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38 Cards in this Set

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What was Buffalo Bill's real name?

William Frederick Cody

How did Buffalo Bill get his name?

He had a contract to supply Kansas Pacific Railroad workers with buffalo

What was the name of Buffalo Bills show?

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show

What war did Jessie James Fight in?

The Civil War

What side was Jesse James on in the Civil War?

The Confederates

What did Jesse James like to rob?

Banks and trains

How did Jesse James die?


How is George Armstrong Custer best remembered

As a U.S. Military officer and commander in the civil war

What is the Battle of Little Big Horn commonly known as

Custer's Last Stand

Who fought in the battle of Little big horn

Colonel George Armstrong Custer

When was the battle of Little big Horn?

June 25-26, 1876

What two men led the battle of Little big Horn on the Indian and army side?

Army was lietenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer, and Indians were Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

How many men did Custer lose in the battle of Little Big Horn?

Around 260 men

What was the result of Little Big Horn Battle

Native American Victory and eventual defeat.

What was Calamity Jane's real name?

Martha Jane Cannary

Why do you think Martha Jane Cannary (Calamity Jane) was remembered?

She was a professional scout and was an acquaintance of Buffalo Bill

What amendment allowed all men to vote?


What amendment allowed due process and equal protection?


Which amendment outlawed slavery?


What was the time period after the civil war known as?


Fair treatment of law was called what?

Due process

14th amendment said government must treat all the same. What is this called?

Equal protection

What happened to Lincoln after the civil war?

He was assassinated

Who was Jesse James?

Former Confederate solider, robbed trains and Banks, and a hero to the people

What is George Armstrong Custer known for?

The Battle of Little Bighorn

Who was Calamity Jane?

A professional scout, wore men's attire, brought trouble wherever she went, was a frontiersman

Who was Geronimo?

A medicine man, leader of Apache tribe, fought Mexican and American government.

Who was Billy the Kid?

American old west outlaw, killed 8 men, took part in the Lincoln County War.

Who was Cyrus McCormick?

Invented mechanical reaper ( machine that harvests wheat)

Who was Sitting Bull?

He participated in the Battle of Little Big Horn, leader of Lakota tribe

What was Wild Bill Hickock known for?

Gunfighter, frontiersman, folk hero, wagon master, solider, spy

Who was Annie Oakly?

Sharpshooter, part of the Wild West Show, performer

Who was Wyatt Earp?

Lawman in Dodge City and Tombstone

What event did Wyatt Earp participate in?

The gunfight at the OK Hotel

What is a buffalo solider?

An African American solider during the civil war

What triggered the massacre at wounded knee?

A gun went off accidentally

By the early 1900s the US population doubled to what?

80 million

Which amendment outlawed slavery?

The 13th