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99 Cards in this Set

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According to recent demopraphic reports discussed in your text, approximately how many children are currently born in America yearly?
B. A little over 4 million babies.
Current reports indicate that America has a higher rate of adolescent pregnancies than many other developed countries. Demographics indicate that about one million teens will become pregnant yearly. Of these, approximately how many will give birth?
C. 500,000
Which of teh following, if any, accounts for low birth rates in China and Taiwan?
A. Governmental "one child" policy.
Which of the following, if any, does your text say are among the socioeconomic and associated with being the mother of teen pregnancy
D. All of the above
When considering the recent analyses of birth trends, which of the following age groups appear to be women most likely to be in their 'prime" for child bearing?
B. Ages 24-29
According to the description of fertilization in your text, which of the following is the most accurate description of how long it might take for a sperm to reach an ovum to begin the creation of a zygote?
C. Anywhere from 1 to 3 days
Over 100 million sperm tend to be present in male ejaculation. Approximately how many of these reach the ovum, therefore giving them a chance for fertilization?
D. 200
During the fertilization process, the sperm that do reach the ovum attempt to enter its outer layer. What typically happens to the first sperm that penetrates the ovum successfully?
A. It gets pulled into the ovum through a series of contractions meant to help it penetrate the outer layer of the egg.
According to your text, which of the following, if any, is the action that signifies that conception has occurred?
C. The implantation of the blastocyst into the endometrium.
According to the recent CDC survey discussed in your text, approximately__ women have some sort of impairment interfering with getting pregnant.
B. 7 million
What is the clinical definition of infertility, as described in your text?
C. The inability to conceive a baby after trying to do so for a period of 1 year.
What is vernix?
B. A waxy coating that lubricates the baby's skin in utero
Your co-working just called to say that her sister gave birth to a child at week 37 of her pregnancy. Which of the following, if any, would be considered accurate statements about the timing of the birth?
A. The baby is considered full-term
During the first trimester of pregnancy, rapid growth and development occur. This is one reason the first trimester is often referred to as the __ period.
B. Critical
Why does your text argue that, when it comes to sex, it is best for a partner to follow the pregnant woman's lead during pregnancy?
C. Mood changes can alter a pregnant woman's desire for the thought or act of sex, but it does not mean she is rejecting her partner
Fetal movement, also referred to as quickening, is something that the mothers tends to feel for the first time at what time during the pregnancy?
D. About 20 weeks
What trimester of pregnancy to most mothers tend to report as the most "enjoyable" time during pregnancy?
B. Second trimester
What is "The mother line?"
B. A dark line that runs vertically from the pubic area to the navel in some pregnant women.
When is it most common for the birth of the placenta to occur?
B. Anywhere from 5-30 minutes following the delivery of the baby.
Although individual couples show a range of difference in post-partum sexual desire and activity, your text discusses a study that appears to have found a variable predicting which couples would be much less likely to be having sexual relations one year after childbirth. What was this predictor variable?
A. Not being sexually active at the third month of the pregnancy.
which of the following, if any are factors associated with happy relationships between parents of babies by the time they are about 6 months old?
D. All of the above.
A Cesarean section (C-section) is a surgical incision made to deliver the fetus through the __
C. Abdomen and uterus
When children are born with physical or developmental challenges, their parents go through an experience of grief and loss. According to what we know so far, this experience is __
B. a cycle that maynever completely end.
The vast majority of miscarriages occur because of ___
B. abnormalities in the embryo.
Which of the following are not mentioned in your text as known causes of stillbirth?
D. extreme fetal growth.
In the late 1800s, the __ declared the distribution of information about contraception "obscene," and, therefore, illegal in the state of New York
D. Comstock Laws
Which of the following is considered a barrier method of contraception?
D. All of the above
Which contraceptive method is the most widely used by American women who are in their teens and 20s?
C. The pill
Contraceptive methods such as the pill and the patch utilize which synthetic hormones to disrupt the process of ovulation ?
B. estrogen and progesterone
Which of the following statements accurately represents the American Pharmacists Association's (APA) official policy concerning a pharmacist's right to refuse to fill a contraceptive prescription?
A. The APA policy states that a pharmacist has the right to refuse a prescription as long as he or she makes sure customers can get their medications some other way.
During Ancient times, contraceptive and abortion techniques were
C. derived primarily from nature and included a wide variety of herbal remedies.
Which of the following contraceptive methods does not require a prescription to obtain?
D. Contraceptive sponge
The primary way that the birth control pill, Norplant, and Dep Provera all help prevent pregnancy is through
D. Keeping eggs from being released each month.
Using the FDA rating system, which of the following categories of contraception has the lowest failure rate?
A. Hormonal methods
A recent Kinsey Institute study indicates that those women who reported the highest overall level of satisfaction with their sex lives used which contraceptive method?
C. Combination of hormonal method and condoms.
The reason that the morning-after pill helps prevent pregnancy is because it
A. Changes the lining of the uterus so a fertilized egg cannot attach to it.
All of the following are fairly common side effects of taking the birth control pill except for
A. decreased appetite
In addition to providing contraception, the birth control pill has which of the following added benefits for many of the women who take it?
D. Taking the pill may provide all of the above benefits to many women.
According to the National College Health Assessment survey, approximately __ percent of sexually active college students have used emergency contraception.
D. 10
A vasectomy is performed by:
C. severing or sealing the vas deferens
After receiving a tubal ligation, most women regularly experience:
D. No changes in their menstrual cycle
American men of which racial-ethnic group are most likely to undergo vasectomy?
B. White
In order to be most effective, the emergency contraception pill must be taken within what time frame after engaging in sexual activity that put you at risk for pregnancy?
C. 72 hours
Following a vasectomy, most men experience which of the following changes?
D. Having a vasectomy does not result in any of these changes.
Approved by the FDA in 2000, RU-486 is a:
C. Medication that causes the uterine lining to break down, making it impossible for a current pregnancy to continue.
The Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) method of abortion is most commonly used to terminate a pregnancy during which stage?
C. 3rd trimester
Abortions performed within the first nine weeks of pregnancy are strongly associated with
D. Abortions performed this early pose virtually no long-term risks of infertility, miscarriage, or ovarian cancer.
A woman can undergo an effective, nonsurgical abortion by taking the medications mifepristone and Misoprostol for up to __ days after the first day of her last menstrual period.
B. 63
A spontaneous abortion refers to:
C. The natural expulsion of the fetus from the uterus in the case of miscarriage.
In 1873, the __ declared that all bans on abortion in the first trimester are unconstitutional.
A. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade
Approximately how many people in the United States are currently living with HIV/AIDS?
B? 5 million
The transformation zone refers to the:
B. Space within a woman's cervix that divides squamous and epithelial cells.
Because young women have larger transformation zones than older women, younger women are:
C. at greater risk for contracting an STI
What proportion of all STIs are found in young adults under the age of 25?
D. Two-thirds
Pregnant women who are infected with chlamydia are particularly at high risk for developing what other health condition?
C. Pelvic inflammatory disease
When gonorrhea is transferred between individuals through sexual activity, the bacteria survives in the _ membrane.
B. Mucus
All of the following are symptoms of gonorrhea in men except:
C. Large bumps on the penis
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, how have reported rates of chlamydia in the U.S. changed since 1989
A. Increased for both men and women
Which of teh following STI's is caused by the viral agent known as HSV-1
B. Herpes
Which of the following occurs during the first stage of a syphilis infection?
B. A chancre appears at the site of infection
Which of the following STI's is caused by bacterial agent?
D. Syphilis
Within two weeks of transmission, a person infected with herpes may develop
D. Blister-like sores.
Barbara developed blister-like sores that began to "week," then scabbed over, and eventually healed about four weeks later. Barbara has most likely contracted which STI?
B. Herpes
Researchers have identified a strong link between contracting _ and later developing particular kinds of mouth, cervical, vaginal, and penile cancer.
The soft, moist, flesh-colored growths found on the vulva, vagina, anus, cervix, penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh of someone who is infected with the human papillomavirus are commonly referred to as:
C. Genital warts
Gardasil is a vaccination that doctors now recommend giving to 11 and 12 year old boys and girls to prevent the contraction of which virus?
Among people in the U.S. diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2007, the most common stage of the life course in which the diagnosis was made was:
C. Early to middle adulthood
Which bodily fluid contains the highest concentration of the HIV virus?
A. Blood
Individuals who are infected with the HIV virus develop AIDS when:
C. Their bodies are no longer able to launch an immune system response.
Used to diagnosis HIV, the ELISA test is used to detect the presence of antibodies in which bodily substance?
A. Blood
Nearly two-thirds of people living with HIV/AIDS around the world are located in:
A. sub-saharan Africa
Protease and fusion inhibitors are antiretroviral drugs used to treat patients infected with STI?
Which of the following STI's can be effectively treated with antibiotics
D. All of these STI's can be effectively treated with antibiotics
Often referred to as the "Silent disease' because so many infected people have no noticeable symptoms__ is now the most common STI found in the U.S. population
B. Chlamydia
Among U.S. women who contract HIV/AIDS, the two most common methods of transmission today are unprotected heterosexual sex and:
A. Unprotected homosexual sex.
Clinical professionals use the term, ___, to refer to types of sexual arousal that are caused by objects, situations, or individuals
D. Paraphilia
The concept, sexual __, is largely regarded as a more neutral term for classifying paraphilias because it does not imply that any of the behaviors are necessarily threatening or illegal.
B. Variations
Research data collected mostly from victim populations and incarcerated individuals suggests that a large majority of people with paraphilias are:
D. Male
Research indicates that the development of paraphilia usually begins to occur at what developmental stage of the life course?
B. Early adolescence(age 11-14)
Which landmark U.S.Supreme Court decision made BDSM a legal activity between consenting adults?
C. Lawrence v. Texas
If a man were to experience an erotic attraction to, or have sexual contact with, an animal, he would most likely be diagnosed with
D. Zoophilia
Statistics reveal that exhibitionists make up approximately __ of all sex offenders.
B. One-third
If a woman were to feel sexual arousal and gratification from rubbing her genitals against others in public places or crowds, she would most likely be diagnosed with:
A. Frotteurism
Which paraphilia is characteristic of people who experience sexual excitement from being urinated upon or urinating on one's sexual partner?
C. Urophilia
People who experience sexual arousal from engaging in sexual activity with non-living objects (such as shoes) may be diagnosed with:
C. Fetishism
Some people who develop __ accidently die when they choke themselves in order to achieve an altered state of consciousness that they believe will enhance orgasm
A. Hypoxyphilia
Individuals who derive ertoic arousal in relation to someone who is an amputee develop:
D. acrotomophilia
Necrophilia is characterized by experiencing sexual arousal from:
B. Corpses
In clinical terms, a heterosexual male who becomes sexually aroused from wearing women's clothing is considered a
C. Transvestite
Psychologists consider __ a persistent mental disorder characterized by the achievement of sexual arousal through the compulsion to show one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger.
B. Exhibitionism
Which of the following is not one of the three most common criminal sex offenses in the United States?
C. Necrophilia
In order for a paraphilia to be classified in the DSM-IV, an individual must have experienced sexual pleasure from the thoughts or behavior for at least how long?
C. Six months
Someone who becomes recurrently sexually excited by watching unsuspecting people get undressed or have sex is considered a:
C. Voyeur
Ann's psychological profile designates her as__, or someone who has little or no interest in sexuality.
A. Hyposexual
The clinical term __ indicates that someone engages in sexual activity so frequently that the behavior appears to be a compulsion.
C. Hypersexual
Clinical research shows that concurrent conditions often contribute to the perpetuation of sexual addictions. For male sex addicts, the most common concurrent condition is
B. Substance abuse
Clinical research shows that concurrent conditions often contribute to the perpetuation of sexual addictions. For female sex addicts, the most common concurrent condition is:
C. eating disorders
Research by Peer Briken and colleagues indicates that there are three common symptoms of sexual addiction. Which of the following is NOT one of those symptoms?
A. Child molestation
A pedophile engaged in the process of "grooming" is:
D. Gradually desensitizing the child to being physically touched