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67 Cards in this Set

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Difference between Mature and Naive T-Cell

Mature T-Cells have just finished maturing in Thymus.

They are now NAIVE: Have TCRs specific to antigens, but NO EFFECTOR FUNCTION.

How does a Naive T-Cell gain Effector Function?

Naive T-Cells (circulating in the blood/lymph) enter a secondary immune organ (lymph node) to encounter an antigen, ACTIVATE, and proliferate.


Secreted by APCs, produce a gradient to pull Naive T-Cells into secondary immune organs (Lymph Nodes).

3 Major Steps of T-Cell Activation

1. Pathogen (processed by Dendritic Cell) binds to DC PAMP Receptor.

2. Dendritic Cell then traffics into LYMPH NODE, following CCL21 Gradient.

3. In Lymph Node, DC secretes CCL18 and CCL19, triggering chemotaxis of Naive T-Cells.

4. Naive T-Cells enter Lymph Node, test their TCRs on presented antigen:MHC complex.


Slow naive T-Cell down after they approach the lymph node so that they enter and test their TCRs against the APCs antigen:MHC complex.

What 3 things are required for Naive T-Cell activation?

TCR, Co-Receptor, and Co-Stimulatory Receptor Activity

What are the T-Cell Co-receptors?

CD4+ for Helper T

CD8+ for Cytotoxic T

CD28 Purpose. Relate to B7.

Co-Stimulatory Receptor for T-Cells.

When a DC presents an antigen:MHC complex on its surface, CD28 on the Naive T-Cell binds to B7 on the Dendritic Cell as a scaffold.

CD28 Co-Stimulation induces survival of the Naive T-Cell with a TCR specific to the antigen.

Anergy: Definition and what triggers it.

Anergy is a state of unresponsiveness in T-Cells. They are inactivated when they attempt to respond to an antigen:MHC complex on a Dendritic Cell WITHOUT CD28 CO-STIMULATION.

Therefore, the non-specific T will not proliferate.

Purpose of IL-2

This Cytokine signals proliferation, differentiation, and effector function of T-Cells that have simultaneously bound TCR, Co-Receptor, and CD28 Co-Stimulatory Receptor.

CD25: Purpose, what triggers it to express? Relate to Levels of Affinity.

CD25 is the IL-2 Receptor.

Activated T-Cells signal transcription factor Nf-kB to produce IL-2 receptors.

CD25 has high-affinity and low-affinity forms. High-affinity is expressed in Activated T's, low-affinity is expressed in Naive T's so they remain hyporesponsive until exposure to a specific antigen:MHC complex.

mAb Daclizumab and Basizlixbmab

Monoclonal Antibody medications, target CD25 to block T-Cell Proliferation/Differentiation.

What do Naive T-Cells undergo once activated?

Differentiation into either Memory or Effector T-Cells.

CD45: Purpose

Different types of CD45 are clinical markers for levels of Naive, Effector, and Memory T-Cells.

Memory T-Cells: Types

Naive T-Cells activate, differentiate into either memory or effector T-Cells.

Memory T-Cells form either Effector Memory or Central Memory T-Cell Populations.

Relate T-Cells and the Hayflick Limit

Memory T-Cells senesnce with age due to telomere shortening. This is called the Hayflick Limit, and it impairs immunity after age 55.

Effector Memory T-Cells

Effector Memory T-Cells migrate to other tissues and lymph nodes to re-encounter their specific antigen and quickly differentiate to secrete inflammatory cytokines.

Promotes CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY by quickly differentiating into further T-Cells following antigen exposure.

Central Memory T-Cells


Actin in HUMORAL IMMUNITY by activating B-Cells in resposne to their specific antigen exposure.

CCR7 and CCR5

CCR7 triggers chemotaxis of T-Cells to Lymph Nodes.

CCR5 triggers chemotaxis of T-Cells to Tissues.

Which chemotaxis agent do Effector Memory T-Cells use?

Use CCR7 to go to lymph nodes and CCR5 to go to tissues, searching for their specific antigen.

What chemotaxis agents do Central Memory T-Cells use?

Central Memory T-Cells upregulate humoral immunity by activating B-Cells to make antibodies in response to their specific antigen exposure.


Effector T-Cells: Origins and 3 Populations

Naive T-Cells, upon binding to an antigen their TCR is specific to, differentiate further into either Memory or Effector T-Cells.

Effector T-Cells include Helper T, Cytotoxic T, and Regulatory T-Cell populations.

Helper Effector T-Cells: Role and Co-Factor

Helper T-Cells are CD4+, act as Gate Keepers in immune response.

Activate B-Cells, NK Cells, Neutrophils, Macrophages/DCs in response to antigen binding.

Contributes to both humoral and cell-mediated immunities.

Th1 Cell Origin and Purpose. Relate to IL12, IFN-Gamma, Tbet.

Naive T-Cells are triggered to differentiate into Th1 Helper CD4 T-Cells via IL12 secretion from Dendritic Cells, and IFN-Gamma from NK Cells. NK Cells drive transcription factor T-Bet expression.

Th1 Cells secrete IFN-Gamma and TNF-Alpha.

Critical role in clearance of Intracellular Pathogens and Cancer Cells.

What does uncontrolled Th1 Polarization entail?

Chronic inflammation, autoimmunity.

What cell secretes IFN-Gamma? What functions does it have?

Th1 CD4 Helper T-Cells secrete IFN-Gamma.

IFN-Gamma promotes B-Cell antibody secretion (IgG1, IgG3 to trigger complement and opsonization).

IFN-Gamma promotes protective Granuloma Formation in mycobacteria infected M1 Macrophages.

IFN-Gamma inhibits Th2 Responses.

IL-12 Purpose and Origin

Secreted from Dendritic Cells upon antigen phagocytization, triggers Naive T-Cells to differentiate into Th1 Cells.

Th2 Cells: Purpose and Origin

Role in allergy and parasite elimination.

Secretes Cytokines to promote Eosinophil, Basophil, Mast Cell, Goblet Cell responses.

Converts M1 -> M2 Macrophages (promotes healing).

Promotes B-Cell Antibody Secretion (IgE and IgG4).

Suppresses Th1 responses.

Type 1 Hypersensitivity and Uncontrolled Th2 Polarization

Allergic inflammation, promoted by Th2 CD4 Helper T-Cells.

Uncontrolled Th2 differentiation leads to ATOPY -> tendency to develop allergic disorders.

IL-4 and IL-13 Purpose and Transcriptional Role

Main Cytokines related to Th2 CD4 Helper T-Cells.

IL-4 (SECRETED BY NK T CELLS) triggers differentiation of Naive T-Cell into Th2 by driving GATA-3 transcription factor expression.

Drives all Th2 Cell Actions, except Eosinophil Action and Th1 Suppression.

IL-5 Purpose

Cytokine of Th2 Cells. Works with IL-4 to suppress Th1 response and granulocytes (IL-5 specifically triggers Eosinophils upregulation to attack Helminths/Parasites).


mAb drug, targets IL-4/IL-13 to downregulate allergic reactions via Th2 Cells.

IL-5 and IL-23 Purpose. Relate to RORyT.

IL-5 and IL-23 secreted by Dendritic Cells drive Naive T-Cells to differentiate into Th17 CD4 Helper T-Cells.

They trigger expression of RORyT transcription factor to cause this transformation.

Th17 CD4 Helper T-Cells: Role

Critical role in elimination of Extracellular Bacteria and Fungi, BUT NOT PARASITES, mostly at epithelial barriers (skin/lungs/GI).

IL-17 and IL-22 Purposes

Both are the cytokines which cause Th17 CD4 Helper T-Cells to defend against extracellular bacteria and fungi at epithelial barriers.

IL-17 -> Activate Neutrophils directly, and aids in Neutrophil Recruitment.

IL-23 -> Activates Epithelial Cells to release AMPs, promotes epithelial tissue repair/healing/cell division.

What does uncontrolled Th17 Proliferation cause?

Autoimmunity, autoinflammatory disease involving skin barrier or mucosal tracts (Autoinflammatory Bowel Disease, Psoriasis).

Secukinumab and Risankizumab

Th17 mAb treatment drugs.

Secukinumab: anti-IL17

Risankizumab: anti-IL22

IL-6, IL-21, BcL-6

Dendritic Cells secrete IL-6 and IL-21 to Naive T-Cells, triggering their differentiation into Tfh CD4 Helper T Cells via Bcl-6 transcription factor expression.

Tfh Cell Role and Purpose

Critical Role in HUMORAL IMMUNITY.

Tfh CD4 Helper T Cells activate naive B-Cells to initiate antibody responses to infection, promoting antibody affinity, class switching, and Memory B Cell generation.

IL-21 and CD40L

Cytokines secreted by Tfh CD4 Helper T-Cells.

IL-21 -> B-Cell immunoglobin class switching.

CD40L -> Co-stimulates B-Cells.

TGF-Beta and FoxP3

TGF-Beta secreted by Dendritic Cells promotes Naive T-Cells to differentiate into Treg CD4 Helper T-Cells.

This is accomplished by FoxP3 transcription factor expression.

Treg Cell Role and Purpose

Treg CD4 Helper T-Cells main role is suppression of T/DC Cells and suppression of immune responses once pathogen is controlled.

TGF-Beta and IL-10: Secreted by which T-Cell, for what purpose?

Secreted by Treg CD4 Helper T-Cells. Act to immunosuppress antigen-specific T-Cells.

CTLA-4 and CD25

Both expressed on Treg CD4 Helper T-Celll surfaces.

CTLA-4 inhibits APCs by stripping B7s.

CD25 inhibits IL-2 by acting as an IL-2 sink, outcompeting.

CD8+ (Cytotoxic) T-Cells: Purpose

Release cytokines to induce apoptosis in Viral, Neoplastic, or intracellularly-infected host cells.

CD8 T-Cell Functions: Perforin and Granzyme

CD8 T-Cells can induce apoptosis by forming a pore on an infected cell with Perforin, allowing Granzyme Proteases to enter the pores and induce apoptosis via proteolytic cascade.

CD8 T-Cell Functions: Fas Mechanism

T-Cell surfaces express a ligand, FasL. This binds to Fas on MOST CELL SURFACES to activate proteolytic cascade -> apoptosis.

CD8 T-Cell Functions: TNF-Alpha and Lethal Toxin

Induce apoptosis, secreted by Cytotoxic CD8+ T-Cells.

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

Greatly reduced or abolished T-Cell counts due to mutations in JAK3/IL-7Receptor/CD45. B and NK Cells are variably present depending on mutation.

Greatly increased susceptibility to viral, fungal, bacterial, and opportunistic infections.

T-Cell Signaling Defects

zap-70 and lck gene mutations.

Causes reduced, BUT NOT ABOLISHED, T-Cell signaling.

T-CELL COUNTS ARE NORMAL, but increased susceptibility to viral/fungal/bacterial/opportunistic infections.

DiGeorge Syndrome

Deletion of q22 gene -> no Tbx1 transcriptional factor to drive thymus organogenesis (and parathyroid/heart).

Ansent/defective/hypoplastic thymus at birth.

DRAMATICALLY REDUCED T-CELLS, greatly increased susceptibility to viral/fungal/bacterial/opportunistic infection.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Immune deficiency secondary to HIV, which decreases CD4+ Helper T-Cell counts.

When CD4+ cells drop below 200/mm3, patient has AIDS.

Marked by increasing incidence of cancers and susceptibility to oportunistic infections.

Central Tolerance and AIRE

Negative Selection during thymic development of T-Cells.

Causes deletion of T-Cells that have TCRs specific to self-antigens.

AIRE is the transcription factor that induces self-antigen/tissue-specific proteins to test T-Cells with.

Peripheral Tolerance

Tolerance mechanism OUTSIDE of thymus, in secondary immune organs (lymph nodes). Eliminates autoreactive T-Cells that dodged Central Tolerance.

How does Peripheral Tolerance handle Autoreactive T-Cells?

Tissues are sequestered behind barriers.

Treg Suppresses autoreactive T's with TGF-B and IL-10.

Fas/PD-L1 induces apoptosis.

Attenuation: Fas

T-Cells expressing Fas undergo apoptosis when bound to Activated T-Cell FasL in order to control immune response.

If FasL and Fas are on the same T-Cell, SUICIDE.

If FasL and Fas are o ndifferent T-Cells, FRATRICIDE.

Attenuation: PD-1 and PD-1L

PD-1 Ligand on Dendritic Cell binds to PD-1 on T-Cell, inducing apoptosis of the activated T-Cell to attenuate immune response.

Attenuation: CTLA-4 and B7

CTLA-4 binds to B7, blocking CD28 T-Cell Co-stimulation and inducing ANERGY of Naive T-Cells to reduce further immune response.

Attenuation: Treg

Treg IL-10/TGF-B secretion suppresses T-Cells.

Attenuation: Cbl-B

Promotes Ubiquitination of TCR and CD3, downregulating TCR expression.

Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS)

Fas/FasL deficiency, overproduction of Double Negative (CD4-CD8-) T-Cells due to no attenuation.

T and B Cell autoimmunity occurs, increased risk of hematological cancers.


CAR-T Cell Therapy

Genetically Engineered Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs).

Blood extracted from patient to get T-Cells, produce CAR-expressing T-Cells in lab, grow millions of them, infuse these CAR-T Cells into patient.

CAR-T Cells bind to cancer cells with higher affinity, killing them.

Yescarta (Axicabtagene)

CAR-T Therapy usedto treat Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Immunologic Interventions: IFN-Alpha and Intron A

Intron A contains Interferon-Alpha -> enhances NK/DC function to improve T-Cell activity and promote cancer cell death.

Immunologic Interventions: IFN-Beta and Rebif Rebidose

Multiple Sclerosis treatment.

Immunologic Interventions: IL-2 and Proleukin

IL-2 is a growth factor for NK and T-Cells, enhances cytotoxic reesponse against cancers.

Immunologic Interventions: Checkpoint Inhibitors

These are used for cancer treatment, block immune checkpoitn proteins PD-1 and CTLA-4 to BLOCK T-CELL SUPPRESSION.