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19 Cards in this Set

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Tiêu thụ quá mức thứ gì

Excessive consumption of

Loi song thu dog

Sedentary lifestyles

Thuc an nhanh

Fast food

Junk food

= pre-made food

= processed food

Quan an nhanh

Fast food restaurants

Fast food franchises

Co mot che do an dinh duong/ ko dinh duong

Have a healthy/unhealthy diet

Have a balanced/imbalanced diet

Tham gia vao (hoat dong the chat)

Engage in

Take part in

Participate in

Tang can nhanh

Rapid weight gain

Weight problems

Beo phi

Obesity (n)

Obese (a)

Beo phi o tre nho

Child obesity

Childhood obesity

Obesity among children

Tap the duc thuong xuyen

Take regular exercise

Hoat dong the chat

Physical activities

Take part/participate/engage in physical activities

Lua chon thuc pham lanh manh hon

Make healthier food choices

Chien dich vi suc khoe cong dong

Public health campaigns

Chuong trinh giao duc o truong hoc

School education programmes

Danh thue nang len thuc an nhanh

Significant taxing of fast food

Mac hang loat cac benh lien quan den suc khoe

Suffer from various diseases related to health

Put s.o on a higher risk of severe diseases/ heart diseases

Tuoi tho trung binh

Average life expectancy

Tuoi tho: longevity

Chi phi chua tri

Treatment costs

Su pho bien cua thuc an nhanh va thuc an che bien san

The prevalence of fast food and processed food

The ubiquity of fast food and processed food