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31 Cards in this Set

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name the 6 dimensions of wellness
physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal/social, environmental/planetary wellness
caused by invading microorganisms; the leading cause of death a century ago
infectious disease
name the 6 dimensions of wellness
physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal/social, and environmental/planetary wellness
leading cause of death today
chronic disease
two major goals of Healthy People 2010
increasequality and years of healthy life; eliminate healt disparities among Americans
435,000 people die per year from _________.
evaluating sources of health information:
1. go to the ________.
2. watch for _________.
3. distinguish between_______ and _________.
4. remember that __________.
5. be skeptical and use your _________.
1. original source
2. misleading language
3. individual research reports
public health advice
4. anecdotes are not facts
5. common sense
locus of control: _______ vs. ________.
internal; external
the body's relative amount of fat mass and fat free mass
body composition
crucial for normal body functioning
essential fat
3-5% in males
8-12% in females
adipose tissue
nonessential fat
increased risk of chronic disease and premature death; associated health problems include:
unhealthy body fat levels
impaired heart function
heart disease and hypertension
impaired immune function
gallbladder disease
kidney disease
skin problems
sleeping problems
the pancreas produces little or no insulin; genetic
type 1 diabetes
the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, cells are resistant to the insulin, or both
type 2 diabetes
develops it 2-5% of pregnant women
gestational diabetes
elevated blood glucose levels
disease of the heart and blood vessels
cardiovasular disease (CVD)
leading cause of death among Americans
tobacco use and exposure to ETS
-causes about 1 in 5 deaths from CVD
-damages artery linings
reduces HDL
-raises LDL and triglycerides
-causes platelets to stick together
-raises heart rate and blood pressure
-displaces oxygen in the blood
-increases the rate of the accumulation of fatty deposits in arteries
sustained abnormally high blood pressure
high blood pressure (hypertension)
high blood pressure:
1. strains the _____
2. damages the ______
3. increases risk of _____(4)
1. heart
2. arteries
3. heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and blindness
reduce high blood pressure with _______ (3)
regular exercise
healthy diet
moderation of alcohol intake
unhealthy ("bad") cholesterol; excess amounts are deposited into artery walls
low-density lipoprotien (LDL)
healthy ("good") cholesterol; shuttle unused cholesterol back to the liver for recycling
high-density lipoprotien
abdominal obesity; high blood pressure; high triglycerides; low HDL cholesterol; insulin resistance
metabolic syndrome/ syndrome X / insulin resistance syndrome
arteries are narrowed by deposits of fat, cholesterol and other substances called plaques, making the artery vulnerable to blood clots which can lead to a heart attack or stroke
damge to or death of heart muscles, sometimes resulting in a failure of the heart to deliver enough blood to the body; myocardial infarction
heart attack
the heart muscle does not receive enough blood causing severe pain in the chest and often the left arm or shoulder
angina pectoris
an irregularity in the force or rhythm of the heartbeat
a nontraumatic, unexpected death from sudden cardiac arrest, most often due to arrhythmia
sudden cardiac death
an impeded blood supply to some part of the brain, resulting in the destruction of rain cells