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25 Cards in this Set

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Sanità, assistenza sanitaria (nome)

Sanitario (aggettivo)

Healthcare setting: struttura sanitaria

Healthcare system: sistema sanitario

Healthcare provider: medico

Healthcare company: casa farmaceutica

Public transport, education, healthcare, social welfare, the arts, defence

Services that receive government money

Civil servant

Impiegato statale

Have no control over

Non aver controllo su (We have no control over what private businesses pay their staff)

Is responsible for

È responsabile per (the culture department Is responsible for the running of museums)

Lost control of

Perso il controllo di (The mayor has lost control of the council)

Be in control of

Esser in controllo di (politicians should always be in control of their emotions)

Out of control

Fuori controllo (public spending is totally out of control)

Has a responsibility

Ha la responsabilità (in senso lato) (the state has a responsibility to provide healthcare)

Is to blame for/to blame for

Da biasimare per (We need to find out who is to blame for the crisis)

Take charge of, be in charge of

Take responsibility for

Prendersi carico di (the government needs to take charge of the current problems)

Are entitled to

Esser autorizzato a

Avere il diritto di (in some countries you are entitled to free medical care)

Took the blame for

Prendersi la colpa per (the party leader took the blame for their election defeat)

Public spending

Spesa pubblica


Social services, social worker, social mobility

Modern society, civil society, consumer society

Old-age pension

Pensione d'anzianità (welfare benefit)

People who can't take care of themselves

Those unable to meet their own needs

Unemployment benefit

Sussidio di disoccupazione (welfare benefit)


Servizi per l'infanzia

Economic and social well-being

Benessere sociale ed economico

Welfare, social welfare

Welfare: sussidi pubblici, benessere, well-being

Social welfare: stato sociale, previdenza sociale

Welfare scheme: programma di assistenza sociale

Welfare state: stato sociale

Welfare fund: fondo previdenziale


Fund, sussidiare


Basato sul reddito (agg.)

Foreign policies

Politiche estere


That can be anticipated:

The government failed to prepare for what should have been a foreseeable crisis