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25 Cards in this Set

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Reasons for American expansion

Global competition, desire for military strength, thirst for new markets, belief in cultural superiority,

Spanish American war

Spanish empire in decline, Cuba rebels, uss main sinks in Havana

War with spain

Tensions increase, the yellow journalists exaggerated conditions in Cuba, uss main explodes and kills 260 men, ended with the treaty of Paris, U.S. acquired Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines

Debate over American empire (pros and cons)

Cons (Annexation violated the Declaration of Independence, it was too expensive, it was morally wrong, philippino workers would compete for jobs) Pros (would make America more powerful and safe, "christianize", educate, and "uplift" them all)

Who was Andrew Carnigee

Guy who mass produced steel

Who Frederick Bartoli

Made /designed statue of liberty

Who Thomas Burns

Detective who made the third degree

Who George Waring

Guy who made NYC clean

Who Jacob Reese

Guy who photographed the slums and spread awareness to the higher class

Who Joseph Pulitzer

Raised funds to build statue of liberty

What was stat o lib symbol for


What was the name of the triangle building that people thought would blow over?

The Flat Iron Building

What do u think of when hear Bessimer

It was the process to mass produce steel

What was the name of the journalists who exagerate

Yellow Journalists

Two modern states acquired in 1867 and 1898?

Alaska and Hawaii

Nickname given to the Spanish American War

The Splendid Little War

Two countries America acquired after the Mexican American War

Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines

16th Amendment

Let government collect taxes on income

17th Amendment

Direct election of senators by the people

18th Amendment

Prohibition of alcohol

19th Amendment

Women's right to vote

Teddy Roosevelt best known for

Trustbusting, conservation, he was an ecowarrior

A monopoly effects the economy by

Reducing business competition

What types of people moved to the cities

Farmers and immigrants

Jane Adams and Jacob Reese both have what in common
