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72 Cards in this Set

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Gov gen of bengal + 4 exec members

Regulating act 1773

SC est @ Calcutta [1+3 judges]

Reg act 1773

No pvt trade, bribes or presents

Reg act 1773

Court of Directors

Reg act 1773

Gov gen-in council made highest appellate body

Amending act 1781

Distinguish commercial & political functions of co

Pitts india act 1784

Board of Control established

Pitts india act 1784

Abolish trade monopoly in India

Charter act 1813

Except for trade in tea and with China

Allowed Christian missionaries into india

Charter act 1813

1st instance of British acknowledging colonial rule

Pitts india act 1784

Introduce western edu

Charter act 1813

British crown Sovereignty over cos territories

Charter act 1813

Gov general also to be commander in chief

Cornwallis act 1786

Overiding power of gov gen over his council

Cornwallis act 1786

Govt at local level empowered

Charter act 1813

Gov gen of India (with civil, military and leg power)

Charter act 1833

Deprived gov of bombay and madras of leg power

Charter act 1833

EIC now purely administrational, no more commercial body

Charter act 1833

New 6 member leg council of india under gov gen

Charter act 1853

Out of 6; 4 from leg bodies of Bombay, Bengal, Madras and Agra

Covenated civil service opened to Indians

Charter act 1853

Est Crown Rule + Viceroy

Goi act 1858

Abolish Court of directors and Board of Control

Goi act 1858

Secretary for State of India in british parliament

Goi act 1858

Inroduce Indians in Viceroys legislative councils

IC act 1861

3 of 16; sir dinkar rao, raja of benaras and maharaja of patiala

Restored legislative powers of Bombay and Madras

IC act 1861

Est of leg assemblies of Bengal, NWFP and Punjab

IC act 1861

Portfolio system introduced

IC act 1861

Power to issue ordinance to viceroy

IC act 1861

Increase non official members in both central and provincial but official majority retained

IC act 1892

Introduce indirect elections at both levels

IC Act 1892

Official majority at centre but non official majority allowed in provinces

IC act 1909 morley minto

Separate electorate for Muslims, presidency corp, chamber of commerce, universities and zamindars

Ic act 1909 morley minto

Indian in viceroys executive council

IC act 1909 morley minto

Satyendra Prasad Sinha

More autonomy to provinces

Goi act 1919 montford

Dyarchy in provinces

Goi act 1919 montford

Reserved and Transferred list

Bicameralism in central legislature

Goi act 1919, montford

Upper- council of states (60)

Lower- central leg assembly (145)

Direct election for central leg.

Goi 1919, montford

3 of 8 members in Viceroys exec council to be Indians

Goi 1919, montford

New High Commissioner for India @ London

Goi 1919, montford

New Central Public Service Commission

Goi 1919, montford

In 1926

Separate electorate for Sikhs, European, AngloIndians and Christians

Goi 1919, montford

Separate provincial and central budgets

Goi 1919, montford

Separation of leg power into 3 lists

Goi 1935

Abolish dyarchy in provinces

Goi 1935

Est All india federation

Goi 1935

Never formed

Applied dyarchy @ centre

Goi 1935

Never implemented

Abolish secretary for state of india in council of 16 members

Goi 1935

Bicameralism in 6 of 11 provinces

Goi 1935


Extended Franchise to 10% population

Goi 1935


Goi 1935


Est provincial PSC + Federal PSC and Joint PSC

Goi 1935

Federal court @ Delhi [now SC]

Goi 1935

Est 1937

Regulating Act 1773

Warren Hastings

Amending Act 1781

Warren Hastings

Pitts India Act 1784

Warren Hasting

Cornwallis Act


Charter act 1793

John Shore

Charter Act 1813

Minto I

Charter Act 1833

William Bentick

Charter Act 1853


Govt of India Act 1858


Indian Councils Act 1861


Indian Councils Act 1892


Indian Council Act 1909

Minto II; Morley Minto reform

Govt of India Act 1919

Chelmsford; Montagu Chelmsford (Montford) reform

Govt of India Act 1935


Indian Independence act 1947


First Governor General of Bengal?

Warren Hastings 1773

First Governor General of India?

William Bentick 1833

First Viceroy of India?

Canning 1858

First Secretary for State of India?

Stanley 1858

Last Secretary for state of India?

Listowel 1947