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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the most preventable cause of death in the US?
How many people die a year from smoking related diseases?
What is the process of how air travels?
Air comes in through the nose or mouth and goes into the lungs, the air is warmed, humidified and cleaned, carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged and then the air is forced out.
What is good about the defenses of the respiratory system?
AIr brings in bad particles into the lungs, but sneezing and coughing expel some of these aswell. Also mucous that is swallowed and coughed out expels them too.
What is bronchitis?
Scar tissue in the bronchi, irritation or infection of bronchial tissue and coughing are characteristics of bronchitis..
What is emphysema?
Scar tissue and mucous obstruct the respiratory passages, bronchi lose their elasticity and collapse, and air is trapped in the alveoli. Trapped air breaks down the alveolar walls and they become enlarged which leaves less room to exchange oxygen and CO2, this causes overall trouble breathing.
What percentage of people in the US are currently classified as smokers?
Fewer than 21%
What percentage of people in the US were classified as smokers in 1966?
What percentage of current smokers are men?
What percentage of current smokers are women?
What ethnicity has the highest rate of smoking?
American Indians
What ethnicity has the lowest rate of smoking?
How does SES effect smoking rates?
People below the poverty line have higher rates of smoking.
How does education effect smoking rates?
The more educated the individual the less likely they are to smoke. --Italy is the inverse.
What are some factors that increase smoking?
Genetics, social pressure, advertising, weight control, addiction, positive and negative reinforcements, optimistic bias.
What are some risks that are associated with smoking?
CVD, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, etc.
What is the second largest cause of death in smokers?
How much more likely are smokers to get CVD?
Twice as likely.
Are men or women more likely to get CVD that is connected to smoking.
What is the causal factor in cancer of the lip, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, larynx, trachea, urinary bladder, kidney, cervix, and stomach?
What do the 3 leading causes of death in the US and the 3 principal smoking related causes of death have in common?
They are the same.
What are some effects of smoking that haven't really been mentioned?
Fires, memory deficits, disease, ED, problem pregnancies, less attractive appearance etc.
How much more likely are people who smoke to be diagnosed with psychiatric disorders and substance abuse disorders?
2-4 times
What is one side effect that is huge for women smokers?
They are way more likely to have problems with pregnancy.
What are the effects of pipes and cigars on the body?
Cigars and pipes produce similar damage as cigarettes just not as severely.
What percentage of nonsmokers show signs of exposure?
What diseases are linked to secondhand smoke?
Lung cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems in children.
What are the five jobs that are most exposed to secondhand smoke?
-Bowling alleys
-Billiard halls
-Betting establishments
-Bingo parlors
What are some risks of smoke exposure that coincide with CVD?
Inflammation, blood clots, and changes in the lining of the arteries.
What are some risks for kids exposed to smoke?
SIDS, chronic lower respiratory disease, low birth weight, asthma attacks, childhood cancers, weak lungs, wheezing. etc.
What does smokeless tobacco include?
Snuff and chew
Who uses smokeless tobacco most in the US?
Hispanic and European Americans
Is smokeless tobacco safter than traditional tobacco?
It carries less risk but it is still unsafe.
What is the current trend with smoking rates?
It is going down in industrialized nations, but it is increasing in developing nations.
What are some ways to prevent smoking?
Ones that encourage people to stop and those that are geared toward prevention.
What percentage of smokers quit without aid?
What are some common forms of nicotine replacements?
Gum, inhalers, lozenges, patches and sprays.
What are some psychological Intervention techniques?
Contracts, group therapy, social support, relaxation, training, stress management etc.
Who is most likely to quit smoking?
-Young people
-those who smoke to reduce stress over those who do it for pleasure
-pregnant women
-those with social support
What does evidence suggest about people who quit smoking for more than 16 years?
Evidence suggests that after a smoker has quit for 16 years they return to a normal mortality rate.