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129 Cards in this Set

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PAR is an example of ...
content-area reading framework
The goal of content instruction that integrates reading strategies is ...
to make students autonomous learners
A major belief of reading to learn is that students ...
assume responsibilty for reading efficiently and effectively as soon as possible
When teachers motivate students by using a strategy or strategies prior to reading they are demonstrating the ___ stage of lesson framework
Effective teachers never rely on ___, do not ____ , and inspire the students ____.
telling students what they need to know to be successful / assign chapters for homework and discuss them the next day in class / to think for themselves
Assumptive teaching ____ necessary in most cases
is not
The assistance step of the PAR framework mainly ____.
improves comprehension.
The reflection step of PAR includes: ___, ___, and ___.
expansion of the reading experience / enrichment / and critical thinking
A framework is most like a ___.
program for learning
It (is / is not) important to teach reading after elementary grades
At-risk students tend to have an ___ of control
external locus
The authors presented all of the following as important for teaching ESL students: learn as much as possible about ___, teach primarily in the ___, and use ___.
the students' language and culture / English language / materials which reflect the background and culture of the student
Many of the strategies described in the text will (not be / be) effective, with modifications, for at-risk learners.
A student who, despite hardships and at-risk factors, bounces back and succeeds in school, might be described as ___.
The student says, "I don't need this stuff!" when asked to read a chapter in social studies. He is displaying ___.
being fearful and negative about learning
At-risk students often come from ___, have ___ self-esteem, and believe that teachers are ___.
different economic or cultural backgrounds than other students / low / uncaring, unfair, and ineffective
The authors say that at-risk learners' lives are governed by ___, ___, and ___.
fear / threat / negative thinking
The conscious control of one's own reading comprehension is called ___.
comprehension monitoring
Students question a teacher over a short paragraph and then the teacher questions the students about the next paragraph. Most probably they are demonstrating the ___.
ReQuest procedure
Research shows positive changes in achievement of at-risk students can be ___.
made fairly quickly
Research about classroom tests indicates that ___.
almost 80% of the items test literal comprehension
High stakes tests (have / have not) benefits for teachers and students
All of the following are examples of authentic assessment: ___, a ___, and a ___.
observation notes / portfolio / writing sample
Evaluation is ...
making judgements based on data collected
Portfolios of students (are / are not) mainly to collect students' standardized test results.
are not
Validity is ...
whether the test measures what it purports to measure
The main purpose of a "pop quiz" should be to ___.
promote student independence and responsibility
Assessment is the ...
gathering of information from many resources
A student pauses from reading and retells what he has learned to a classmate who listens intently and helps analyze the passage. These students are taking part in ___.
comprehension monitoring
Many of the strategies described in this text (can / can not) be effective, with modifications, for evaluation of student knowledge.
TV, video, and movies are popular with students because ___.
they use visual and auditory stimulations to provide entertainment
One major caution about electronic literacy is that ___.
plagiarism has become a problem
Effective WebQuests require ___.
careful planning by the teacher
BLOG stands for ___.
Web Log
Technology (is / is not) the most effective tool for learning that has ever been developed.
is not
Software is most effective when it is ___.
instructionally relevant
The Internet is an ____.
electronic library of information
Hypertext (is / is not) a linear presentation in a computer environment.
is not
When evaluating software, one should consider ___, ___, and ___.
interactive capabilities / adaptability / attention to subject matter
The field of electronic literacy (is / is not) far outpacing paper literacy.
The most effective way to determine the match between the reader and the text is to consider ___, ___, and ___.
text structure / prior knowledge / reading skills
Readability formalae are measures of ___ and ___.
vocabulary difficulty / sentence length
Elements of effective literature-based classrooms include ___.
numerous ways to respond to literature
Literature should be used at ___ of the PAR framework.
all phases
Textbooks in which both sides of an argument are presented are called ___.
refutational texts
Read-alouds are most suitable for ___.
any age group
One way to determine if students have the appropriate background is to use ___.
a PreP
"Rule of thumb" places the responsibility for matching reader to text on the ___.
When students score between 40-60% on the cloze test, it is an indication that they are operating with the text at their ___ level.
(True/False) No one textbook can deliver all the concepts and do justice to the different viewpoints involved in any unit of study.
It (is / is not) preferable to adapt text material rather than to avoid it.
Graphic organizers, analogies, and anticipation guides are designed to ___.
activate schema
When one cites the differences in reading skills of learning, often the term used is ___.
heterogeneity of background knowledge
A teacher puts a word on the board and calls on every student in the class to think of a word that is associated with the term. This teacher is probably in the first stages of conducting the ___.
PreP activity
One way to prepare students to read difficult, but important text is to ___.
provide a written preview
The term schema is a way of explaining ___, the term to explain ___, and likened to ___.
how prior knowledge is stored in memory / how information becomes part of system of integrated knowledge / diagrams or drawings stored in the brain
Students who both can read and choose to do so (are / are not) experiencing cognitive dissonance.
are not
Analogies help readers ___.
make connections between the new and the known
When a teacher constructs a multi-text activity, he or she must first ___.
determine the readability levels of several texts
Psychologists maintain that learning takes place when the "perceptual field" is ___.
organized in a meaningful pattern
Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) is a ___.
questioning taxonomy
Questions should be constructed to ___.
guide thoughtful learning
The process of reading comprehension refers to ___.
a mental activity
Expository writing contains ___, ___, and ___.
subordinate ideas / super-ordinate ideas / major ideas spanning whole sections of material
Discourse analysis is ...
the study of organization in reading material
The teacher says that she is teaching a lesson on the "Middle East" while at the same time she will be demonstrating the Guided Reading Procedure. She is providing an example of ___.
the conscious teaching of strategies
The Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) provides an opportunity for training in ___.
listening and speaking through predicting aloud and justifying predictions
Comprehension is influenced by ___.
how a text is organized
Definitions of reading comprehension (have / have not) changed a great deal over the years from 1900 to the present.
have not
Studies of comprehension indicate that ___ is strategic.
effective reading
The authors believe that critical thinking is best done in ___ of the lesson framework.
the reflective stage
The reflection stage of reading is where an ___ should be cultivated.
internal locus of control
The main purpose of a "pop quiz" should be to ___.
help students move toward becoming autonomous learners
The main goal in teaching reading to learn is to help students ___.
move towards becoming autonomous learners
Research on critical thinking indicates that students who can think critically in one discipline (will have / will not have) equal skill to think critically in another discipline.
will not have
When students take "free rides" they are practicing ___.
independent, critical thinking
There (is / is not) a clear definition of the construct of critical thinking.
is not
One way to bring literature into the content classroom is through the use of ___.
literary gift exchange
An example of a reflection activity that is also a cooperative learning activity is ___.
TRIP cards
___ is a memory-enhancing device that deals with categorizing large amounts of material into two or three categories.
Massed study (is / is not) an effective study technique.
is not
Teaching study systems (is / is not) best done in content classrooms.
(T/F) Memory techniques such as method of loci and other mnemonics have been used for thousands of years.
Previewing is offered as the foundation of study because it helps clarify the ___.
cognitive structure of students
The most efficient study is done in ___.
consistent, short segments over several blocks of time
Mental push-ups are a way of performing ___.
rapid-reading drills
(T/F) Ebbinghaus postulated that persons may lose 70 percent of learned information in only a few days.
___, ___, and ___ lead to poor study habits.
External distracters / internal distracters / physical distracters
Study habits (should / should not) be taught to children younger than sixth grade.
Vocabulary reflection activities are often more beneficial when ___.
completed in small groups
When a word is so well-known that it is used often in one's speech and writing, it is known at the stage of ___.
production knowledge
Definitions, signal words and synonyms are all clues to ___.
context clue discovery
The following vocabulary activities are most suitable for the preparation PAR stage: ___, ___, ___.
graphic organizers / possible sentences / word inventories
The difference between closed-word sorts and open-word sorts is that in the former the students are ___.
given the categories in advance
The authors feel that vocabulary instruction can be beneficial in increasing ___, can be accomplished ___, and can be very important in ___.
the base of knowledge / at any phase of the lesson / improving comprehension
(T/F) Word knowledge is not static but can change over time as a child gains more experience.
Structural analysis is best used in ___ of lesson framework.
the assistance stage
Looking up words in a dictionary (is/ is not) generally a very helpful preparation strategy.
is not
Reading comprehension is most affected by ___.
knowledge of word meanings
(T/F) The subject of a biopoem is always some historical person or event.
Rubrics (are / are not) associated with product writing.
All of the following are principles for developing writing activities to assist comprehension: students need ___, students need ___, and writing assignments ___.
an audience / to feel that the writing task is important / should be varied
When DaQuan finished his piece entitled "Terrorism: An Enemy Among Us," he asked Tiffany and Billy to read it to be sure it was clear in their estimation. He also asked Travis to do the same before showing it to Mrs. Clinton. This practice is termed ___.
Writing errors should be considered at the ___.
revision step for a final product
All of the following are products of writing to learn: ___, ___, and ___.
completed experiments / test essays / research reports
A teacher asks her students to write about the effects of a new development project earmarked to be built on wetland property. She then encourages them to send their essays to be published in the local newspaper. She is concerned with teaching ___.
both process and product writing
To complete the "triangle truth" exercise, the student supplies information in the ___.
middle of the triangle
Writing to learn can best be described as ___.
a tool for learning
After completing the unit on ratio and proportion Latisha thought about what she had learned and the strategies and techniques she had used to learn the information. This reflective process to consider one's own learning and thinking is called ___.
The key aspect of the Extended Anticipation Guide is that ...
students work in groups after reading to complete the guide
The strategy jigsaw makes use of ___ in the lesson.
"expert groups"
The teaching of responsibility should begin in ___.
The first phase of the Cooperative Reading Activity (CRA) (is / is not) to have students get in groups to read and discuss an entire passage.
is not
Cooperative study could take place with ___, ___, and ___.
paired reading / interactive guide / cooperative graphing
In paired reading one partner is designated as the ___ and the other as the ___.
"recaller" / "listener"
The teacher tries to establish a dialogue with students to work together in comprehending text. First she -- and later students -- predicts what the paragraph might be about. Then questions are generated, and the paragraph is clarified and summarized. From all of this we can surmise that the teacher is using the ___.
reciprocal teaching strategy
Studies show that cooperative learning involves all of the following positive attributes for students: ___, ___, and ___.
lessens stress reactions of students / helps students become more confident and self-assured / helps students develop socially
TRIP stands for ___.
Think/Reflect in Pairs
Three phases in successful group work (are / are not): commitment, collaboration, and arbitration
are not
The best reason to establish an affective climate in content classrooms is that such an environment ___.
enables students to perform at their highest level potential
Teacher enthusiasm (has / has not) been found to be highly correlated with both teacher effectiveness and attitudinal change in students.
Downshifting occurs when negative messages are sent from ___.
old mammalian brain to the reptilian brain
Competition rather than cooperation between the two brain hemispheres (is / is not) the prevailing mode in instruction.
is not
A strategy teachers can adapt to foster self-direction and internal motivation is to ___.
let students make a set of rules of conduct for class
People with an ___ locus of control accept ___ for their behavior.
internal / responsibility
Efferent reading helps a reader ___.
acquire important information
GATOR is an example of ___.
questioning in the affective domain
All students have learning strengths; these are best addressed by ___.
variety in instruction
When knowledge is not passively received but actively sought by the learner, the process can best be described as ___.