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79 Cards in this Set

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Giao duc o gia dinh

Family education

Learn from parents/grandparents by mimicking their behaviour, absorb moral values and acquire life lessons/skills.

setting good example for children

Cap bac giao duc

Level of education

Level of schooling

Family status variables such as parents' level of education have been regarded as predictors of children's academic achievement.

Giao duc tai nha


Giao duc chinh quy

Formal education

Formal learning

GD hoc thuat

Academic learning

Academic pursuit

Academic journey

Giao duc tuyen chon

Streaming education

=|=Mixed ability education

Truong cung gioi

Same-sex shools

Single-sex education

Truong hon hop gioi

Co-educational schools

Giao duc toan dien

A well-rounded education

Giao duc day du mon hoc

A balanced school curriculum

Tro thanh cong dan tot

Become good/contributing members of society

Cuoc song day du

Lead a balanced and fulfilling life

Tu hoc

Ki nang tu hoc

Independent learning


Independent learning skill

Hoc thuoc long

Rote learning

Hoc chu dong

Active learning

Hoc o xa/online

Remote learning

Online learning

Hoc phoi hop onl va off

Blended learning

Giao an

Lesson plans

Cham diem


Đánh giá liên tục

Continuous assessment

Buoc tien bo

Own learning pace

Những năm định hình

Formative years

Phat trien nhan thuc

Cognitive development

Phat trien tinh cam va xa hoi.

Social and emotional development

Hoc sinh kem

Low-performing students

Students who fall behind with his studies

Poor achievements in...

Hoc sinh gioi

High-performance students


Hoc sinh tiep thu nhanh

Fast learners

Hoc bang mat (tranh/van ban)

Visual learners

Hs du thinh

Auditory students

Hanh vi gian doan

Disruptive behaviours

Hoc theo suc minh

Learning at their own pace

Moi truong hoc tap

Learning environment

Ap luc ban dong trang lua

Peer pressure

Peer competition

Bao luc hoc duong


Giao tiep xa hoi

Social interactions

Hanh vi gian doan trong lop

Class disruption

Truong danh gia

Prestigious schools

Privileged schools

Top tier universities

Truong binh thuong

Ordinary school

Mon chinh

Core subjects

Mon hoc thuat

Academic subjects

Maths, Literature

Ctr giang day cua truong

School curricula

Tham gia clb

Join student clubs of sports

Dich vu cong dong

Community service

Hoat dong dinh huong su nghiep

Career orientation programs

Cong viec part time

Part-time works

Part-time jobs

Ki nang ki thuat

Technical skills

Ki nang nghe dac biet

Specific job skills

Ki nang co ban

Hard skills:

Programming (coding)

Software skills


Language skills

Ki nang mem

Practical skillsSoft skillsHands-on skills:

Effective communication



Critical thinking


Interpersonal skills


Ki nang hoc thuat

Academic skills

Learning / researching

Ki nang PP

Report writing and presentations

Ki nang phan tich


Ki nang len ke hoach


Ki nang kiem tra

Test-taking and technical skills

Giao vien



Pedagogical experts

Nang cao

Foster/ nurture/boost/ sharpen

Lam giam

Hinder / lower / deminish

Hs giau

Affluent students

Hs ngheo

Underprivileged students


Education provides countless benefits to individuals as well as society at large

Cb 1 tuong lai sang sua cho tre va giup chung toan dien

Prepare children for a brighter future and turn them into well-rounded individuals

Tiep thu kien thuc lien Quan

Education allows people to acquire relevant knowledge, technical skills and social skills => improve job prospects and higher income

Truong hoc giup tre kham pha tai nang va boc lo chung

Schools help young people discover their talents and excel their fullest potential

Nguoi co hoc thuong co cs lanh manh va hanh phuc

Those with high levels of schooling tend to pursue a healthy lifestyle and lead a happier life

Luc luong lao dong nang dong va ki nang cao

To create a dynamic and highly-skilled workforce

GD dong gop kinh te and tien bo xa hoi

Education makes significant contributions to economic growth and social advancement of a nation

Gia tri dao duc

Schools instill discipline and moral values that mold children into responsible and contributing citizens.

Cong dong co nguoi hoc thuc Giam ti le toi pham va dat duoc cong bang xh

Communities with a high rate of degree holders tend to have lower crime rates and achieve greater social justice.

Giao duc dai hoc

University education

Tertiary education

Third-level education

Nhan bang quoc te

Get an international certificate

Get a globally acceptable certificate

Bang diem

Academic transcript

Grading schedule

Results certificate

Giao duc toan dien

Comprehensive education

Well-round education

Khoa hoc truc tiep

Online courses

Distance learning programmes

Ghi nho kien thuc

Remember knowledge

Retain knowledge

Dat duoc ket qua cao hon

Get higher grades

Achieve better academic outcomes

Kien thuc va chuyen mon can thiet cho...

Theory and expertise needed (for sth)

Essential skills and knowledge for...

Nam bat tot hon

Grasp an authentic understanding

Gioi o (mang nao do)

To be good at

To be excel at

Gat hai duoc ket qua hang mong uoc

Have good results

Yield desired outcomes