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54 Cards in this Set

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the way that a director stages the shot, encompassing everything that is put in front of the camera
an object in the setting of a film which has a function within the ongoing action
the way that the elements within the frame are arranged

symmetry vs. asymmetry, framing in thirds
planes of action within the frame

deep space and shallow space
costume and makeup
used for stylistic and narrative purposes, also aids in lighting
attached shadow
light falls the illuminate parts of an object because it is obstructed by the shape of the object or its surface features
cast shadow
shadow created by an object blocking a light source
Quality (features of film lighting)
the intensity of the illumination

hard vs. soft
direction (features of film lighting)
the path from the source of illumination to the object that is being lit

frontal, back, under and top lighting
source (features of film lighting)
the source of illumination itself
available light
using the light available on the location itself
practical light
light sources that are visible in the frame, used both as props as well as sources of illumination
hidden lights
off-screen light sources
natural light
sun light
colour (features of film lighting)
the colour of the illumination itself

use filters to control the hue
key light - three point lighting
primary source of light in a shot
fill light - three point lighting
less intense source that is used to fill in shadows
back light - three point lighting
least intense light, typically used to make object pop out from the background
the lighting ratio
high-key lighting
using fill and back lights to maximize contrast and create dark, deep shadows
low-key illumination
using less intense fill and back lights to maximize contrast and create dark deep shadows
chiarosuco lighting
the use of strong contrast between light and dark
writing in motion
film stock
used for recording motion pictures
properties of film stocks
black and white vs. colour
saturated (vibrant) vs. unsaturated (washed out)
high contrast (black and white) vs. low contrast (grey scale)
film speed
measure of the sensitivity of the stock to light (ISO)
controlling the amount of light that touches the film stock/digital video clip
width of the opening of a camera lens
shutter speed
duration of time that the shutter (lens) is open

longer - more light let in - film kept constant
frame rates
controlling the speed of motion (standard: 24 fps)

lower fps: fast motion (ex: 12fps)
higher fps: slow motion (ex: 120fps)
speed ramping
changing the frame rates in the middle of the shot
our perception of the space, depth, and spatial relations in parts of a scene
focal length
the distance from the center of the lens to the point where light ray converge to focus. measured in mm

3 classes:
wide angle (short)
medium angle (middle)
telephoto (long)
depth of field
a measure of the range of distance that can be in focus in a sharp distance
selective focus/shallow focus
one single plane of action in focus, rest of image blurs out
deep focus
much of the frame in focus as possible
racking/pulling focus
filmmaker adjusts the focal point during the shot
aspect ratio
shape of the frame (width to height)
camera distance
framing of shot positions the viewer at a certain distance to the mise en scene of the shot
extreme close up
focus on certain parts of the face: lips, eyes, nose, or ear, etc
close up
head shot
medium close up
chest/shoulders up
medium shot
waist up
medium long shot
knees up
long shot
full body, can make out detail
extreme long shot
full body but can't make out detail
static shot
camera remains motionless
camera remains fixed but rotates from left to right
camera remains fixed but moves up and down
tracking/dolly shot
camera moves
crane shot
camera moves above ground level
handheld shot
camera is held by a moving camera operator
double exposure of a film strip
process shots
projection work: rear projection and front projection (driving in a car)

matte work: photographing the setting separate from the acting using paintings or green screens