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33 Cards in this Set

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Mobility is dependent on?

ROM, Flexibility

What limits ROM in leg "ball and socket" joint as opposed to shoulder?

Attachment to the sacrum

What 4 things affect ROM?


2. Muscles surrounding

3. Ligaments (bone to bone)

4. Tendon (muscle to bone)

Definition of Flexibility

Absolute range of motion

Gold Standard test for ROM? (Problems)

Sit and Reach test

Harder for people with long legs

Can loss of ROM be permanent?


Define Wolff's Law (examples)

Bone/tissue adapts under load which it is placed

(bow-legged from heavy diapers as child, chronically assumed posture)

Closing of _________ indicates stop of boney growth


Stretch _______ muscles and strengthen _________ muscles



Explain "Head over Pelvis", examples

Concept that body will naturally return head to position over pelvis

Ex. 1 "C" shaped spine warps into "S" shape to return head over pelvis

Ex. 2 Unilateral contracture of sternocleidomastoid

Importance of Coracoacromial ligamnet

Forms roof over head of humerus while throwing

(Coracoid Process to Acromion)

Importance of coracoid process

Impact stabilizer for falling on outstretched hands


Function of Bursae

Sacs filled with Synovial fluid that prevent friction

Function of Capsular Ligament

Holds humeral head in glenoid fossa

Ligaments of the Sternoclavicular Joint

Ligaments of the Sternoclavicular Joint

1. Sternoclavicular

2. Interclavicular

3. Costoclavicular

Ligaments of Acromioclavicular Joint

Ligaments of Acromioclavicular Joint

1. Acromioclavicular

2. Coracoclavicular

3. Coracoacromial

Ligaments Glenohumeral Joint

1. Coracohumeral

2. Transverse Humeral Bursae

Movements of Shoulder Girdle

Adduction (Scapula towards spine), Abduction (Scapula away from Spine), Elevation, Depression, Upward Rotation, Downward Rotation

Trapezius (Upper Fibers) 

Trapezius (Upper Fibers)

O: External Occipital Protuberance, Ligament of Nuccae

I: Posterior Clavicle

A: Elevation of Scapula, Upward Rotation, Extension/Rotation of Head

Trapezius (Middle Fibers)

Trapezius (Middle Fibers)

O: C7-T3 Spinous Process

I: Medial Border of Acromion process, Upper border of Scapular spine

A: Elevation, Upward Rotation, Adduction of Scapula

Trapezius (Lower Fibers)

Trapezius (Lower Fibers)

O: T4-T12 Spinous Process

I: Base of Scapular Spine

A: Depression, Adduction, Upward Rotation of Scapula

Why is Shoulder Joint Flexion and Abduction difficult with a weak Trapezius?

Trapezius contracts scapula in upward rotation which aids in shoulder joint flexion

Levator Scapula

Levator Scapula

O: C1-C4 Transverse Process

I: Medial Border of scapula from superior angle to Spine

A: Elevation, Adduction, downward rotation, Cervical Extension, Lateral flexion of one side of head

Rhomboid Major and Minor

Rhomboid Major and Minor

O: Spinous Process of C7-T5

I: Medial Border of Scapula, Inferior border of Scapular Spine

A: Adduction, Downward Rotation, Elevation



O: 1st Rib

I: Inferior Groove of Clavicle

A: Depression, Abduction

Primary Function: Secures shoulder joint

***Holds clavicle to Sternum

Pectoralis Minor

Pectoralis Minor

O: Anterior Surface of Ribs 3-5

I: Coracoid Process of Scapula

A: Abduction, Downward Rotation, Depression

***Aids on inhalation

Serratus Anterior

Serratus Anterior

O: Upper nine ribs on lateral sides of chest

I: Anterior, medial border of Scapula

A: Abduction, Upward Rotation

Special Nickname: Boxer's Muscle


O: Manubrium of Sternum, Medial Portion of Clavicle

I: Mastoid Process of Clavicle

A: Rotation to opposite side, lateral flexion to same side, Cervical spine flexion,

***Assists in forced exhalation

Levator Scapulae PD Example

Holding Backpack on one side

Rhomboids PD Example

Inferior Angle of Scapula will pop up in muscle weakness (Forward Tilt)

Serratus Anterior PD Example: WINGED SCAPULA

Flaring of Medial Border of Scapula

Sternocleidomastoid PD: WRYNECK

Unilateral Contracture of Sternocleidomastoid

Sprengel's Deformity

Unilateral elevation of Scapula

Etiology: Failure of Scapula to descend during embryological development