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74 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of health?
1). The antithesis of sickness
2). Being in good physical shape and able to resist illness
When was the World Health Organization established? (WHO)
April 7th, 1948
What is the definition of wellness?
The dynamic, ever-changing process of trying to reach one's potential bases on one's own unique limitations and strengths.
Why did life expectancy increase after the 1900's?
Penicillin, vaccines, and work place safety.
Today, health issues are caused by...
Lack of activity, bad nutrition, excessive consumption of alcohol, and tobacco and drug abuse.
Define mortality.
Mortality is the term used for the number of people who died within a population
Define morbidity.
Morbidity refers to the state of being diseased or unhealthy within a population.
What are the dimensions of health?
1). Physical Health
2). Social Health
3). Intellectual Health
4). Emotional Health
5). Spiritual Health
6). Environmental Health
Define physical health.
Includes body size and shape, susceptibility to disease and disorders, and physical fitness.
Define social health.
The ability to have a broad social network of friends, The ability to successfully be socially interactive.
Define intellectual health.
The ability to think clearly, reason, analyze critically, and to use brainpower effectively.
Define emotional health.
The ability to express emotions when appropriate, and to control when not to.
Define spiritual health.
Involves having a sense of meaning and purpose in your life. May involve a belief in a supreme being.
Define environmental health.
Entails understanding how the health of the environments in which you live, work, and play can positively or negatively affect you. The will to work to protect, preserve, and improve environmental conditions for everyone.
What is health promotion?
The process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health.
What is a risk behavior?
Risk behavior are actions you take that could have a risk of causing harm to you.

(ex: smoking puts you at risk of lung cancer)
What is primary prevention?
Primary prevention is a method used to prevent someone from getting a disease.

(ex: someone applying sunscreen to prevent skin cancer)
What is secondary prevention?
Secondary prevention is a method used when someone already has a disease but has caught it in its early stages.

(ex: someone visiting a doctor after they've found a skin growth could be preventing cancer from spreading)
What is tertiary prevention?
Tertiary prevention is a method used when someone already has a disease and is suffering from symptoms. Goals of tertiary prevention are to slow down the disease, make people healthy again, or to prevent the disease from causing other problems.
What is the leading cause of death for young adults?
Vehicular accidents, followed by homicide, then suicide.
What are realistic goals?
What is prejudice?
Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
What is self-efficacy?
Self-efficacy is the measure of the belief in one's own ability to complete tasks and reach goals.
What is learned optimism?
Learned optimism is the idea in positive psychology that a talent for joy, like any other, can be cultivated.
What interferes with the sleep-wake cycle?
What is the most common psychiatric problem in the United States?
Anxiety disorders.
How do you treat general anxiety disorders?
What are panic attacks?
A sudden feeling of acute and disabling anxiety.
What are phobias?
Usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.
If you believe someone is suicidal what should you do?
Be supportive and tell an authority figure.
What is homeostasis?
The tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, esp. as maintained by physiological processes.
What are stressors?
What are type A and B personalities?
Ambitious, organized, truthful, impatient, always tries to help others, takes more than they can handle.

Type B is the kind of the opposite. They are lower stress, work at a steady pace, and don't care for competition.
How does exercise relieve stress?
By releasing endorphins and strengthening the immune system.
What is cognitive restructuring?
Cognitive restructuring is a psychotherapeutic process of learning to identify and dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts, such as all-or-nothing thinking.
What are societal causes of violence?
What are primary and reactive aggressions?
Primary aggression is goal-directed behavior designed to achieve an objective beyond physical violence. Reactive aggression, on the other hand, is performed in response to provocation. (ex: retaliation)
What are the indicators of possible domestic violence?
Bruises, facial injuries, tension between couples.
Child abusers often also abuse _______.
What is the difference between appetite and hunger?
Appetite is the want to eat, and hunger is the need to eat.
What are calories?
A unit of energy where 1 calorie is enough to bring 1 gram of water up 1 Celsius.
How much fat is in the typical American diet?
How is proportionality symbolized in the MyPyramid plan?
Proportionality is symbolized by the width of of the food group bands.
The best way to obtain all of your necessary nutrients is to?
The organ that determines where most of your nutrients are stored is what?
Small intestine. (Liver ?)
What percent of the human body is water?
What are amino acids?
Amino acids are biologically important organic compounds made from amine and carboxylic acid functional groups, along with a side-chain specific to each amino acid.
What is the most common simple sugar?
What is glycogen?
A substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates. It is a polysaccharide that forms glucose on hydrolysis.
What are tiny bulges in the intestinal wall?
What are LDL's and HDL's?
LDL is Low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol). HDL is high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol).
What happens when polyunsaturated fats are hydrogenated?
They become saturated fats.
Why are these fats hydrogenated?
Because they are cheaper to produce, and have longer shelf lives than unsaturated fats.
What is folate and why is it important?
Folate is a B vitamin that is important because it is essential for cell growth and reproduction.
What percentages of Americans are overweight?
What is obesity? What does it put a person at risk for? Is there a genetic component to obesity?
Having a BMI above 30, bigger than overweight. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Yes.
People 20-30% overweight are considered where on the obesity continuum?
BMI or body mass index is what?
A number calculated by a person's weight and height.
If your parents are obese what percentage of their children will be?
The best way to see how much body fat a person has is by using which method?
What is leptin?
A protein produced by fatty tissue and believed to regulate fat storage in the body.
What does basal metabolic rate measure?
The number of calories the body uses while he is at rest.
What is the set point theory?
The theory that each person has an individual thermostat governing how much food they want to eat and how much fat they will store from food intake.
To burn one pound of fat you need to expend how many calories?
3,500 calories.
What types of disorder eating are there?
What is ketosis?
A condition characterized by raised levels of ketone bodies in the body.
What are the components of physical fitness?
Cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
Why is regular aerobic exercise important? What happens to white blood cells after exercise?
Because it reduces heart disease. After exercise, white blood cells and antibodies flow through the body more quickly, allowing for better prevention of illness.
Describe the force of blood against blood vessel walls.
Blood pressure.
What is aerobic capacity?
The maximum capacity of an individual's body to transport and use oxygen during incremental exercise.
The amount of force a muscle is capable of exerting is called what?
Muscle strength
What is the overload principle?
Applying a greater load than normal to a muscle to increase its capability.
Why should you vary your exercise programs?
Because the body becomes used to certain exercises and begins to plateau progress. By varying exercises, your body never gets used to it.
Exercise burns off chemicals produced by what in the body?