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62 Cards in this Set

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An exercise to correct the body positioning and improve breathing

Cong Fu

Chinese and Indians

1000 BC

A greek physician that explained exercises known as Ars gymnastica or the art of gymnastics that includes wrestling, walking, and weightlifting


What year did Herodicus explain exercises known as ars gymnastica

500 BC

A greek physician who is traditionally regarded as the father of medicine, emphasizes that exercise can improve physical strength


Uses hydrotherapy


He recommended that massaging with oil can relive fatigue


What year did Hippocrates emphasize that exercise can improve physical strength

460 BC

What year did Hector use hydrotherapy

460 BC

What year did Aristotle recommend massaging with oil as a reliever for fatigue

460 BC

Who adopted gymnastics to improve physical strength?


What year did the Romans adopt gymnastics to improve physical strength

180 BC

What year did Galen recommend modern exercise to improve overall strength

Second Century

Who recommended modern exercise to improve overall strength


When was physical therapy written in various books?

1500 to 1700

An example of a physical therapy book that promotes exercise

Libro del Exerciso by Jaen

A professor at medical faculty in Paris that established exercise can help build muscles especially in arms and legs

Nicholas Andry

When did NIcholas Andry establish exercise can build muscles especially in the arms and legs


A Swedish poet, who introduced physical therapy to the actual world

Per Henrick Ling

Ling introduced techniques adopted from chinese martial arts called

Tunia (Swedish massage)

Father of Swedish gymnastics and founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics for Massage Manipulation and Exercise

Per Henrick Ling

What year did Per Henrick Ling introduce physical therapy to the actual world?


What year did the word Physiotherapy appear in an article by Lorenz Gleich?


Who used the word physiotherapy in an article in 1851?

Dr. Lorenz Gleich

What year did George H. Taylor introduce techniques of LIng in America?


Who introduced the techniques of Ling in America?

George H. Taylor

What year did Gustav Zander invent exercise machines to help the patients in performing exercises?


Who invented exercise machines to help patients in performing exercises

Gustav Zander

When was the Charter Society of Physiotherapy created?


Who created the Charter Society of Physiotherapy?

A group of four nurses in Great Britain

PTs were once known as _________

Reconstruction aides

Process of regaining lost skills or function


Process of helping disabled people attain, keep, or improve their skills or function


What year did the polio epidemic reach its peak?


PTs also developed this to assess the strength of the muscle and implement muscle reeducation techniques for weakers muscles

Manual muscle testing

What year did Franklin D. Roosevelt buy a resort to be used as a hydrotherapy center for Polio patients?


What year did the Army Medical Department form?


How many reconstruction aid training programs to meet the demands of medical workers?


What decade did the partnership between PTs and the medical and surgical community develop?


What year did Mary McMillan create American Women's Physical Therapeutic Association?


What year did AWPTA start accepting men?


What year did AWPTA change to American Physiotherapy Asssociation?


What was established to give major support to the growth of PT as a profession?

National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis

What year was the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis established?


What decade did the APA change its name to American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)?


During world war 2, what was used to prevent atrophy and store muscle strength and mass?

Electrical Stimulation

What decade was the peak of World War 2, and the use of electrical stimulation start?


This exercise was given to patients with atrophied hands who had ulnar nerve lesion

Galvanic exercise/electric stimulation

What year did PTs start getting their relative military rankings?


What year did hospital-based pratice increase?


What was passed in 1946 which increased hospital-based practice for PTs?

Hill Burton Act

During this era, the need for PTs and the training of new PTs was suspended due to the decreased demand.

Postwar era

Who developed the bobath concept for the treatment of children with cerebral palsy and adults with logical conditions?

Dr. Bobath (neurologist) and Mrs. Bobath (physiotherapist)

What decade were PTs recognized as professional practitioners


What year did the PTs in the cardiac setting expand?


Who openly question the need for enforced bed rest and prolonged inactivity after a myocardial infarction or heart attack?

Levine and Lown

When did Levine and Lown question the enforced bed rest and inactivity after a myocardial infarction or heart attack?


After the Korean and Vietnam War, PTs were known as the?

physician extenders

What year did APTA develop a professional competency examination that is seven hours long?


What decade did APTA make recommendations about admissions, carricula, education, administration of PT programs?


What decade saw the expansion of PT into management of orthopedics and cardiopulmonary disorders?

1967 to 1976

What year did PTs in animal setting begin?