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103 Cards in this Set

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profession devoted to applying theory and technology to the creation, selection, organization, management, preservation, dissemination, and utilization of collections of information in all formats


•from the latin word liber meaning "book"

•the corresponding term is bibliotheca

•a collection or group of collections books and/or other print or non-print materials


an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspectives, and tools of management, information technology, education, and other areas to libraries

• systematic study of analysis

Library and Information Science

professional knowledge and skill with which recorded information is selected, acquired, organized, stored, maintain, retrieve, and disseminated to meet the needs of a specific clients

Library Science

professionally trained person responsible for the care of a library and its contents and delivery of information, instruction, and loan services to meet the needs of its user


first libraries consisted of archives of the earliest form of writing — the clay tablets in cuneiform script discovered in temple rooms in Sumer

Early Libraries (2600BC - 800 BC)

form of the book in the ancient Egypt, usually a little more than 12 inches high and about 20 ft.long

Roll Papyrus

style of writing of the ancient Egypt and derives from the greek word hieros- sacred/powerful, and glyphikos- carving


kind of plant or water plant


oldest Egyptian known book which is found in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris

Prisse Papyrus

longest Egyptian manuscript in existence more than 130 ft. long

Harris Papyrus

smooth slab of dark granite approximately 2.5 ft wide and 3.75 feet high

Rosetta Stone

British Physicist and French Egyptologist who subsequently used the stone to decipher the meaning if Egyptian hieroglyphic writing

Thomas Young and Jean-Franscois Champollion

the largest and most significant great library of the ancient world

•functioned as a major center of scholarship from its construction in the 3rd century BC until the roman conquest of Egypt in 30BC

The library of Alexandria

an ancient greek temple

• built by Ptolemy III Eurgetes

• combined aspects of Osiris and Apis in a humanized form

Serapeum of Alexandria in the Ptolemic Kingdom

famous library

• an institution founded by Ptolemy I soter or by his son Ptolemy II Philadeiphus

Musaeum or Mouseion at Alexandria

•founded by Eumenes II

• contained 200,000 district volume

• became one of the most important libraries in the ancient period


earliest known fragment of a manuscript book which is a tiny pieces of papyrus leaf of the Gosphel according to St. John dated in the first or second half of the 2nd century AD

Papyrus Rylands

roman library by Emperor Trajan

• one of the most prominent and most famous libraries of antiquity

• only roman library to survive until the fall of Rome

Ulpian Library

oldest extant manuscript of antiquity

• written in 759 leaves of vellum in uncial lettters

•dated in paleographically to the 4th century

Codex Vaticanus of 4th Century

3 different writing system

1. Hieroglyphic writing

2. demotic writing

3. Hieratic writing

system that employs characters in the form of picture

Hieroglyphic writing

ancient Egypt script derived from nothern forms of hieratic used in the Nile Delta

• the stage of the Egyptian language written in the script, following late Egyptian and preceding coptic

Demotic writing

cursive writing system used in the provenance of the pharoahs in Egypt. Primarily written in ink with a reed pen on papyrus

Hieratic writing

form of books on Ancient Egypt


oldest manuscript in Antiquity


described the style of Sumerian writings


latin word for wedge

• material use when softclay and wedge-shape stylus of metal ibor or wood


trained professional schools to carry and memorized lost of words and names, to compare poetry and to master mathematical problem


the record poetry of first school, social reform, political, social, and philosophical thinking preserved

Clay Tablets

the most important library in Assyria was established


mans earliest and greatest system for storing information and trasmitting it from one person to another


the second invention means for preservation and transmission of knowledge


3 kinds of writing

- Pictographic

- Ideographic

- Phonographic

representing object


representing idea suggested in objects


representing sounds


the key to the system writing to which located on the side of a mountain in Iran written in 3 languages (Persian, Babylonia, Elamite)

Behistun Inscription

an epic poem from ancient mesopotamia that is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature

Epic of Gilgamesh

has contribution in system of writing; material, form-tablet, script


used writing in business transactions and in recording note worthy events


the libraries are their contributions in civilization


found in 1923 in French Archeological on sacrophagus

Ahiram Inscription

this monument found in Phoenician in 1868 by missionary in vicinity of Dead sea

Moabite Inscription

develop art writing form of Pictographic system to cursive form linear age from century BC to develop the system BC


earliest book known had been in Colonial America

Bay Psalm Book

In the 6th century, at the very close of the classical period, the great libraries of the Mediterranean world remained those of Constantinople and Alexandria


• Minister to Theodoric

established a monastery at vivarium in the heel of the ltaly with a library where he attempted to bring greek learning to latin readers and preserve texts both sacred and secular for future generation


a manuscript of the gospel produce in the Ireland written in 8th century

Book of Kells

• leading the Anglo-saxan mission to the Germaicparts of theFrankish empire during the 8th century

Most notable english missionary who's greatest monastry was at Filda in Germany

Saint Boniface

first Iranians and then Arabs had imported the craft of papermaking from China, with a paper mill already at work in Baghdad in 794

8th Century

Public libraries started to appearin Islamic cities

• "halls of science" or dar al-'ilm

9th Century

Monastry libraries developed, such as the important one at Abbey of Montecassino

• Books were usually chained to the shelves

Early Middle Ages

• Papal collections brought together by Pope Nicholas V

consigned the Bibliotheca Apostalica Vaticana to care of his librarian

Age of Humanism

• the first European to use movable type printing machine

• the invention of a process for mass-producing movable type

Johannes Gutenberg

evolved from ink rubbings made on paper or cloth from text's on stone tables in China during the Han dynasty (206 BC -220 BC)

Printing in East Asia

• known as the 42-line Bible

first major book printed using mass-produced movable metal type in Europe

The Gutenberg Bible / 42-line Bible 2

an early printed book, especially one printed before 1501


Privately endowed libraries assembled in Rome: the Vallicelliana

16th - 17th Century

3 truly public library in Counter-Reformation Rome

1. Biblioteca Alessandrina

2. Biblioteca Casanatense

3. Biblioteca Corsiniana

earliest text on operations, establishing a library was published in 1627 by french librarian and scholar Gabriel Naudé

17th Century

• french librarian and scholar

wrote prolifically

-works on many subjects; politics, religion, history, supernatural

Gabriel Naudé

2 famous librarian

Hubert-Pascal Ameilhon and Joseph Van Praet

french Revolution saw the confiscation in 1709 of church libraries

18th Century

wrote the second textbook (the first in german) on the subject from 1808 to 1829

Martin Schrettinger

the Jefferson collection provided the start of what became the library of Congress

devised a classification system inspired by the Baconian method

Thomas Jefferson

The first American school of librarianship opened at _____________ under the leadership of Melvil Dewey

Columbia University

the growth of digital technology, the field has been greatly influenced by information science concepts on this century

20th Century

a gap in person's knowledge

Information Needs

conceived the 5 laws of library science and the development of the first major analytic-sythetic classification system

• the father of library science

S.R. Ranganathan

• system of library classification developedby S.R Ranganathan

• the first ever faceted classification

• especially used in India

Colon Classification (CC)

The five laws of library science

1. 1st law: Books are for use

2. 2nd law: Every person his or her book

3. 3rd law: every book its reader

4. 4th law: save the time of reader

5. 5th law: The library is a growing organism

theory proposed by S.R. Ranganathan in 1931 detailing the principles operating a library system.

The Five laws of Library Science

constitutes the basis for the library science

• books in libraries are not meant to be shut away from its users

First law: Books are for use

every member of the community should be able to abtain materials needed

• should meet the special interests of the community

Second Law: Every person his or her books

what law focuses on the item itself suggesting that each item in a library has an individual or individuals who would find that item useful

Third Law: Every book its reader

its ability to meet the needs of the library user efficiently

• should be able to easily locate the material they desire quickly and efficiently

Fourth Law: Save the time of the reader

focuses more on the need for internal change than in changes in the environment itself

• allowing for growth in the physical building, reading areas shelving, and in space for the catalog

Fifth Law: The library is a growing organism

no traces of the existence of libraries

• pre-spanish documents were destroyed by colonizers (assumed)

Ancient Period before history (pre-1565)

localized knowledge of reading and writing

Philippine pre-spanish culture

only religious books found their way on the islands

The colonial PH library period (Spanish period)

private collection by bishop domingo de salazar


first printed book in the Philippines

Doctrina Christiana (1593)

first typographic press was manufactured in_____


free library and reading room has been opened in Manila

American Period

American circulation library was created in _____


National Library of the Philippines was established in _____


establishment of Philippine Library Association(PLA)


Organization of the first national convention for libraries, national book week


Japanese occupation - most of the libraries were burned


foundation of library was forged by ______, ______, ______ in 1914

Lois Osborn, Mary Polk, and James Robertson

started a personal campaign that culminated in the establishment of the first PH school library system

Lois Stewart Osborn

an understanding and helpful friend of every student in quest of knowledgeable from the books and manuscripts in his care

Gabriel Bernardo

period wherein statistical experts found a disorganized library

Modern Period

first Filipino printer and known as a patriarch of filipino printers

Tomas Pinpin

first book printed by movable type (1602) by Father Francisco Blancas de San Jose

Libro de Nuestra Senora del Rosario en lengua y letra Filipinas

4 Scholars to study of University of Wisconsin

• Gabriel Bernardo

• Eulogio Rodriguez

• Cirilio Perez

• Jose Munda

establishment of _______________ by Gov. Jose de Baseo y Vargas for free distribution of books and establishment of libraries

The Sociedad Economica (1781)

UP-Institute of library science


establishment of the association of special libraries of the Philippines (ASLP) by the Interdepartmental Reference Service (IDRS)


the Philippines developed library training programs, courses, completed with master's degreee studies abroad, and constituted associations, cooperatives, and regulatory service

1950 to 1970

the conference of 1952 proposed a plan for the improvement of library services outlined in a five-stages of draft;

(1) regular meetings

(2) cooperative organizations and cataloguing

(3) the compilation of a union catalog and a union list

(4) the Publication of a monthly listing of combined acquisitions

(5) cooperation with other government agencies

In the greek and the romance language, what is the corresponding term for library
