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32 Cards in this Set

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Name all four geologic Eras in chronological order.

The Precambrian Era, The Paleozoic Era, The Mesozoic Era, and The Cenozoic Era.

Name some major events that took place in the Precambrian Era.

The first single and multi-celled organisms appeared on earth.

Name some events from the Precambrian Era that correlates with Canada's formation.

The Canadian Shield is formed through glaciation, and is comprised entirely of igneous rock.

Name some major events from the Paleozoic Era.

Large parts of North America are covered by a shallow layer of water. The age of Amphibians begins. The first insects appear. The first vein of coal formed.

What happened for Canada's formation during the Paleozoic Era?

The Appalachian Mountains are formed.

Name some major events from the Mesozoic Era.

The Age of the Dinosaurs begins. The Age of the Reptiles also begins in this era. The first flowering plants appear. Birds and Mammals appear on earth for the first time.

What happened for Canada's formation during the Mesozoic Era?

The formation of the Rocky Mountains begins. The Innuitian Mountains are completed.

Name some major events that happened during the Cenozoic Era.

Ice sheets cover North America. Continents come into their present shape. Humans begin to develop. Age of the Mammals begins. Many forms of life evolve.

What happened for Canada's formation during the Cenozoic Era?

The Rocky Mountains are completed.

What are the three main types of rocks?

Sedimentary, Metamorphic, and Igneous Rocks.

What's the major difference between the rock types?

How they are formed.

Explain how Sedimentary Rocks are formed.

Sediments (sand, shells, pebbles, etc.) will form together after a long period of time through compacting and compression from natural weather occurrences. (Ie. Rain, Waves, etc.)

Describe the texture of Sedimentary Rocks.

Fairly soft and easily bendable.

Name two types of Sedimentary Rocks.

Conglomerates, and Limestone.

Explain how Metamorphic Rocks are formed.

They are formed under the Earth's crust through metamorphosis, a change process due to intense heat and pressure.

Describe the texture of Metamorphic Rocks.

Have Ribbon like layers and may have shiny crystals adorning their surface.

Name two types of Metamorphic Rocks.

Gneiss and Marble are two examples.

Explain how Igneous Rocks are formed.

Igneous Rocks are created when magma cools and hardens under the Earth's surface. Alternatively lava from volcanoes can do the same under similar pretenses above ground.

Describe the texture of Igneous Rocks.

Shiny and glass like, filled with tiny holes and spaces from magma bubbles.

Name two types of Igneous Rocks.

Basalt and Obsidian are both examples of Igneous Rocks.

Name the innermost layer of the Earth.

The Inner Core.

Name the layer above the Inner Core.

The Outer Core.

Name the layer of the earth above the Outer Core.

The Lower Mantle.

Name the layer of Earth above the Lower Mantle.

The Upper Mantle.

Name the layer of the earth above the Outer Mantle.

The Crust of the Earth.

Define Plate Tectonics.

The theory that states that Earth's outer shell consists of plates that move.

What do Plate Tectonics cause?

Plate Tectonics create earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and the formation of new crust.

What makes Plate Tectonics move?

Convection currents from pressure under the Earth's surface moves the plates.

Name the three ways in which plates interact with each other.

They can either be Divergent, Convergent or transforming of each other.

What does it mean for plates to be diverging?

It means that the two plates are moving farther away from each other.

What does it mean when two plates are converging with each other?

It means they are colliding into each other.

What does it mean when plates are transforming?

It means they are moving past each other.