascia (on sole of foot) and dorsal fascia of teh foot (top of foot)
Fascia Lata
a) deep fascia of the thigh - surrounds musculature of thigh
b) attached superiorly to inguinal ligament, iliac crest and posterior sacrum
1) inguinal ligament - spans between anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle of pelvis; is the dividing line between thigh and body trunk
c) fascia lata attaches deep via medial and lateral intermuscular septums to linea aspera of posterior femur
d) iliotibial tract - thickened, lateral part of fascia lata; runs down lateral side of thigh; terminates just below lateral knee
1) iliotibial tract attached superiorly to iliac crest and inferiorly to lateral condyle of tibia (just below lateral side of knee joint)
2) lateral intermuscular septum anchors iliotibial tract to linea aspera of femur
3) serves as insertion for gluteal maximus and tensor fasciae latae muscles
Agonist Muscles
prime mover; primary muscle for generation of particular movement
Antagonist Muscle
muscle with action opposite that of agonist
synergist muscle
has similar action as agonist muscle; assists agonist in execution of movement, or when agonist acts over 2 joints, synergist stabilizes one of those joints as agonist acts across other joint
Fixator Muscle
stabilizes (fixes) more proximal body region (particularly the area of origin for the agonist muscle) as agonist produces movement at a distal joint
dense connective tissue; attaches muscle to bone, muscle to skin, muscle to mucous membrane, or muscle to muscle
a broad flat tendon
raphe (ra-fay)
line along which muscles from either side insert into each other (usually at midline of body, abs)
(hip) sequential combination of flexion, abduction, adduction, & extension; produces cicular motion; NOT rotation!
medial/lateral Rotation (hip)
rotation around long axis of thigh
a) medial rotation - rotation so that anterior thigh moves toward midline of body
b) lateral rotation - rotation so that anterior thigh moves away from midline of body
Dorsiflexion - Plantar Flexion (ankle)
a) dorsiflexion - lifting ball of foot off of ground
b) plantar flexion - lifting heel of foot off of ground
Gluteus Maximus Muscle
crosses posterior side of hip joint
a) largest and most superficial of 3 gluteal muscles
b) covered by gluteal fascia
Origin - posterior ilium, posterior sacrum & sacrotuberous ligament
Insert - gluteal tuberosity of femur (25%) & iliotibial tract of fascia lata (75%); iliotibial tract runs down lateral thigh - attaches to linea aspera of femur & lateral condyle of tibia (just below lateral knee)
Innerv - Inferior gluteal nerve
Action - chief extensor of thigh at hipjoint
- with foot planted, extends trunk at hip joint (ie. during climbing)
- keeps knee joint locked (extended) when n standing position
Gluteus Medius Muscle
crosses lateral side of hip joint
a) anterior and deep gluteus maximus (only partially covered by gluteus maximus m.)
Origin - posterior lateral ilum
Insert - greater trochanter of of femur
Innerv - superior gluteal nerve
Action - abducts thigh at hip joint
Gluteus Minimus Muscle
crosses lateral side of hip joint
Origin - posterior-lateral ilium (deep to gluteal medius)
Insert - greater trochanter of femur
Innerv - superior gluteal nerve
Action - abducts thigh at hip joint
Gluteus medius/minimus
important stabilizers of the pelvis during walking. They maintain horizontal orientation of pelvis when body weight is transferred to only one limb (they pull on femur of weight-bearing side to prevent vertical drop of pelvis on supported side) think the way chimpanzees walk, hip drop
Tensor Fasciae latae Muscle
Origin - anterior superior iliac spine
Insert - iliotibial tract (with gluteus maximus)
Innerv - superior gluteal nerve
Action - stabilizes (locks) knee joint hen standing