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39 Cards in this Set

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Where are Montgomery's glands located


Premature Thelarche

Early development of the breasts before puberty without signs of hormone use such as pubic hair or menses

Peau d’orange

Lymphatic obstruction in the breasts cause edema and exaggeration of the hair follicles, giving a pigskin or orange peal appearance

Cooper's ligament

suspensory ligaments that support breast tissue

Location of tail of Spence and reason for checking it

Upper lateral quadrant of breasts. It is a common site for breast cancer to development


Pain in the breast


Inflammatory mass in breast accompanied by flu-like sx


Presence of a bilateral, tender, firm mass under nipple area in males. Caused by more estrogen than testosterone. In pts with Cushing syndrome it is caused by inability to metabolize estrogens

Mammary duct ectasia

occurs in perimenopausal patients who have lactated. Can be purulent and take on different colors or consistencies

Skin tether in breast

underlying crater below the nipple. Caused by fibrosis pulling the nipple inward. Recent retraction could indicate breast cancer

In a lactating female, what could the presence of a tender and red spot indicate

Presence of a plugged duct

Best time to perform breast self-examination

On days 4-7 of menstrual cycle, breasts are smallest at this time.


Benign tumor that is usually self-detected in late adolescence. It is a freely moveable solitary mass. It feels firm and elastic. Cancerous tumors solid, hard, and dense with irregular borders


humpback - bend in T spine

Differences between L and R lung

R has 3 lobes and is shorter because of the presence of the liver. Left long is narrower because of the presence of the heart

Where is the highest point of the lung found for auscultation

3-4 cm above clavicles on anterior side

How deep can chest percussion penetrate

5-7 cm

Order when auscultating pt breath sounds

Start at apices above clavicles and switch back and forth between lungs. Auscultate down to the 6th rib

Tactile fremitus

tremulous vibration of the chest wall during speaking that is palpable on physical examination

Pleural effusion

A buildup of fluids in pleural space between lungs and chest. Can cause partial collapse of a lung

Grade of a loud murmur with a palpable thrill


chordae tendineae

Collangeous fibers that attach to the thin leaflets of the valves. The tricuspid and bicuspid valves are anchored to the papillary muscles in the floor of the ventricles by the chordae tendineae.

Location of heart

Between the second and the fifth intercostal spaces from the right edge of the sternum to the left midclavicular line

Four heart sounds

S1: closure of AV valves, beginning of systole

S2: closure of semilunar valves, end of systole

S3: filling of ventricles with blood

S4: end of diastole, atria contract

Location to auscultate mitral valve

fifth L intercostal space at midclavicular line

Auscultate tricuspid valve

lower left sternal border

Pulmonic valve location to auscultate

second L intercostal space

Auscultate aortic valve

second R intercostal space

(remember that the noise is influenced by the direction of blood travel and not necessarily anatomical position)

Pericardial friction rub

Caused by inflammation of the pericardium. Sounds like sand paper being rubbed together. Use diaphragm to hear this high pitched noise


represents depolarization of the atria

QRS complex

simultaneous activation of L and R ventricles

T wave

Ventricular repolarization


rare condition where heart is on the R side

Coarctation of the aorta

congenital condition where descending aorta is narrowed that results in diminished blood flow to lower extremities


Inflammation of gallbladder due to the accumulation of bile. Pain is felt in R upper abdomen and radiates to the R shoulder

Sinus arrhythmia

pulse rate that varies with respiration. Normally in children


Plaque buildup in arteries, this could lead to a bruit being heard because of turbulent flow

Indicated by pathological S3

Decreased ventricular compliance. May be earliest sign of heart failure


a vibration of the chest felt with palpation. It signifies turbulent flow