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46 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal system is made up of approximately _______ bones.


______ are found in the limbs.

Long bones

____ bones are at the wrist and ankle.

Short bones

_____ bones are of the calvaria or skullcap.

Flat bones

_____ bones are embedded in tendons near joints.

Sesamoid bones

_____ bones that do not fit in a category.

Irregular bones

Joint or articulation ________ is the place of union or junction between two or more bones.


The junction may be interrupted by a cavity________ as in synovial joints or solid __________ as in fibrous and cartilaginous joints.

1.) diarthrosis/ true joint

2.) synarthrosis/ false joint

Joints are involved in three forms, which are:

Growth of bones, transmission of forces and movement

Organs of the muscular system are the _____ muscles.


Muscles are describe in relation to their _______, _______ and _______.

1.) attachments (origin and insertion)

2.) actions

3.) nerve supply

The ____ is the proximal attachment.


The _____ is the distal attachment.


The_____ of a muscle are the movements that are produced when the muscle contacts.


The four actions can be determined by knowing:

1.) the attachments of the muscle

2.) the joints the muscle crosses

3.) the movements allowed at each joint crossed

4.) the relation of the muscle to the axes of movement of each joint

What are the 3 planes of the body?

Sagittal plane, frontal or coronal plane and horizontal or transverse plane.

What are the three axis of the body?

Transverse(medial/ lateral) axis,

Anterior-posterior axis,

Vertical axis

The _____ plane is a vertical plane that divides the body or any of its parts into right and left portions.


The _____ plane is a vertical plane that divides the body or any of its parts into anterior and posterior portions.

Frontal or coronal

The _____ plane is a plane parallel to the ground that divides the body or any of its parts into upper and lower portions.

Horizontal or transverse

Sagittal plane goes to which axis?

Transverse(med/lat) axis

Frontal plane goes to which axis?

Anterior-posterior axis

Transverse plane goes to which axis?

Vertical axis

What are the six basic movements of the body?

A.) flexion-extension

B.) Abduction- adduction

C.) Medial and Lateral rotation

_____ occurs in the Sagittal plane around the transverse axis.


Movement of the body

_____ occurs in the frontal plane around the anteroposterior axis.

Abduction- Adduction

Movement of the body

______ and ______ occur in the transverse plane around the vertical axis.

Medial and lateral rotation

Movement of the body

The ______ to a typical muscle is provided by one of more muscular branch of adjacent peripheral nerves.

Nerve supply

The point of entrance is known as the _______ of a muscle.

Motor point

The _______ contains both motor and sensory fibers that are usually derived from two or more spinal nerves.

Nerve supply

The Nervous system is divided into two parts:

Central nervous system & peripheral nervous system

The central nervous system is subdivided into two parts:

The brain (in cranial) &

spinal cord (in vertebral canal of the vertebrae column)

The peripheral nervous system consists of ______ or nerve cell bodies.


The Central Nervous system consists of _____ of the nerve cell bodies in the ______ gray matter, _________ of myelinated nerve fibers in the ________ and connective tissue coverings.


Gray matter


White matter

The Peripheral Nervous System of ______ is myelinated and unmyelinated fibers and connective tissue sheaths.


The peripheral nervous is subdivided into the

12 pairs of ______ originating from the brain

Cranial nerves

The peripheral nervous is subdivided into the

31 pairs of ______ attached to the spinal cord.

Spinal nerves

The peripheral nervous is subdivided into the

______ arising from both brain and spinal cord.

Autonomic nervous system

Cardiovascular system is composed of three factors ______.

1.) heart

2.) blood vessels

3.) lymphatic system (lymph nodes and vessels) & (spleen, tonsils and thymus).

The respiratory system is composed of two factors_____

Respiratory passages: nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi

Lungs and diaphragm

Digestive system passages are______.

Mouth, parotid gland, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

Digestive system associated organs are_____.

Liver, gallbladder, and pancreas

Urinary system is composed of______.

Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.

________ testes and epididymes in the scrotum, ductus (vas) deferens in the spermatic cord, seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts, prostate and penis.

Male reproductive organs

______ ovaries, uterine tube, uterus, vagina and external genitalia.

Female reproductive organs

_______ pituitary gland(hypophysis cerebri), (hypothalamus), pineal gland(epiphysis cerebri), thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, suprarenal(adrenal) gland, thymus, pancreas and ovaries/testis.

Endocrine system of glands