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19 Cards in this Set

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Young '66

Rats, Testes cut, Less aggressive, Biological + Hormones
Imperato-McGinley '74

Batista family, Girls grow penises at puberty, no trouble readjusting to male life, Shows biology large affect on gender, Biological
Erhardt and Money '67

Synthetic hormones during pregnancy = Girls more tomboyish in preschool, Hormones
Yalom '73

Mothers take synthetic hormones = Boys less boyish (less rough-and-tumble), Hormones

Smith and Lloyd '78

Baby X, Socialised as opposite sex, Treated by parents as opposite sex, SLT + Biosocial
Williams '85

notel, unitel and multitel, more gender stereotypic = more TV, learnt, SLT

Buss '89

33 diff countries, women look for big earner, men look for pretty, Evolutionary
Clark and Hatfield '89

American students approached by stranger, equal agreed to date, 11x more men agreed to apartment and no women agreed to sex, Evolutionary
Geher '01

Men and women equal on parental investment in questionnaire but when given real situation men showed more ANS arousal, Evolutionary

Mead '35

Arapesh = Men and women treated equally, both feminine and child-rearing

Mundugumor = Both men and women hyper-aggressive, don't like child-rearing

Tchambuli = Men emotional and unfit for decision-making

All = Men go to war


Hargreaves '86
In some cultures women make pots and weave and in others men do this, division of labour different in different cultures, Cultural
Daphne West (Case Study)

Life completely normal until tried to have a baby, testes where ovaries supposed to be (CAIS), Acted as a girl despite having testes, Biosocial + Gender Dysphoria

David Reimer (Case Study)
Raised as a girl after a botched circumcision, protested against it and eventually got changed back, killed himself, Biosocial + Gender Dysphoria
Hare '09
M to F transsexuals have a longer androgen receptor gene than normal, Gender Dysphoria
Brain-sex theory (Zhou '95)
areas of the transsexual brain match the other gender more than that of their own gender, BSTc in MtF smaller than usual like a woman, Gender Dysphoria
Damon '77
told about George, very accepting at 4, think should stick to gender role at 6 and are OK with but think it's weird at 9, shows the development of gender constancy, Kohlberg CDT

Slaby and Frey
Found children with high gender constancy scores from a questionnaire spent more time looking at same-sex model on TV, Kohlberg CDT
Martin and Little '90
Children in preschool know about gender stereotypes long before they develop an understanding about gender, GST
Campbell '00
Even the 3 month old infants have a preference for watching same-sex models, GST