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39 Cards in this Set

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What are three of the earliest historical examples of stuttering existing?
-egyptian hieroglyphics
-bible (moses)
What are 5 historical explainations of stuttering?
-punishment for sin
-physiological (Hippocrates: comingling of the humors, Mercurialis: brain humidity)
-defects in sp. mech/structure
-symptom of psychopathology
-learned behavior
What does "epidemiology" mean? How does it apply to stuttering?
-both incidence and prevalence in large populations
-prevalence = 1%
-incidence = 5%
What are the 3 P's in regards to stuttering etiology?
Predisposing Factors
Precipitating Factors
Perpetuating Factors
What are some predisposing or constitutional factors of stuttering?
-genetics (predisposition runs in families)
-psych, social, linguistic factors
What are some precipitating or devel/environ. factors of stuttering?
-stressors (internal/external)
-rapid lang. growth
-sibling competition for attn/convo.
-transitions/life changes
-structural abnormalities
What are some perpetuating factors of stuttering?
-strength of habit
-criticism of speech by others
-inappropriate lang. models
-unrealistic expectations of fluency
-feelings/attitudes/ anticipation of failure
What % of kids who stutter have a stuttering relative in their...
--extended family?
--immediate family?
ex: 68%

imm: 39%

par: 27%
How does gender factor in to stuttering incidence and recovery?
-male:female bigger with age (1:1 at start, 3:1 at age 6, 5:1 at age 10)
-females recover earlier and more frequency
How do we study PWS using behavioral genetics?
-Family studies (Pedigree, case-control)
-familial incidence (twin, familial aggregation studies)
What are some issues with sampling a population to determine incidence/prev. of PWS?
-inconsistent definition of "stuttering"
-inaccurate long term mem. account from subjects
-false + with too broad a definitions, false - with too narrow
-need for standardization of procedures!
What are the 3 factors to consider when characterizing stuttering?
Frequency of stuttered moments
Intensity of the stutter
Duration of the stutter
What are 5 helpful characteristics when considering whether speech is fluent?
-presence of extra sounds (rep., prol., filler., revis)
-location and freq. of pauses
-rhythmical patterning of speech
-intonation and stress
-overall rate
Describe the idea of stuttering as a physiological deficit
-abnormal CNS functioning
-biochem imbalance
-physical predisposing cause
-incomplete cerebral dominance
Describe the idea of stuttering as a Neurotic response (repressed need)?
-oral or anal fixation
-mental conflict, desire to both speak and be silent
- no longer considered plausible
Describe stuttering as a communicative failure and anticipatory struggle behavior
-diagnosogenic theory: because parents "hear" stuttering, the kids stutter
-worry about stutter, makes the stutter worse
What is the continuity Hypothesis of stuttering?
-result of the person anticipating and dreading stuttering
-normal disfluencies become tense and fragmented and frustration and failure increase
-anticipatory struggle
-trying too hard-->stuttering
Describe stuttering as a learned behavior
-prepatory set (van riper)
-conflict theory and avoidance reduction (sheehan)
-operant conditioning (shames)
-instrumental avoidance act theory (wischner)
-2 factor learning theory (brutten & shoemaker)
Differentiate classical vs. instrumental learning
cl: motivationally stimulated by a previously neutral stim.

inst: stress messes up body--disfluency
Describe stuttering as a result of disturbed feedback
-auditory feedback defect
-servomechanism feedback model
Describe stuttering as a physiological deficit
-timing disorder (planning)
-sensory motor model (can't use inverse internal model of sp. prod)
-cerebral loc. (delay in L. hemi. growth)
-neurophys. (difficulty devel. automaticity in speech)
Describe the idea of "sensitive temperment"
-may have a lower threshold to react to threats
-leads to inc. tension, esp. in larynx-->stuttering!
-if emo. are lateralized right, then high emo. rx. leads to high avoidance, fear, etc.
Describe the demands and capacities model
-demands for speech (much to say, pressure to say it right) exceed capacities (motor speech control, lang. formulation, soc/emo maturity, cog. skill)
What are the 4 capacities for fluent speech (starkweather etc)?
motor speech production
lang. formulation
soc/emo maturity
cog. development
What are 3 categories of demands for fluent speech?
-time pressures (parents too fast, on-demand speech, high excitement)
-uncertainty (move home, new sib, parents divorce)
-avoidance (inadvertent neg. listener responses)
What are 3 theories based on developmental / environmental factors in stuttering?
-stutt. as comm. failure and antic. struggle
-capacities and demands
What are some developmental precipitating factors of stuttering?
-physical maturity
-cog. ability
-soc/emo maturity
-sp./lang maturity
What are some environmental factors of stuttering?
-sp/lang environment (time, competition, etc)
-major life evetns
What are the top 10 life events that can influence stuttering?
-family relocates
-parents divorce
-family member sick
-loss of job
-sibling hospitalized
-birth of sibling
-another person lives in home
-extended travel for parents
-holiday stress
Describe instrumental conditioning
-escape behaviors are positively reinforced because they lead to fluency
-they are negatively reinforced because the frustration leaves when behavior is used
What is the most common type of dysfluency in normally developing kids?
What are some categories of NORMAL disfluencies?
-PWRs (single and multi-syllable)
-WWRs (most common in kids)
-phrase reps
-revision of inc. phrases
-tense pauses
What are some signs that stuttering is developing , based on the characteristics of the disfluencies?
-PWRs > WWRs
-PW repeat more than 2x
-short vowel added in PWRs
-sound held > 1sec
-more than 1 prol. in 100 words
-excessive muscle effort, struggles
What characteristics of a disfluent moment differentiate normal and abnormal disfluency?
What are the 4 subcategories of stuttering?
1. core behaviors (rep/prol/blk)
2. 2ndary behaviors
3. feelings/attitutdes
4. underlying processes (stressors, psych/soc, conditioned emo. rx.)
How can you ddx normal and abnormal disfluency?
>10% disfluent syllables
> 1 or 2 reps or filers in a row
-type of disfluency (fill, rev., WWR most common until age 2
Describe 2ndary behaviors, feelings/attitudes and underlying processes of the normally disfluent child
-2ndary: none
-feelings: unaware
-bio & devel. factors compete for cerebral factors, prag. affect disfluency, environ. stressors
Describe the ___ of Borderline Stuttering
-core behavrios?
-underlying proc.
c: >10% disf., mostly reps and prol., >2 units in a disf.
2: few or none
F: mostly unaware
U: mostly like PND, predisposed to stutt., demands > capacity, psych conflict of desiring independence and security
Describe the ___ of Beginning Stuttering
-core behavrios?
-underlying proc.
C: rapid/irreg. patterns, inc. tension, blocks, inc. # disf.
2: inc. muscle tension, escape behaviors
F: aware, tense, frustrated
U: const. & environmental factors