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34 Cards in this Set

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What anatomy does oxygen flow through in the resp system

Nares, nasal Chambers, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

What is the function of the nasal cavities

Warm and moisten incoming air

Tra dust and foreign particles

What is the function of the respiratory muscles

Increase and decrease chest cavity for breathing

What is the function of the alveoli

Gas exchange

What is the function of the bronchi

Deliver oxygen from trachea to bronchioles and deliver c02 from bronchioles to trachea

What is the function of the lungs

Organs involved in inspiration of oxygen and expiration of carbon dioxide

What is the function of the diaphragm

Helps control flow of air into lungs

What is the function of the bronchioles

Deliver oxygen from bronchi to alveoli and deliver c02 from alveoli to bronchi

What is the function of the trachea

Deliver oxygen from larynx to bronchi and deliver carbon dioxide from bronchi to larynx

What is urine composed of

Water, waste products, electrolytes, metabolites, hormones

What are the functions of the urinary system

Filter blood

Produce, store and excrete urine

Maintain body water content

Removes waste from body

Help regulate PH of blood

Secrete erythropoiten

What are the functions of the liver

Production of plasma proteins

Storage of iron

Formation of red blood cells in the foetus

Produces bile

How is the neurological system effected by general anaesthesia

Reversible depression of CNS resulting in loss of conciousness

How is the musculoskeletal system effected by general anaesthesia

Relaxation of muscles

How is the cardiovascular system effected by general anaesthesia

Depresses function

Reduces cardiac output

How is the respiratory system effected by general anaesthesia

Depression of respiratory center in the brainstem so less sensitive to bloos c02 and decreased drive to breath

What physical and behavioural signs noticed in an animal experiencing pain

Failure to respond to stimuli


Attention to surg site or wound


Abnormal posture



Dilated pupils

High temperature


Self mutilation


Name 5 pain meds and their active ingriedient






What are the two main categories of analgesic drugs



What is an analgesic drug

Pain relief

Advantages of premed



Smooth induction and recovery

Provides analgesia

Reduces side effects of anastesia

Name 2 suture patterns

Simple interrupted

Simple continuous

Extraction forceps

Metzenbaum sissors

Bone curette

Mayo scissors

Gelpi retractor forceps

Olsen hegar needle holder

Periosteal elevator

Periodontal probe

Backhaus towel clamp

All is forceps

Artery forceps

Adson forceps