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99 Cards in this Set

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Michaelis-Menton kinetics

Km - inversely related to affinity of enzyme for substrate
Vmax - directly proportional to enzyme concentration

Km - inversely related to affinity of enzyme for substrate

Vmax - directly proportional to enzyme concentration

Lineweaver-Burk plot

Inc. y-intercept, dec. Vmax
Inc. x-intercept (toward O), inc. Km

Inc. y-intercept, dec. Vmax

Inc. x-intercept (toward O), inc. Km

Competitive inhibitors, reversible

Resemble substrate:

Overcome by inc. [S]:

Bind active site:

Effect on Vmax:

Effect on Km:


Competitive inhibitors, reversible

Resemble substrate: Yes

Overcome by inc. [S]: Yes

Bind active site: Yes

Effect on Vmax: Unchanged

Effect on Km: Increase

Pharmacodynamics: decrease potency

Competitive inhibitors, irreversible

Resemble substrate:

Overcome by inc. [S]:

Bind active site:

Effect on Vmax:

Effect on Km:


Competitive inhibitors, irreversible

Resemble substrate: Yes

Overcome by inc. [S]: No

Bind active site: Yes

Effect on Vmax: Decrease

Effect on Km: Unchanged

Pharmacodynamics: Decrease efficacy

Noncompetitive inhibitors

Resemble substrate:

Overcome by inc. [S]:

Bind active site:

Effect on Vmax:

Effect on Km:


Noncompetitive inhibitors

Resemble substrate: No

Overcome by inc. [S]: No

Bind active site: No

Effect on Vmax: Decrease

Effect on Km: Unchanged

Pharmacodynamics: Decrease efficacy

Enzyme inhibition graph


Fraction of drug reaching systemic circulation unchanged (F)

Bioavalibility: IV and Oral

IV: F = 100%

Oral: F <100% - incomplete absorption and first-pass metabolism

Volume of distribution (Vd)

Volume occupied by total amount of drug in body relative to its plasma concentration



Volume occupied by total amount of drug in body relative to its plasma concentration

Low Vd


Drug types:

Compartment: Blood

Drug types: Large/charged molecules; plasma protein bound

Apparent Vd of plasma protein-bound drugs can be altered by liver/kidney disease (dec. protein binding, inc. Vd)

Medium Vd


Drug types:

Medium Vd

Compartment: ECF

Drug types: small hydrophilic molecules

High Vd


Drug types:

High Vd

Compartment: All tissues including fat

Drug types: Small lipophilic molecules, especially if bound to tissue protein

Clearance (CL)

CL = Vd x Ke (elimination constant)


Decreased with cardiac, hepatic, renal problems

CL = Vd x Ke (elimination constant)

Decreased with cardiac, hepatic, renal problems


Property of first-order elimination


Property of first-order elimination

More half-life info:

How many half-lives until drug infused at constant rate reaches steady-state?

How many half-lives until it reaches 90% of steady-state level?

Half-life chart: # half-lives and % remaining

Infused drug at constant rate takes 4-5 half-lives to reach steady state
Takes 3.3 half-lives to reach 90% of steady state level

Infused drug at constant rate takes 4-5 half-lives to reach steady state

Takes 3.3 half-lives to reach 90% of steady state level

Loading dose

Cp = target plasma [ ] at steady state


Unchanged by liver/renal disease

Cp = target plasma [ ] at steady state

Vd = distribution volume

F = bioavailability

Unchanged by liver/renal disease

Maintenance dose

Cp = target plasma [ ] at steady state

Tau = dosage interval (if not given continuously)


Decreased by liver/renal disease

Cp = target plasma [ ] at steady state

Tau = dosage interval (if not given continuously)

F = bioavailability

Decreased by liver/renal disease

Zero-order elimination

Constant rate of elimination, regardless of Cp
- Constant amount eliminated with time
- Cp decreases linearly with time
- Capacity-limited elimination
Phenytoin, Ethanol, and Aspirin - PEA is shaped like 0

Constant rate of elimination, regardless of Cp

- Constant amount eliminated with time

- Cp decreases linearly with time

- Capacity-limited elimination

Phenytoin, Ethanol, and Aspirin - PEA is shaped like 0

First-order elimination

Elimination rate directly proportional to [drug]
- Constant fraction eliminated with time
- Cp decreases exponentially with time
- Flow dependent elimination

Elimination rate directly proportional to [drug]

- Constant fraction eliminated with time

- Cp decreases exponentially with time

- Flow dependent elimination

Trapped in urine/cleared in urine or reabsorbed?

Ionized species:

Neutral species:

Trapped in urine/cleared in urine or reabsorbed?

Ionized species: Trapped/cleared

Neutral species: Reabsorbed

Urine pH and drug elimination

Weak acids

Weak acids

- Trapped in basic environments

- Treat overdose with bicarbonate

RCOOH <=> RCOO- + H+

(Lipid soluble) (Trapped)

Ex: phenobarbital, methotrexate, aspirin, TCAs

Urine pH and drug elimination

Weak bases

Weak bases

- Trapped in acidic environments

- Treat overdose with ammonium chloride

RNH3+ <=> RNH2 + H+

(Trapped) (Lipid soluble)

Drug metabolism: Phase I

Reduction, oxidation, and hydrolysis with cytochrome P-450

Yields slightly polar, water-soluble metabolites

- May still be active

Lost by geriatrics first

Drug metabolism: Phase II

Conjugation (Glucuronidation, Acetylation, Sulfation)

Yields polar, inactive metabolites - renally secreted

Geriatric patients have GAS

Slow acetylators: dec. metabolism, inc. side effects


Max effect drug can produce
- Y-value = Vmax
- Inc y = inc Vmax = inc efficacy
- Unrelated to potency

Max effect drug can produce

- Y-value = Vmax

- Inc y = inc Vmax = inc efficacy

- Unrelated to potency


Amount of drug needed for a given effect
- Inc potency (dec EC50) = less drug needed
- X-value = EC50
- Left shift = dec EC50 = inc potency
- Unrelated to efficacy

Amount of drug needed for a given effect

- Inc potency (dec EC50) = less drug needed

- X-value = EC50

- Left shift = dec EC50 = inc potency

- Unrelated to efficacy

Competitive agonist

Shift curve?

Effect on potency or efficacy?

Overcome by increasing [S]?


Competitive agonist
Shift curve right
Dec potency
Overcome by inc [S]
Flumazenil vs. diazapam (agonist) on GABA receptor

Competitive agonist

Shift curve right

Dec potency

Overcome by inc [S]

Flumazenil vs. diazapam (agonist) on GABA receptor

Noncompetitive agonist

Shift curve?

Effect on potency or efficacy?

Overcome by increasing [S]?


Noncompetive agonist
Shift curve down
Dec efficacy
Not overcome by inc [S]
Phenoxybenzamine vs. norepinephine (agonist) on alpha-receptors

Noncompetive agonist

Shift curve down

Dec efficacy

Not overcome by inc [S]

Phenoxybenzamine vs. norepinephine (agonist) on alpha-receptors

Partial agonist

Shift curve?

Effect on potency or efficacy?

Overcome by increasing [S]?


Acts on same site as full agonist but with lower max effect (dec efficacy)
- Potency is an independent variable
Buprenorphine vs. morphine (full agonist) at opioid mu-receptors

Acts on same site as full agonist but with lower max effect (dec efficacy)

- Potency is an independent variable

Buprenorphine vs. morphine (full agonist) at opioid mu-receptors

Therapeutic index

TD50/ED50 = median toxic dose/median effective dose
Safe drugs: high TI
Low TI: Digoxin, lithium, theophylline, warfarin
LD50 (lethal) often replaces TD50 in animal studies

TD50/ED50 = median toxic dose/median effective dose

Safe drugs: high TI

Low TI: Digoxin, lithium, theophylline, warfarin

LD50 (lethal) often replaces TD50 in animal studies

Adrenal medulla and sweat glands are part of sympathetic nervous system but are innervated by cholinergic fibers

Botulinum toxin prevents release of ACh at cholinergic terminals

ACh receptors



NAChR: ligand-gated Na+/K+ channels

- Nn (autonomic ganglia) and Nm (neuromuscular junction)

MAChR: G-protein-coupled recptors

- Act through second messengers

- 5 subtypes: M1through M5

G-protein-linked 2nd messenger mnemonic

Qiss and qiq until you're siq of sqs

alpha (1, 2) beta (1, 2) m (1,2,3) d (1,2) h (1,2) v (1,2)

Alpha receptors


Alpha 1 - q

Inc: vascular smooth muscle contraction, pupillary dilator muscle contraction (mydriasis), intestinal and bladder sphincter contraction

Alpha 2 - i

Dec: sympathetic outflow, insulin release, lipolysis, aqueous humor production

Inc: platelet aggregation

Beta receptors


Beta 1 - s

Inc: HR, contractility, renin release, lipolysis

Beta 2 - s

Inc: vasodilation, bronchodilation, lipolysis, insulin release, aqueous humor production

Dec: uterine tone (tocolysis), ciliary muscle tone

Muscarinic receptors


M1 - q

CNA, enteric nervous system

M2 - i

Dec: HR and atrial contractility

M3 - q

Inc: exocrine gland secretions (lacrimal, salivary, gastric acid), gut peristalsis, bladder contraction, bronchoconstriction, pupillary sphincter contraction (miosis, ciliary muscle contraction (accommodation)

Dopamine receptors

D1 - s

Relaxes renal vascular smooth muscle

D2 - i

Modulates transmitter release, especially in brain

Histamine receptors

H1 - q

Inc: nasal bronchial mucus production, vascular permeability, contraction of bronchioles, pruritus, pain

H2 - s

Inc gastric acid secretion

Vasopressin receptors

V1 - q

Inc vascular smooth muscle contraction

V2 - s

Inc H2O permeability and reabsorption in collecting tubules of kidney

V2 is found in 2 kidneys

What receptors use phospholipase C, protein kinase C, and Ca2+ in their pathways?

H1, A1, V1, M1, M3 (Gq)

All Gq receptors follow this pathway

What receptors use adenylyl cyclase, ATP, cAMP, and protein kinase A in their pathways?

B1, B2, D1, H2, V2 (Gs)

M2, A2, D2 (Gi)

MAD 2's

All Gs and Gi receptors follow this pathway

Sea otters sleep holding paws so they don't drift apart at night

Just wanted to include all the images. Sorry this is small on phones.

Release of norepi from a sympathetic nerve ending is modulated by norepi itself, acting on presynaptic alpha-2 autoreceptors

Just wanted to include all the images. Sorry this is small on phones.



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - direct agonist

Clinical application: postop ilius, neurogenic ileus, urinary retention

Action: activates bowel and bladder smooth muscle; resistant to AChE



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - direct agonist

Clinical application: constricts pupil, relieves intraocular pressure in glaucoma

Action: carbon copy of acetylcholine



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - direct agonist

Clinical application: Challenge test for asthma diagnosis

Action: methacholine stimulates muscarinic receptors of airways



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - direct agonist

Clinical application: potent stimulator of sweat, tears, and saliva; open- and closed-angle glaucoma

Action: Contracts ciliary eye muscles (open-angle), pupillary sphincter (closed-angle); resistant to AChE

"You cry, drool, and sweat on your pillow"

Donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine


Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - indirect agonist (anticholinesterase)

Clinical application: Alzheimer disease

Action: inc ACh



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - indirect agonist (anticholinesterase)

Clinical application: historically used to dx myasthenia gravis (very short acting), but now MG diagnosed by anti-AChR Ab test

Action: inc ACh



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - indirect agonist (anticholinesterase)

Clinical application: Postop and neurogenic ileus and urinary retention, myasthenia gravis, reversal of neuromuscular junction blockade (postop)

Action: inc ACh

Neo CNS = no CNS penetration



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - indirect agonist (anticholinesterase)

Clinical application: ACh toxicity; crosses blood-brain-barrier (CNS)

Action: inc ACh

Physostigmine phyxes atropine overdose



Clinical application:


Category: cholinomimetic - indirect agonist (anticholinesterase)

Clinical application: Myasthenia gravis (long acting); doesn't penetrate CNS

Action: inc ACh; inc muscle strength

Pyridostigmine gets rid of myasthenia gravis

Potential side-effect of cholinomimetics to watch for

Cholinomimetics can cause exacerbation of COPD, asthma, and peptic ulcers

Cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning

Due to organophosphates that irreversibly inhibit AChE

Antidote: atropine (competitive inhibitor) + pralidoxime (regenerates AChE if given early)


diarrhea, urination, miosis, bronchospasm, bradycardia, excitation of skeletal muscle and CNS, lacrimation, sweating, salivation

Atropine, homatropine, tropicamide


Organ systems:

Clinical application:

Category: muscarinic antagonist

Organ systems: Eye

Clinical applications: produce mydriasis and cycloplegia



Organ systems:

Clinical application:

Category: muscarinic antagonist

Organ systems: CNS

Clinical applications: Parkinson disease (park my Benz); acute dystonia



Organ systems:

Clinical application:

Category: muscarinic antagonist

Organ systems: GI, respiratory

Clinical applications:

Parenteral: preoperatively to reduce airway secretions

Oral: drooling, peptic ulcer

Hyoscyamine, dicyclomine


Organ systems:

Clinical application:

Category: muscarinic antagonist

Organ systems: GI

Clinical applications: antispasmodic for irritable bowel syndrome

Ipratropium, tiotropium


Organ systems:

Clinical application:

Category: muscarinic antagonist

Organ systems: respiratory

Clinical applications: COPD, asthma

I pray I can breathe soon!

Oxybutynin, solifenacin, tolterodine


Organ systems:

Clinical application:

Category: muscarinic antagonist

Organ systems: genitourinary

Clinical applications: reduce bladder spasms and urge urinary incontinence (overactive bladder)



Organ systems:

Clinical application:

Category: muscarinic antagonist

Organ systems: CNS

Clinical applications: motion sickness

Albuterol, salmeterol


Receptors effected:

Clinical application:

Category: Sympatheticomimetic

Receptors effected: B2 > B1

Clinical application: Albuterol for acute asthma, salmeterol for long-term asthma or COPD



Receptors effected:

Clinical application:

Category: Sympatheticomimetic

Receptors effected: B1 > B2, A

Clinical application: heart failure (inotropic > chronotropic), cardiac stress testing



Receptors effected:

Clinical application:

Category: Sympatheticomimetic

Receptors effected: D1 = D2 > B > A

Clinical application: unstable bradycardia, HF, shock

- Inotropic and chronotropic alpha effects predominate at high doses



Receptors effected:

Clinical application:

Category: Sympatheticomimetic

Receptors effected: B > A

Clinical application: anaphylaxis, asthma, open-angle glaucoma

- Alpha effects predominate at high doses

- Significantly stronger effect at beta 2 receptor than norepi



Receptors effected:

Clinical application:

Category: Sympatheticomimetic

Receptors effected: B1 = B2

Clinical application: electrophysiologic evaluation of tachyarrhythmias

- Can worse ischemia



Receptors effected:

Clinical application:

Category: Sympatheticomimetic

Receptors effected: A1 > A2 > B1

Clinical application: hypotension (but dec renal perfusion)

- Weaker effect on beta 2 receptor than epi



Receptors effected:

Clinical application:

Category: Sympatheticomimetic

Receptors effected: A1 > A2

Clinical application: hypotension (vasoconstriction), ocular procedures (mydriatic), rhinitis (decongestant)




Clinical application:

Category: Indirect sympatheticomimetic

Mechanism: indirect general agonist, reuptake inhibitor, also releases stored catecholamines

Clinical application: narcolepsy, obesity, ADHD





Category: Indirect sympatheticomimetic

Mechanism: indirect general agonist, reuptake inhibitor

Symptoms: causes vasoconstriction and local anesthesia

Never give beta-blockers if cocaine intox suspected (can lead to unopposed alpha 1 activation and extreme HTN)




Clinical application:

Category: Indirect sympatheticomimetic

Mechanism: indirect general agonist, reuptake inhibitor, releases stored catecholamines

Clinical application: nasal decongestion, urinary incontinence, hypotension

Norepinephrine vs. isoproterenol

Norepinephrine inc􏰀 BP (alpha 1) but dec HR b/c inc 􏰂􏰀mean arterial pressure causes reflex bradycardia

Isoproterenol has little alpha effect but causes vasodilation (beta 2), resulting in dec 􏰁MAP and􏰀 inc HR through beta 1 and reflex activity





Category: Sympatholytic (alpha 2 agonist)

Applications: hypertensive urgency (limited situations); doesn't decrease renal blood flow

ADHD, Tourette syndrome

Toxicity: CNS depression, bradycardia, hypotension, respiratory depression, miosis





Category: Sympatholytic (alpha 2 agonist)

Applications: HTN in pregnancy

Toxicity: direct Coombs positive hemolysis, SLE-like syndrome

Non-selective alpha blockers


Side effects:

Phenoxybenzamine (irreversible)

Applications: pheochromocytoma (preoperative) to prevent catecholamine (hypertensive) crisis

Phentolamine (reversible)

Applications: give to patients on MAO inhibitors who eat tyramine-containing foods

Side effects: orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia

Alpha 1 selective blockers



Side effects:

Examples: prazosin, terazosin, dexazosin, tamsulosin (all end in -osin)

Applications: urinary symptoms of BPH, PTSD (prazosin), HTN (except tamsulosin)

Side effects: 1st-dose orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, headache

Alpha 2 selective blockers


Side effects:


Applications: depression

Side-effects: inc serum cholesterol and appetite

Effect on blood pressure of alpha-blockade of epinephrine vs. phenylephrine


Initial response: increase BP (alpha response)

After alpha-block: decrease BP below normal (beta response)


Initial response: increase BP (alpha response)

After alpha-block: BP back to normal (not decreased like epi b/c it has no beta action)

Beta-blocker application and effects

Angina pectoris: dec HR and contractility, dec O2 consumption

MI: decrease mortality

SVT (metoprolol, esmolol): dec AV conduction velocity (class II antiarrhythmic)

HTN: dec cardiac output, dec renin secretion (beta 1 receptor blockade on JGA cells)

Heart failure: dec mortality in chronic HF

Glaucoma (timolol): dec secretion of aqueous humor

Beta-blocker toxicity


Heart issues (bradycardia, AV block, HF)

CNS issues (seizures, sedation, sleep alterations)

Dyslipidemia (metoprolol)

Asthma/COPD exacerbations

Don't give with cocaine (unopposed alpha - HTN)

Still give to diabetics - don't worry about hypoglycemia b/c benefits outweigh risks

Beta 1 selective antagonists

Acebutolol, (partial agonist), atenolol, betaxolol, esmolol, metoprolol

Selective antagonists mostly go from A to M

Beta 1 with 1st 1/2 of alphabet

Non-selective beta antagonists

Nadolol, pindolol (partial agonist), propranolol, timolol

Non-selective antagonists mostly go from N to Z

Beta 2 with the 2nd 1/2 of the alphabet

Non-selective alpha and beta antagnoists

Carvedilol and labetalol

Non-selective alpha and beta antagonists have modified endings (-ilol and -atol instead of -olol)

Nebivolol - what's special about it?

Combines cardiac-selective beta 1 blockade with stimulation of beta 3 receptors, activating nitric oxide synthase in vasculature

Study the list of specific antidotes and drug reactions from page 257 to 260 in First Aid 2015.

It is too long of a list for flashcards. Sorry :(

Drugs that cause.....


Cocaine, sumatriptan, ergot alkaloids

Drugs that cause.....

Cutaneous flushing

Vancomycin, adenosine, niacin, Ca2+ channel blockers


Drugs that cause.....

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Anthacyclines (doxorubicin, daunorubicin)

Prevent with dexrazoxane

Drugs that cause.....

Torsades de pointes

Class II (solatol) and class IA (quinidine) antiarrhymics, macrolide antibiotics, antipsychotics, TCAs

Drugs that cause.....

Adrenocortical insufficiency

HPA surpression secondary to glucocorticoid withdrawal

Drugs that cause.....

Hot flashes

Tamoxifen, clomiphene

Drugs that cause.....


Tacrolimus, protease inhibitors, niacin, HCTZ, corticosteroids

Taking pills necessitates having blood checked

Drugs that cause.....


Lithium, amiodarone, sulfonamides

Drugs that cause.....

Acute cholestatic hepatitis, jaundice


Drugs that cause.....


Metformin, erythromycin, colchicine, orlistat, acarbose

Might excite colon on accident

Drugs that cause.....

Focal to massive hepatic necrosis

Halothane, amanita phalloides (death cap mushroom), valproic acid, acetaminophen

Liver HAVAc

Drugs that cause.....


Rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, statins, fibrates

Drugs that cause.....


Didanosine, corticosteroids, alcohol, valproic acid, azathioprine, diuretics (furosemide, HCTZ)

Drugs causing a violent abdominal distress

Drugs that cause.....

Pseudomembranous colitis

Clindamycin, ampicillin, cephalosporins

Antibiotics predispose to superinfection by resistant C. difficile