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185 Cards in this Set

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What are the three layers of skin? (ranging from outermost to inner most)
Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
red-purple, non-blanchable discoloration greater than 1cm

cause: intravascular defects, infection
red-purple nonblanchable discoloration less than 1cm

cause: intravascular defects, infection
red purple nonblanchable variable size

cause: vascular wall destruction, trauma, vasculitis
Spider Angioma
red central body radiating spiderlike legs that blanch with pressure

cause: liver disease, vitamin B deficiency, idiopathic
Venous Star
bluish spider, linear or irregularly shaped, does not blanch with pressure

cause: increased pressure in superficial veins
fine irregular red line

cause: dilation of capillaries
Capillary hermangioma
red irregular macular patches

cause: dilation of dermal capillaries
macule: localized changes in skin color less than 1 cm in diameter

ex. freckle
a flat, circumscribed area that is a change in the color of skin; less than 1 cm in diameter

ex. freckles, flat moles, petechiae, measles, scarlet fever
flat, nonpalpable,localized changes in skin color greater than 1 cm in diameter

ex. vitiligo, stage 1 of pressure ulcer
solid, elevated lesion less than 1 cm in diameter

ex. warts, elevated nevi
solid, elevated lesion greater than 1 cm in diameter

ex. psoriasis
solid, elevated, extend deeper than papules into the dermis or subcutaneous tissues, 1-2cm

ex. lipoma, erythema nodosum, cyst
elevated and solid lesion, may or may not be clearly demarcated; deeper in dermis; greater than 2 cm in diameter

ex. neoplasms, benign tumor, lipoma, hemangioma
localized edema in the epidermis causing irregular elevation that may be pale or red

ex. insect bite or hive
accumulation of fluid between the upper layers of the skin; elevated mass containing serous fluid; less than 1 cm

ex. herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chickenpox
same as vesicle only greater than 1 cm

ex. contact dermatitis, large second degree burns, bulbous impetigo, pemphigus
vesicle or bullae that become filled with pus, usually describes as less than 0.5cm

ex. acne, impetigo, furuncles, carbuncles, folliculitis
encapsulated fluid filled or semi solid mass in the subcutaneous tissue or dermis

ex. sebaceous cyst, epidemoid cyst
flaking of the skins surface

ex. dandruff, psoriasis, xerosis
layers of skin become thickened and rough as result of rubbing over a prolonged period of time

ex. chronic contact dermatitis
fibrous tissue that replaces dermal tissue after injury

ex. surgical incision
irregular shaped, elevated, progressively, enlarging scar, grows beyond the boundaries of the wound, caused by excessive collagen formation during healing.

ex. burn scar
loss of the epidermis; linear hollowed out crusted area

ex. abrasion or scratch, scabies
linear crack or break from the epidermis to the dermis; may be moist or dry

ex. athletes foot
loss of part of the epidermis; depressed, moist, glistening, follows rupture of a vesicle or bulla

ex. varicella, variola after rupture
loss of epidermis and dermis; concave, varies in size
dried serum, blood, pus on the surface of the skin

ex. impetigo
thinning of skin surface and loss of skin markings; skin translucent and paper like

ex. striae, aged skin
individual, seperate, and distinct

ex. insect bites
lesions are clustered

ex. herpes simplex
lesions merge and run together

ex. childhood exanthema
lesion that form a line

ex. poison ivy
lesions arranged in a circular pattern

ex. ringworm
lesions arranged in concentric circles

ex. eruptions from drug reactions
scattered over the body
ex. measles
linear arrangement along a nerve root

ex. herpes zoster
Correct nail angles
160 degrees or less
clubbing of nail
more than 160 degrees
Optimal nutrition
nutrients are taken in to meet daily bodily needs and enough additional to support the body in times of metabolic stress
nutrient intake is inadequate to meet bodily needs or nutritional reserves are depleated
excess intake of nutrients, more than body needs. especially calories, sodium, fat
% of Obesity
adolescents- 12%
Birth Weight of Infants
double birth weight at four months, triple at 1 yr.
Aging Adult
prone to undernutrition

contributors: poor physical/mental health, alcoholism, functional ability, poverty
Decrease in calories needs at age 51
200 calories a day
Decrease in calorie needs at age 75
500 calories a day
Nutritional Information to collect
eating habits, wt. and wt. history, changes in appetite, taste, smell, recent surgery, trauma, chronic illness, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, allergies, medications, self care behaviors, illegal drug use, exercise patters, family history
Order of Examination
inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation
process of observation, gait and stance, eye contact, demeanor, difficulty getting undresses, verbal statements, body language
involves the use of hands, fingers to gain information. Look for position, texture, size, consistency, masses, fluid, crepitus.
Ulnar surface of hand
distinguishes vibration
Dorsal surface of hand
best for comparing temperature of body parts
Light palpation
1 cm deep
Deep palpation
4 cm deep
striking one against another
loudest percussion sound
Other percussion sounds include
hyperresonance, resonance, dullness, flatness
Diaphragm of stethoscope
high pitched sounds
Bell of stethoscope
low pitched sounds
Characteristics of sound
intensity, pitch, duration, quality
Cultural Competence
cultural awareness, knowledge, skill, encounter
own way of life, values, belief is most desirable. May view others with superiority
Cultural assessment
process professional interactions, etiquette, perception of space/distance, gender
Cultural characteristics
learned at birth, socialization process and language, related to environmental and technical factors and resources
Universal Phenomenon
no two cultures are alike, yet may be similar. ALL PEOPLE ARE BORN, LIVE and DIE within cultural context
large groups of people within a culture

factors: ethnicity, religion, health related characteristics, gender, sexual preference
Cultural Values
desirable or undesirable state of affairs
Cultural Norms
rules by which human behavior is governed,many times is not specifically articulated.
Dominant Value Orientation
shared because of early life experiences
have little choice over genetic
people exist with nature
are to overcome the environment and natural forces
Purpose of Existence: Being
spontaneous expression of impulses, integral to existence
Purpose of Existence: Being in becoming
detachment, inner control, mediation desire to realize the self
Purpose of Existence: doing
active striving and accomplishment, externally applied standards
Purpose of Existence: Lineal
ordered succession continuity, may seek help from family and allow others to make decisions
Purpose of Existence: collateral
group goals: family honor is most important than personal goal.
Nuclear Family
husband, wife, children
concerned with the mysteries of life

ex. life vs. death, pain and suffering
an effort to find meaning
organized system of beliefs concerning, cause, nature, purpose of the universe, especially belief in or the worship of god or gods
Assessment of Spirituality
patient satisfaction with life, future plans, purpose of life, harmony between self and life, religious activities, degree of involvement with religion
Nurses assessment of self spirituality
helps to gain and maintain the necessary spirituality to help patients face own crisis
Seven Developmental Stages of Faith
primal- infancy
Intuitive Faith
projective faith, early childhood imagination, perception, and feelings involves positive and negative powers
Mythic/ Liberal Faith
development of logical thinking, understand world order and meaning of life
conventional faith-adolescent and beyond, personal, unreflective
reflective stage, young adulthood, critical reflection on values and beliefs, understanding self and social systems, choices made about ideology, and life style
Conjunctive Faith
mid life and beyond, realized multiple interpretations of reality, reinterpretation of life and appreciation of symbols
Universalizing Faith
midlife and beyond, oneness with the power of being, visionary, devotes self to overcoming oppression and division
Functions of the Skin
protective covering for the body, structure and physiologic processes, protects against microbial and foreign substance invasion, retards fluid loss, regulates body temp., sensory perception, produces Vit D, excretes sweat, urea, lactic acid, express emotions
outermost portion of the skin- avascular.

2 major layers: stratum corneum, cellular stratum, basement membrane.
Statum Corneum
protects body
Cellular Stratum
keratin cells are synthesized
Basement membrane
connects cellular stratum to dermis for nutrition
separates epidermis from subcutaneous tissue. vascular and nourishes epidermal cells.
Purpose of elastin, collage, reticulin fibers
provide stability and resilence
Sensory fibers
complex network for pain, touch, temperature
Autonomic motor nerves
innervate blood vessels, glands, arrectres pilorum muscles
connects dermis to underlying organs, composed of loose connective tissue with fatty cells
Adipose Tissue
provides insulation, shock absorption and caloric reserves
Eccrine sweat glands
skin surface, regulate body temperature
Apocrine sweat glands
found only in axillae, nipples, areola, anogenital area, eyelids, external ears
Sebaceous glands
secrete sebum, lipid rich, keeps skin and hair from drying out
Sex hormones
regulated the secretory activity
supplies nourishment
provide color
Vellus Hair
short, soft, non pigmented
Terminal Hair
longer, thicker, pigmented
Stages of Hair growth


cuticle layer of skin covering nail root
soft tissue surround nail border
Inspection of skin
color, uniform appearance, thickness, symmetry, hygiene, lesions
Palpation of Skin
moisture, temperature, texture, turgor, mobility

lesions for depression, elevation
Turgor and Mobility of Skin
Pinch at clavicle
space between the buccal mucosa ad the outer surface of the teeth and gums
hangs from posterior margin on soft palate
How is the tongue anchored to the floor of the mouth?
fibrous tissue covered by mucous membrane attached directly to alveolar surface
Inspection and Palpation of Mouth
look for horizontal and vertical symmetry, movement of CN nerve 7, edema, lesions, look at border of lips and the rest of facial skin
Inspection of teeth
close mouth and ask to clench teeth, color, condition, number
Inspection of Gingiva
color-pink to coral, tight margin at tooth, sharp papillae
Buccal Mucosa
pale pink, smooth clear saliva, occlusion line

landmark: parotid duct
Hard and Soft pallate
Hard- pale immovable with transverse rugae

Soft-pink, small red dots on surface, movable, symmetric with elevation CN 9 and 10
landmarks: anterior and posterior pillars, symmetrical, uvula midline, tonsils
Function of nose and sinuses
identification of odors, passageway for inspired and expired air, humidification, warmth of inspired air, filtration
Two bones that form the nasal bridge
frontal and maxillary bones
Kiesselback's Plexus
convergence of small fragile arteries and veins located superficially on anterior superior portion of septum
Cribiform Plate
houses sensory endings of olfactory nerve, lies on roof of nose
Function of Inferior medial and superior turbinates
increase surface area of nose to warm, humidify, filter air
How is the meatus named?
meatus below is named for turbinate above
Palpation of nose
stability of nasal bridge, patency of nares, nasal mucosa,
Bluish gray, pale pink swollen vestibule or turbinates
due to allergies
What is the neck composed of?
muscles, ligaments, cervical vertebrae
Landmarks of the neck
anterior, posterior triangles, mid clavicular notch
Alimentary tract
tube approx. 27 feet long. extends from mouth to anus
Function of alimentary tract
ingest and digest food, absorb nutrients, electrolytes, and water, execrete wast products
moves the products of digestion along, under autonomic control
10 inches long, collapsible, connects pharynx to stomach
flask shaped, lies transversely in upper abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm
Three sections of abdomin
fundus-above and left of cardiac orifice
body-mid 2/3
pylorus-most distal portion narrows and terminates in pyloric orifice
Small intestine
21 feet long

duodenum-12 inches long forms "C" around head of pancreas

jejunum-8ft long, becomes larger and thicker

ileum-remaining 12 ft.
Function of ileocecal valve
prevents back flow of fecal material
Where does digestion take place?
small intestine
Large intestine
4-5 ft. long, water absorption, putrefication of fead bacteria, undigested food residue, cellular debris, unabsorped amino acids
upper right quadrant, below diaphragm, heaviest organ in body, 3 lbs. in adult, highly vascularized
Function of Liver
metabolizing carbs, fats, proteins. stores vitamins, iron, detoxifies, produces antibodies, proteins
sac like pear shaped organ about 4 inches long.

concentrates and stores bile from the liver.
behind and beneath stomach, enzymes break down protein, fats and carbs
Upper left quadrant above kidney
rt. kidney is slightly lower than left, regulates total body volume of fluid, produces renin
Muscles of the abdomin
anterior- recti abdomini
laterally-external and internal obliques
linea alba-line done center of abdomin
Vasculature of abdomin
at umbillicus the aorta branches into two common iliac arteries: splenic and renal
Bluish periumbillical region
intra-abdominal bleeding
Bowel sounds
5-34 per minute, if absent listen for five minutes
Iliopsoas Test
Hand on lower rt. thigh. ask pt. to raise and flex thigh, give resistance.

positive if pain in lower rt. quadrant
Obturator Test
suspected ruptured appendix or pelvic abcess.

pain in hypogastric area is positive
Anterior portion of lungs
sternum, manubrium, xyphoid process, coastal cartilage
Lateral portion of lungs
12 pairs of ribs
Posterior Portion of lungs
12 throacic vertebrae

upper 7-attached to sternum
next 3-attached to eachother
last 2- not attached
Primary muscles of respiration
diaphragm and intercostals
Which direction does the diaphragm move during inspiration?
Three major spaces of interior chest
rt. lt. pleural cavity, mediastinum
How many lobes are in each lung?
10-11 cm long, 2 cm diameter, lies anterior to esophogus and posterior to isthmus of thyroid
Bronchial arteries
branch from ant. thoracic aorta to intercostal arteries, supplies blood to lung parenchyma and stroma
supporting tissue
functional tissue
Landmarks of the lungs
nipples, manubriosternal junction, suprasternal notch, costal angle, clavicles
intervals of apnea followed by crescendo/decrescendo. END OF LIFE BREATHING
rapid, deep breathing

metabolic acidosis
Pleural friction rub
palpable coarse grating vibration on inspiration
air in subcutaneous spaces
Tactile fremitus
palpable vibration of chest wall. speak 99
Decreased of absent femitus
excess air in lungs, pleural thickening, massive pulmonary edema, bronchial obstruction
Increased fremitus
fluids or solid mass, lung consolidation, heavy non obstructive bronchial secretions
Diaphragmatic excursion
deeply inhale and mark fully exhale and mark. 3-5cms
Vesicular lung sounds
heard over lung fields. low pitch, soft, short exp.
main bronchus, over rt. upper post lung field
trachea, high pitch, loud, long exp.
Adventitious sounds
crackles or rales, rhonchi, wheezes, friciton rubs
Cause of rale or crackles
passage of air through small airways that are sticky due to mucus fluid