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13 Cards in this Set

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We see her practically every day.

to shout in a loud voice, or (of a cow or large animal) to make a loud, deep sound:

Keep quiet!" the teacher bellowed across the room

a low continuous noise that does not change its note:

the drone of an engine

Outside the tent I could hear the constant drone of insects.

to move closer to other people because you are cold or frightened

They huddled around the fire to keep warm

a type of plug that makes it possible to connect two or more pieces of equipment to the same electrical supply

We have a universal language adaptor

a long, angry lookتَحْديقنَظرة ساخِط

She gave me a fierce glare.

a natural or artificial hollow into which something fits or in which something revolves.

Eye socket

a permanent mark left on the body from a cut or other injuryنَدْبة

I spotted a deep black scar on the side of spork's nose

very angry or violent(not kind)شِرير

She’s always being nasty to her little brother

There’s a nasty smell in here.

to walk with intentionally heavy steps, especially as a way of showing that you are annoyed

She stomped up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door.

in a way that makes you think that someone is going to do something bad or that something bad is going to happen.

..She glared menacingly at him.

becoming wider at one end

He's nose flared

a very unpleasant smell

رائِحة كَريهه

the stench of rotten fruit