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90 Cards in this Set

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High-Hazard Flammable Trains (HHFT) are trains that transport:

multiple low pressure tank cars containing ethanol, crude oil, and other Class 3 products

Fire control should always be considered a priority at pipeline incidents because:

most products transported by pipeline are flammable or combustible

Cargo tank specifications are usually found on the:

roadside/driver's side of the vehicle near the landing gear

The stress expreienced by containers is influenced by the material's:

state of matter

Psi is a common measure of:


Coal, sand, and gravel are most likely to be transported in which type of railroad car?

Uncovered hopper cars

Vents, fill points, and occupancy types are visual clues to the presence of:

underground storage tanks

Why should PPE be evaluated for effectiveness during incients involving ton containers?

Products stored in ton containers are often highly toxic and corrosive

A breach:

occures when a container is stresse beyond its limits of recovery

The dispersion patterns of liquids:

are dependent on the product and the container

The most common intermodal tank used in transportation is the:

low pressure intermodal tank

At a hazmat incident, exposures encompass:

people, animals, property, and the enviornment

New pressure tank cars have greater accident protection features and will withstand greater damage without leaking because they:

are significantly heavier than old cars

Multiple compartments are likely to be found in:

nonpressure cargo tank trucks

If other containers are involved in a wreck or derailment with cryogenic containers, leaks from crygenic containers may cause the:

failure of other containers due to cold stress

Which tank car marking shows the volume of the car?

Capacity stencil

Energy release, corrosivity and toxicity are the three:

mechanisms of harm

Which type of tanks typically release their products as gases adn vapors during rapid release events, slow leaks from their valves and fittings, or violent ruptures?

Pressure tanks

A common sequence of events generally occurs at hazmat incidents, starting with stress to a container, and ending in:


Why are materials shipped in cryogenic liquid tank cars tracked as time sensitive?

The combination of insulation and vacuum only protects the contaents from ambient temperatures for 30days

Which type of tank truck is used for local delivery of liquefied petroleum gas and anhydrous ammonia?

High pressure "Bobtail Tanks"

A pressure__________device is an engineered valve used to control the pressure in a system or vessel.


First responders can get specification information from the railroad shipper, car owner, or the Association of American Railroads, by using the:

reporting marks

The shape of an intermodal tank container:

should be considered in conjunction with container markings or shipping papers to identify the container's contents

By recognizing distinctive railroad cars, first responders can:

begin the identification process from the greatest distance possible

GEMBO is a model used to:

describe how hazardous materials are accidentlly released from their containers and how they behave after that release

Mechanical stress may:

change the shape of the container

In addition to hazardous materials such as organic peroxides and reactive solids, nonhazardous materials such as wine and other alcoholic beverages are transported by:

low pressure tank cars

The material's state of matter will affect the stress eperienced by the:


If a BLEVE occurs in a pressure container, the dispersion patter will most likely be:


A material's __________ will influence how a container behaves when damaged or ruptured.

chemical and physical properties

Which type of radioactive materials packaging is used to transport materials with low levels of radioactivity and present no risk to the public and enviornment?


Typcally, metal drums carry:

flammables and solvents

Which type of release is the instantaneous and explosive release of stored chemical energy of a hazardous material?


Pressure intermodal tanks:

usually transport liquefied gases under pressure

Y cylinders/ Y ton containers:

are often used for refrigerants

Type B packaging:

must be able to withstand severe acident conditions without releaseing their contents

The initial survey should answer questions about:

the hazardous materials involved and how they are likely to behave

GEMBO assumes three common elements of hazmat incidents, including hazardous materials, exposures, and :

containers that have failed

Container stress is caused by:

thermal, chemical, and mechaical energy

Runaway cracking:

breaks the container into two or more relatively large pieces or large tears

A cryogenic container maintains cold temerpatures thorugh the use of:

insulating materials and a vacuum space etween the two container walls

Rather than being damaged by the physical properties of the materials contained in them, most solids containers will be damaged via:

Mechanical stressors

Strong odors such as rotten eggs or petroleum smells ay be an indication of:

a pipeline leak and/or rupture

Liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen are most likely to be held in:

cryogenic liquid tanks

What type of tank is comonly used for bulk storage in conjunction with fuel dispensing operations?


Large and bulky double shelling ad heavy insulation is a characteristic of:

cryogeni tank trucks

Short-term contact occurs over the course of:

minuts or hours

Flexible intermodal bulk containers are often made of:

fabric and other textiles

Factors such as the hazards present, the concentration of the material, and the duration of contact should be considered when evaluation the:

severity of exposures

Hazardous solids are transorted in:

dry bulk cargo trailers

Most commonly corrosive liquid tanks are inolved in releases such as:

liquid spills or leaks

A large plastic or glass bottle encased in a basket or box primarily used to store and transport corrosive liquids is a:


Pipeline Pigs

allow a pipeline to carry multiple products separately

The type and extent of breach depends upon:

the type of container and the stress applied

Asphalt and milk are examples of:

nonregulated hazards

Where are intermodal containers likely to be found?

Rail, highway and ship

What type of tank would typically carry acetyl chloride, hydrochloric acid, or sodium hydroxide?


Releases are classified according to:

how fast they occur

Common breaches of solids-holding containers include:

punctures, splits, and tears

What type of dispersion patter involves a triangular-shaped pattern with a point source at teh breach and a wide base downrange?


Which type of container includes two valves- one to the vapor space and the other to the liquid space

ton container

Which statement is true of international intermodal markings?

Reporting marks are generally found on the right hand side of the container when you face it from either the sides or the end

Which type of container can be either flexible or rigid and is often called a tote?

intermediate bulk container

Compressed-gas/tube trailers:

transport individual stel cylinders stacked and mounted together

Where would a responder find reporting marks on a tank car?

On both sides (to the left when facing the side of the car) and both ends (upper center) of the tank

What type of dispersion patter involves an irregularly shaped patter of an airborne hazardous material where wind and/or topography influence the downrange course fromthe point of release?


Flammable and combustible liquids are typically stored in __________ tanks.

low pressure


to make an opening in a structural obstacle without compromising the overall integrity of the wall to allow access into or out of a structure for rescue, hoseline operations, ventilation, or to perform other function

Capacity Stencil

Number stencled on the exterior of a tank car to indicate the volume of the tank "Load Limit Markng"


Ball-shaped pattern of an airborne hazardous material where the material has collectively risen above the ground or water at a hazardous materials incident


Triangular-shaped pattern of an airborne hazardous material released with a point source at teh breach and a wise base downrange

Confined Space

Space or enclosed area not intended for continuous occupation, having limited (restricted access) openings for entry or exit, providing unfavorable natural ventilation and the potential to have a toxic, explosive, or oxygen deficient atmosphere

Dedicated Tank Car

Rail tank car that is speck to meet particular parameters unique to the product including pressure relief device, valves, fittings, and attachments


All metal container designed for the movement of small quantities of cyrogenic liquids within a facility, not designated or intended to meet Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements for the transportation of cryogenic materials


Dispersion of material as defined in the General Emergency Behavior Model (GEBMO)

Excepted Packaging

Container used for transportation of materials that have very limited radioactivity

General Emergency Behavior Model (GEBMO)

Model used to describe how hazardous materials are accidentally released from their containers and how they behave after the release

Head Pressure

Pressure exerted by a stationary column of water directly proportional to the height of the column

Hemispheric Release

Semicircular or dome-shaped pattern of airborne hazardous material that is still partially in contact with the ground or water

High Hazard Flammable Trains (HHFT)

Trains that have a continuous block of twenty or more tank cars located with a flammable liquid or thirtyfive or more cars loaded with a flammable liquid dispersed through a train

Intermodal Container

Freight containers designed and constructed to be used interchangeable in two or more modes of transport

Limits Of Recovery

A container's design strength or ability to hold contents at pressure


Irregularly shaped pattern of an airborne hazardous material where wind and or topography influence the downrange course from the point of release

Pressure Relief Device (PRD)

An engineered valve or other device used to control or limit the pressure in a syste or vessel often by venting excess pressure

Railcar Initials and Numbers

Combination of letters and numbers stenciled on rail tank cars that maybe used to get information about the car's contents from the railroad's computer or the shipper

Refrigerated Intermoal Container

Cargo container having its own refrigeration unit also known as a Reefer

Ring Stiffener

Circumferential tank chell stiffener that helps to maintain the tank cross section

Size Up

Ongoing evaluation of influential factors at the scene of an incident

Specification Marking

stencil on the exterior of a tank car indicating the standards to which the tank car was built