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32 Cards in this Set

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Despite South having big population, North lacked in soliders. T/F


Fort Sumpter was a big blow to the south

True, but South won

South had poor leadership t/f


Robert E. Lee fought for South because he believed in slavery. T/f


South won Bullrun, North won menasis

Memorize question

Abraham Lincoln's main goal was to what?

Restore the union

Northern army won the biggest battle of civil war when they won what battle?


Who were two famous abolitionists?

John Brown, and Fredrick Douglass

The compromise of 1850 did what?

Allowed popular sovereignty on issue of slavery

Which popular event cause the South states to secede from the union?

Election of Abraham Lincoln

President Lincoln ordered slaves free in document called what?

The emancipation proclamation

Who was the leader of the South?

Jefferson Davis

Who won the first battle?


What was the first battle of the civil war?

Battle of Fort Sumter

What were two superpowers that wanted to join the South?

France and Great Britain

Why did the superpowers want to join the South?


How would you describe General B George Mclenton?

Hesitant, cautious

After Antietam, what was one of the consequences?

France and great Britain decided not to join the south

General Stonewall Jackson was killed by ___?

Friendly fire

What year civil war start?


What was a South advantage?

They defended their homeland

Emancipation proclamation was declared when?

After battle of Antietam

Who took over home and farm when men went to war?

The wives

Over how many men in battle of Antietam?


Who was the North general that Robert E Lee surrendered to?

Ulysses s grant

What technology brought war to homes of public?


How did South view the emancipation proclamation?

They felt would destroy their way of life

Who was the North general in the battle of Antietam?

George B Mclenin

By Summer of 1862, Lincoln was ready to the emancipation proclamation. Why didn't he?

He wanted to wait for a union victory

First site of battle?


What was white gold?


The Battle of Antietam was considered a draw but who won
