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14 Cards in this Set

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the bottom line

The most important facts about what you are discussing

The Bottom line is your son is doing the right thing

Cross that bridge when you come to it

I will deal with this problem when it happens

Don’t spend all your savings now what are you gonna do next year?

Well I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it

Cut to the chase

get to the point

I’ll Cut to the chase we don’t have enough money for the project

The Icing on the cake

An extra good thing that makes a good situation even better

He was already happy with his salary the icing on the cake came when he got a large bonus

In Two minds

Not able to reach a decision or opinion about something

It shows you that everybody can be two minds about this

Make a mountain out of a molehill

To complain about small unimportant problems as if it is important or serious

Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill it’s not a big deal

On the back burner

Something can wait or it’s not in a hurry to finish

She put her career on the back burner after marrying a rich man

Play it by ear

To deal with things as they happen you don’t make plans for the future

He never prepared his presentations he always played things by ear

Sit on the fence

To refuse to give an opinion about something

These people sit on the fence because they don’t know which way to go

split hairs

Arguing about very small details Or try to find differences between things that are very similar

Don’t split hairs I don’t care whether he is 24or 25

Stick to your guns

To refuse to change your opinion or decision about something

You should stick to your guns and focus on the people who matter to you

Take a backseat

to allow other people to have the power responsibility

I take a backseat to nobody

The tip of the iceberg

Small Part of a very large problem

We get 200 complaints every year and that’s just the tip of the iceberg

Up in the air

It hasn’t been decided yet

I was supposed to meet her this week but things are up in the air because she’s out of town