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External factors in class differences in achievement

Cultural Deprivation :

Lacking of basic skills, knowledge and attitudes, through:-intellectual development- toys- Basil Bernstein-Language- restricted+elaborated codes- Basil Bernstein.-Attitudes and Values- working class parents don’t value education-Sugar man .
External factors in class differences in achievement

Material Deprivation:

Housing- overcrowding, harder to study, health effects.-Diet and health- poor nutrition, lower energy levels, more prone to illness- Howard.-Financial support- lack of equipment, unable to go on trips, stigma attached to free school meals- Flaherty.
External factors in class differences in achievement

Cultural Capital :

the knowledge, attitudes, values, language, tastes and abilities of the middle class.-cultural capital- socialisation of the middle class, develop intellectual interests to help with education, puts them at an advantage- Bourdieu.-educational and economic capital- middle class children are better equipped to meet the demands of the school curriculum- Leech and Campos- ‘selection by mortgage’
External factors in class differences in achievement

Cultural Capital :

Marketization-Gerwitz- middle class parents are privileged school choosers, used their economic and cultural capital to get educational capital. They know how schools work + importance of meeting deadlines.-disconnected local choosers- working class parents- didn't understand school admissions, didn't know the choices and were restricted by travel costs so sent kids to local comprehensive.-semi-skilled choosers- ambitious working class parents, lacked cultural capital so relied on help from others.
Internal factors in class differences in achievement


Attach a meaning or definition to someone-Becker- teachers would label pupils on what they thought was the ‘ideal pupil’, this was usually a middle class pupil.-Rist- primary school teacher used information from a child’s home background to put them in separate groups, the working class ones were sat furthest away with fewer books and less opportunities.-Keddie- although curriculum is the same, teachers give positively labelled pupils more abstract knowledge.-However- Marxists- labels stem from the fact teachers work in a system that reproduces class divisions.-Labelling theory isn't always true, eg. Mary Fullers study
Internal factors in class differences in achievement

Self-fulfilling prophecyI

A prediction that comes true just because it was made.-Rosenthal and Jacobson- mad a false test that identified some children that were going to do well, it came true because the teacher treated these pupils accordingly which helped them improve.-Becker- working class pupils are put in a lower stream as they aren't seen as ideal pupils, they feel like they have been given up upon so create a negative self-fulfilling prophecy.-Douglas- pupils put in a lower stream aged 8 had a decline in their IQ score by 11.
Pupil Subcultures, a group of pupils who share similar values and behavioural patterns.-Colin Lacey- differentiation- teachers categorising pupils according to how they perceive their ability. -polarisation- how pupils respond to streaming, moving to one extreme or the other.-pupils placed in higher streams (usually middle class pupils) created a pro-school subculture + abided by the rules and regulations.-pupils placed in lower steams (usually working class pupils) created an anti-school subculture, which led to a self-fulfilling prophecy of educational failure.-Ball- if streaming was abolished- the influence on anti-school subcultures would
Marketization and selection policies- marketization brought in different policies to produce class inequalities in achievement, eg. A funding formula, exam league tables, competition.-‘A-C economy’- Gillbourne and Youdell, schools ration time on effort on those who are going to get 5A*-C grades and boost their league table position, they call to this ‘educational triage’ and categorise pupils into those who will pass anyway, those with potential, and hopeless cases. This could create a self-fulfilling prophecy.-competition- marketization created a competition to get the best league table results and attract middle class parents, better schools can cream-skim to get middle class pupils and salt-shift the working class pupils, which can disadvantage working class pupils.-image- some schools use a traditional image to attract middle class parents.